Comments By Steve L. avatar
  • Steve L.
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Posted:  1 year, 3 months ago

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New career

Nothing wrong with looking for a new career, but ask yourself this;

If you were going to spend $150,000-$200,000 on buying a truck, would you hire a guy that has no experience and send him out on the road?

Others will chime in with more detail, but I would ABSOLUTELY NOT start your own trucking business right now, which is what you're asking.

If you wanna drive, go be a company driver first.

Good luck!

Posted:  1 year, 3 months ago

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Florida Truckers Institute New Port Richey FL

Thank you Old School! I was thinking much the same thing as I read it this morning. I am so grateful I came here before going to Truck Driving School.

I went to a private school, paid the tuition and did the reimbursement thing. My school had those rickety old day cabs and 48' trailers. No complaints from me. It wasn't a perfect scenario, but it was what I needed to accomplish my objectives.

Yeah, I laughed when the dude tries to make his passing the test sound like no big deal. I'm pretty sure we've all seen many people not able to pass, even at the best training facilities. So yeah, let's see; basically he taught himself, drove whenever he felt like it, no supervision and still he managed to pass the test. WOW!

Again Old School, I'm grateful to the TT site AND YOU! thank-you.gif thank-you.gif

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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Trucking's Cyclical Nature

Very true Steve!

Most of what I call the quitters are very small operators who finally realize the cards are stacked against them. We've seen some larger operations struggling lately. It used to be that a business could borrow its way through a difficult down cycle, but now borrowed money has gotten too costly. When you add in the interest expense incurred, nowadays it tips the scales in favor of departure rather than simple endurance.

I hope your optimism proves true but, I agree with Davy that this is likely to last longer.

I believe (only my opinion) it’ll last longer because the powers that be ARE NOT interested in solutions, rather their political agendas and keeping their power.

I hope I’m wrong, but fear I’m not.

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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Trucking's Cyclical Nature

I want to try to encourage those of you who are frustrated with trucking right now. We've been in a downturn for a while, but I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel. We are in a time period of excess capacity. Simply put, that means there are more trucks available than freight that needs moving.

A business environment like this pushes driver demand down, puts downward pressure on wages, and cuts into already narrow profit margins for the employers. None of those things enrich the life of a trucker. Never fear... the cyclical nature of this business means this downturn is basically unsustainable.

Do you remember how things were booming for us during the plandemic? Way too many people were at home purchasing goods. There was a shortage of capacity which created demand for drivers, put upward pressure on wages, and helped produce better operating ratios for trucking investors.

Upward ticks in the cycle are followed by downward ticks. The reverse of that holds true also. We are nearing the time when carriers will start baling out. We're already seeing early signs of this. The upcoming winter will produce more quitters, and I honestly think by next summer things will look much brighter.

Hang in there drivers and trucking investors. Another wave of good times is rolling in.

And if you work for one of the quitters, hopefully they’ll sell and you’ll still have a job. 🤔

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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Electric truck alternatives

First of all, the politicians

You could’ve stopped right there. If the politicians cared about solving problems or were any good at it, wouldn’t those career politicians, that have “served” for decades, have solved more of them?

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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RV Transport

I agree with Old School and it sounds like you're planning to do the same as anyone else who comes straight out of truck driving school and becoming an owner/operator of a trucking company. Or, the same as the person who graduates from college, with an accounting degree and thinks they'll go straight into owning a profitable business.

You may succeed in your idea, but just know the odds are stacked heavily against you.

Try Old School's advice for better odds.

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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CDL Training - Company and Schools Not Responding - Tips?

Rick, I understand and I'm sorry for your loss. I hope this next phase brings you better times. I sincerely mean that. I sensed you weren't trying to hide anything and I do understand your loss is not really any of my business. Thanks for sharing that.

Going forward, I would recommend you get to work anywhere. While I understand you are seeking a truck driving job, please get yourself back into a work environment, and schedule. There are probably plenty of jobs that pay crap, but if you're willing to do it, that gives you something generating income plus it gets your body and mind back into a work routine.

You don't know if you're going to get a trucking job, so why put all your eggs in that one basket? Frankly, you don't even know that you're going to like it once you're in it. If you start working now at, say Lowe's, Home Depot, or a fast food place, nobody's gonna hold it against you if you suddenly have to give notice due to a truck driving job offer. Plus, if the trucking thing doesn't materialize, at least you have something to give you spending cash.

Whatever you decide, I wish you the best. But I'm also a firm believer that 95% of success is just showing up. Are you?

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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CDL Training - Company and Schools Not Responding - Tips?

Rick, sorry to hear this. But, this is why some of the Moderators here often say "there's got to be more to the story."

In your original post, you said;

I have a fairly solid work history, and no criminal record/driving offenses.

Now you mention;

being unemployed since February of this year was a no-go for them.

Have you used the Trucking Truth One App?

I'm thinking that 9 month period of not working is probably one of the reasons other companies haven't responded. You might need to consider companies you wouldn't normally apply to and stay humble.

Good luck!

Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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CDL Training - Company and Schools Not Responding - Tips?


Stay humble and patient. When things on one day seem insurmountable, remember that feeling is temporary and in a year, whatever the obstacle is won't matter.


Posted:  1 year, 4 months ago

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Not taking students from my area? Trying to get training.

You said;

There are CDL schools and some places who do internships.

If there are schools in your area, why not talk to them to find out who hires from their school? Even if you can't afford to pay for the school, they can't stay in business if they don't find people jobs. I graduated from a Truck Driving School and every company that sent recruiters in, had tuition reimbursement programs. One (I believe it was Stevens Transportation) had an agreement with the school that (if they hired you), they'd pay the reimbursement out monthly and they'd pay the balance off if you stayed with them two full years.

Private school may not be everyone's best choice, but it's possible it might be the best option for you. It was for me, at the time.

As the others said, keep pressing on if you really want this.

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