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Go!Which of the following is true regarding bulk packaging for hazardous materials?
Never park with Division 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 explosives within 5 feet of the traveled part of the road. Also, except for short periods of time needed for vehicle operation necessities (e.g., fueling), do not park within 300 feet of:
Never park with Division 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 explosives within 5 feet of the traveled part of the road. Except for short periods of time needed for vehicle operation necessities (e.g., fueling), do not park within 300 feet of:
What must you do with a placarded vehicle each time you stop?
Make sure your tires are properly inflated. Check placarded vehicles with dual tires at the start of each trip and when you park. You must check the tires each time you stop. The only acceptable way to check tire pressure is to use a tire pressure gauge.
If your vehicle has a breakdown or accident while carrying explosives you should do all the following EXCEPT:
Class 1 (Explosives). If your vehicle has a breakdown or accident while carrying explosives, warn others of the danger. Keep bystanders away. Do not allow smoking or open fire near the vehicle. If there is a fire, warn everyone of the danger of an explosion.
Remove all explosives before separating vehicles involved in a collision. Place the explosives at least 200 feet from the vehicles and occupied buildings. Stay a safe distance away.
With regard to hazardous materials, what is the "shipper's certification?"
There are two placard tables: table 1 and table 2. When must placards be used for each table?
There are two placard tables: Table 1 and Table 2.
Table 1 materials must be placarded whenever any amount is transported.
Except for bulk packaging, the hazard classes in Table 2 need placards only if the total amount transported is 1,001 pounds or more including the package. Add the amounts from all shipping papers for all the Table 2 products you have on board.
Which of the following is NOT true about shipping papers and emergency response information when hauling a placarded load?
Do not accept a hazardous materials shipment without a properly prepared shipping paper. A shipping paper for hazardous materials must always be easily recognized. Other people must be able to find it quickly after a crash.
A statement on a shipping paper, signed by the shipper, saying he/she prepared the shipment properly according to law is called:
Hazardous materials are categorized into how many major hazard classes?
The identification number must appear ________ if the portable tank holds less than 1,000 gallons.
Remember, greater than 1,000 gallons = all four sides. Less than 1,000 gallons = two opposing sides
The Hazardoud Materials written CDL Exam is required to obtain your hazardous materials endorsement on your CDL. You must have a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) with a hazardous materials endorsement before you drive any size vehicle that is used to transport hazardous material as defined in 49 CFR 383.5. You must pass a written test about the regulations and requirements to get this endorsement.
See Also:
The shipper also uses the hazardous materials regulations to determine the product’s:
Drivers must keep hazardous materials shipping papers in one of three ways:
Placards are used to warn others of hazardous materials. Placards are signs put on the outside of a vehicle and on bulk packages, which identify the hazard class of the cargo.
A placarded vehicle must have at least four identical placards. They are put on the front, rear, and both sides of the vehicle. Placards must be readable from all four directions. They are at least 10 3/4 inches square, square-on-point, in a diamond shape.
Cargo tanks and other bulk packaging display the identification number of their contents on placards or orange panels or white square-on-point displays that are the same size as placards.
The shipping paper describes a shipment. A shipping paper for hazardous materials must include:
If a shipping paper describes both hazardous and non-hazardous products, the hazardous materials will be either:
Learn to recognize shipments of hazardous materials. To find out if the shipment includes hazardous materials, look at the shipping paper. Does it have:
Attach the appropriate placards to the vehicle before you drive it. You are only allowed to move an improperly placarded vehicle during an emergency in order to protect life or property. Placards must appear on both sides and both ends of the vehicle. Each placard must be:
The front placard may be on the front of the tractor or the front of the trailer. To decide which placards to use, you need to know:
You may park a placarded vehicle (not laden with explosives) within 5 feet of the traveled part of the road only if your work requires it. Do so only briefly. Someone must always watch the vehicle when parked on a public roadway or shoulder. Do not uncouple a trailer and leave it with hazardous materials on a public street. Do not park within 300 feet of an open fire.
The person attending a placarded vehicle must:
Some states and counties require permits to transport hazardous materials or wastes. They may limit the routes you can use. Local rules about routes and permits change often. It is your job as driver to find out if you need permits or must use special routes. Make sure you have all needed papers before starting.
If you work for a carrier, ask your dispatcher about route restrictions or permits. If you are an independent trucker and are planning a new route, check with state agencies where you plan to travel. Some localities prohibit transportation of hazardous materials through tunnels, over bridges or other roadways. Always check before you start.
Whenever placarded, avoid heavily populated areas, crowds, tunnels, narrow streets and alleys. Take other routes, even if inconvenient, unless there is no other way. Never drive a placarded vehicle near open fires unless you can safely pass without stopping.
Bulk packaging - Packaging, other than a vessel or a barge, including a transport vehicle or freight container, in which hazardous materials are loaded with no intermediate form of containment and which has:
Consignee - The business or person to whom a shipment is delivered.
Division - A subdivision of a hazard class.
EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FMCSR - The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations.
Portable Tank - Bulk packaging (except a cylinder having a water capacity of 1,000 pounds or less) designed primarily to be loaded onto, or on or temporarily attached to a transport vehicle or ship and equipped with skids, mountings or accessories to facilitate handling of the tank by mechanical means. It does not include a cargo tank, tank car, multiunit tank car tank or trailer carrying 3AX, 3AAX or 3T cylinders.
Reportable Quantity - The quantity specified in Column 2 of the Appendix to Sec. 172.101 for any material identified in Column 1 of the Appendix.