Have a questioni have a test on trip planning ttryingto figure out the best route from PPittsburgh,PA to Ft. Dodge Iowa i came up with 800 miles my instructor said i came up forty miles short can anyone give me a hand.
It is roughly 845 (just maped it with google.)
how are you mapping it? with map book? if your counting miles with the book, could be you miss calculated.
The route is pretty basic though, I-76W to I-80W follow 80 to Iowa City, IA from there its the 380W to HWY-20W and that goes to 20W Bussiness and into Ft. Dodge, IA.
I think in the book from Pitts it shows I-279, Im not sure essentially, you would take that North and follow signs for I-76W, I-80W.. I don't have my book in front of me, so this is really a guess based off of what I can see in google maps.
Take 279 to 79 then head on 76 on the split. Get on 80 then take 380 and US20 will lead you to Ft. Dodge.
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Have a questioni have a test on trip planning ttryingto figure out the best route from PPittsburgh,PA to Ft. Dodge Iowa i came up with 800 miles my instructor said i came up forty miles short can anyone give me a hand.