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  • Buttercup
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Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Swift it a luck of the draw thing?

Just curious as I already am pretty set on Prime but in case I don't meet their standards (they seem pretty picky in their selecting new students once you arrive for orientation)... I contacted Swift weeks ago and put in an application. My recruiter was supposed to send out a link with a username and password, for 'at home training'. Well after calling her multiple times, she just never followed up with actually registering me. She sent the links for the websites, sends the automated emails almost daily. But never returned half my calls anyhow. I am just wondering if I can find a different recruiter later on if by chance things don't work out with Prime? Has anyone had to do this?

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Fears on the Road

We had the same cyclist thing locally. Foreign exchange student came upon a truck turning right onto the interstate ramp. As i believe, the cyclist just didn't stop for the turning truck. I don't believe the driver faced charges but there's a ghost bike on the fence at that light as a grim reminder of what can happen.

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Prime orientation 5/22, more questions...

That sounds great! Hope you meet you ladies soon!

Yep, I'm scheduled to start orientation on the 23rd. I'm coming in with a CDL so I guess that's why I'm on a different schedule, but I'd love to meet you!

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Prime orientation 5/22, more questions...


Which terminal are you going to?

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Prime orientation 5/22, more questions...

Because everyone loves questions. lol

For those who have gone through this, what was the interview process like? I'm excited to go. Just wondering what questions to expect, is it a big deal? Or just a basic breeze through your criminal and work history?

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Prime and employment history

There's a story behind that handle, when I was a little gal, my parents couldn't afford a phone at times. I used the CB to reach my grandma to ask her if I could to over to visit. 'Buttercup' was my handle 30 years ago 😂

Since other Primates have already answered, I have to add something completely unrelated to the topic at hand but everything to do with your handle: SUCK IT UP!!

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Prime and employment history

Right, thats understandable. I do have 3 employers in the last 5 years. We'll see if that's a dealbreaker or not. I've 'followed the money' in regards to my employment. I left one dealer to go to another on the offer of more money. My prior employer apparently missed me so I went back when they, in turn, offered a greater commission package. That may bite me. 😕

They even accepted a screen shot of my direct deposits into my bank account. But keep in mind...I was at the same job for 18 years. Job hopping is frowned upon cause they don't want to invest in training you only to have you leave them.

I think that is their main concern when it comes to work history. Reliability and stability.. I met quite a few people at orientation who literally went from orientation to orientation. One guy said he left one company and had prime get him a bus ticket that day. He was gone by the end of the week.

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Prime and employment history

Thank you! I have plenty of pay stubs and W-2's 😂 I'm not going to sweat it then. I'll call him tomorrow and tell him I had an error in dates but I can provide corrected info easily. I'll probably text my two old bosses from 2012-2015 to let him know they will be calling.

I'm excited! I can't wait to leave! I was all set to do this years ago (have wanted to since my 'adopted' grandfather took me on his runs long ago) but when I told my father what I was doing he practically laughed me out of the house. I went on to manage a parts dept at a blue oval dlr Being a parts jockey is not what I want to do the rest of my life though.

They are only going to really want I think 3-5 yrs . bring copies of your W2 and a few weeks of recent pat stubs.

USPS wouldn't voice verify...they have a paid system and prime didn't bother. I gave them pay stubs, W2, a couple awards I won over the years and my benefits settlement showing I worked there since the 1990s. If you have anything "official" they will take it.

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Prime and employment history

I know my prior employers wouldn't blink an eye over giving references and employment dates. Just my current one. And the year error would be an understandable issue, should they view it as such. Though it was an honest mistake on my part.

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Prime and employment history

Yeah, I'm almost exactly a year off. Ugh. I thought one employer was until 2012, but it was 2013. It threw me off a year. I'm just going to call the recruiter tomorrow and cross my fingers.

I wouldn't worry if you are a month or two off on a job several years ago. They did call one reference on me (most recent), but they just asked me for some w-2s from my job to verify employment.

For my wife's verification she had to provide a reference for some years she wasn't employeed just so they could verify she didn't work. I thought that was kind of funny.

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