Profile For Lisa H.

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    10 years, 7 months ago

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Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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How much strength is required?

I was just wondering do you have to lift so much pounds to pass a CDL physical or when u go to a company u have to show them u can lift 50 pounds.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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It's been 20 years since I drove big rig

Welcome Lisa !!! Its good to have you here, and we'll help you all we can. I hope you have gotten into the High Road Training...if not..heres a link High Road Training Program...this will help you with getting your permit, and REALLY help you when you head to never hurts to have to much information...You don't say where you live, so I have no idea what companies to comment on. But if you are looking for a team gig, that will narrow it down some...and what kind of freight you want to haul...dry box, reefer, etc. So I think to make things a little easier, you need to do a search for trucking companies that train, and that team,. Then you contact them !! I'm sure that you can hook up with another lady driver who wants to team.... Keep us in the loop....its always nice to watch a lady driver get out there and start her adventure!!! And WELCOME to TT and the Ladies of Trucking forum !!

Thank you all I am Loving this website. Yes I have been on High Road Training Program. I love it so much info and test are great power tools. The only thing I am haven problem with is the new DOT Physical that went in to affect in May this year. I am either over reaction on it or just thinking about it to much what to do. I guess if i want to Continue taken them I have to get a letter from my doctor. For anxiety. Does all companies make u do a sleep study if u r BMI is over . I see that prime does that. So with all that said I have to put off school in till I have my sleep study done at end of August. Things sure have changed in 20 years. I am from Missouri. ..

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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It's been 20 years since I drove big rig


Trying to get back on horse not sure what to do first. Study for CDL. Take test. Don't I have to take the driven test to get my License. Then picking a company . Not sure what to do. I drive for Prime 20 yrs ago. For owner operator. Looking at Millis also. I live in Missouri. I want to have a leg up with haven license and my dot physical done.


Hi Lisa and welcome! I can't give you direction in most things, but I would say definitely study for the CDL and get your permit before school. Millis has a training school close to where I live and I did talk to a recruiter there a few weeks ago. They currently have no female trainers so if that is important to you you might want to reconsider. Not even like there was a long wait to get a female trainer, they just don't have any. Good luck!

Thank you for the info. I been going over different companys in my area. Let me tell u I still cant pick one to go with. Prime, conway,RBX Not sure which one to pick. I am looking to run team with female for at least 6 months to make sure I am ready to be on my own. Since its been 20 years ago I drove and a lot has changed. RBX was everthing I wanted but they are all solo drivers and team is for only 8 weeks out of school. And they dont go to New York Or California. So I guess I am back at looking again. I have lots of time school starts Aug 11th.

Posted:  10 years, 7 months ago

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It's been 20 years since I drove ..

Thank you nomad I have pIcked a school. C1 TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL in Strafford Missouri. Anyone gone to that one on here. Not sure on the company I want to go with after. Prime or Knight or Conway.

Posted:  10 years, 7 months ago

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My time at PRIME.

Will I get paid during this 40000 miles . For 3 months.

Posted:  10 years, 7 months ago

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My time at PRIME.

Can anyone tell me if I have my CDL and DOT. Physical done at school. And want to come to prime. Do I gave to pay $100. Fee and will I go out with a driver right away to start my on the road training. Since I went to school already will I have to do any test when complete the driven over road. Will I get paid while on road training. How long fo u stay out for this.

Posted:  10 years, 7 months ago

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It's been 20 years since I drove big rig

Trying to get back on horse not sure what to do first. Study for CDL. Take test. Don't I have to take the driven test to get my License. Then picking a company . Not sure what to do. I drive for Prime 20 yrs ago. For owner operator. Looking at Millis also. I live in Missouri. I want to have a leg up with haven license and my dot physical done.

Posted:  10 years, 7 months ago

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It's been 20 years since I drove ..

It's been 20 years since I drove a truck. My son now is all grown and husband can't drive and it's up to me to be bread winner. I want to get back into driven looking to find a company that I can do schooling and get paid when driving. I live in Missouri. Did drive for Prime . I need to make money not sure about getting back on horse. I love trucking and miss it. Anyone have ideals.

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