Posted: 5 years, 2 months ago
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What to expect first week of cdl school
Hey guys I start next weekend at community college already have permit and dot physical I've been watching pre trip and air brake inspection videos over and over what can I expect the first week of school?I'm afraid I may struggle with pre trip so I've been watching it over and was everyone's experience while at school?
Posted: 5 years, 3 months ago
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Hey guys I start cdl school in october already got permit just need physical it's at a local out of pocket school my question is will I be able to retain the knowledge needed going 2 days a week for 2 months?if I could I'd go during the week but I currently work and have 2 kids any and all answers appreciated I'd love to here responses from others who did weekend courses as well
Posted: 5 years, 3 months ago
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Did anyone attend private cdl training on weekends?was it to much downtime come test time?I start in October already got permit but in hearing horror stories of people saying having 5 days off is to much.unfortunatley that's all I can do because I currently have a job and 2 kids
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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Good luck brother!
Yep me too tomorrow (Thursday 25th) Finally going to DMV in Fontana to test. Driving is more on my mind, since we didn't get too much road time! Owner "thinks" 3-4 times out is enough (30-45 minutes each??)lol Did good freeway going down and back up I-15s Cajon Pass, I only light tapped brake 3 times keep my safe space good. The double clutching kicking my butt easier to float em haha
Got air brakes and in-cab down pretty much, all outside inspections easiest thing (having been a diesel mech before) Gunna be cool calm relaxed, andgive it my best shot. May Trucking is on hold once I got the license in hand ! past 2 days been nailing the parallels right or left, ran bout 15 each side today to nail em down better ! our test alley dock slot is bit smaller, and the box is 2 foot deep not 3 like DMVs so we get it down at school, DMV's should be bit easier......
Off to bed,,, I test 7 am when dmv opens, hopefully examiners in a good mood,, whoever I get,, not all hot, sweaty n pizzed off because its late in the day hahaha. Think they (dmv) have gotten lil fed up with this school sending down "testers" , not drivers..........
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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Thank you ive read alot of your posts and hope to get an easy going trainer like you🤞
Don't sweat it Larry, you'll get it.
You have to pass one section before you can move on to the next. So you must pass pretrip before you can move on to the backing tests. Then you must pass the backing before you can move on to the road test.
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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I sure appreciate ya!
Hey guys starting weekend class in October during test day say I pass pre trip fail backing pass road test.would I have to do all 3 over again or just backing?also how nervous were y'all on text day?how many of y'all passed first try how many did it take multipule attempts?much obliged!
I passed my first try. The problem with weekend classes is that there isn't enough repetition for it stick, in my opinion.
From what I understand you fail a part of the test and you're done. First is pretrip, then it's skills then driving. If you fail pretrip you don't go on to skills. If you fail skills you're not going out on the road.
Good luck
Posted: 5 years, 4 months ago
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Hey guys starting weekend class in October during test day say I pass pre trip fail backing pass road test.would I have to do all 3 over again or just backing?also how nervous were y'all on text day?how many of y'all passed first try how many did it take multipule attempts?much obliged!
Posted: 5 years, 1 month ago
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Weekend training
Hey guys I'm doing weekend training we already have permits but we've been in class last two weekends watching videos taking tests were set to get out on truck next weekend my question is how many times did it take you guys to learn the pre trip,backing and road I'm better at hands on so watching you tube pre trip videos the information dosent really stick also how long before you felt confident in passing and also how many times did it take you guys to pass skills? Much obliged from Tennessee