CDL Practice Tests: On-Road Driving Exam

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Question #551 (1 of 10)

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If your “safe” speed is 40 mph, you should apply the brakes once your vehicle speed reaches 40 mph. Your brakes should be applied hard enough to reduce your speed to 35 mph. Once your vehicle speed reaches 35 mph, release the brakes. Repeat this procedure as often as necessary until you have reached the end of the downgrade. This braking technique is called:

  • Stabbing
  • Smearing
  • Snubbing
  • Smashing
Example: If your “safe” speed is 40 mph, you should apply the brakes once your vehicle speed reaches 40 mph. Your brakes should be applied hard enough to reduce your speed to 35 mph. Once your vehicle speed reaches 35 mph, release the brakes. Repeat this procedure as often as necessary until you have reached the end of the downgrade. This braking technique is called “snubbing.”
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Question #549 (2 of 10)

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Before starting down a grade, which of the following is NOT true about your "safe speed?"

  • When speed has been reduced to 5 mph below the “safe” speed, release the brakes. (This application should last for about three seconds.)
  • Once a “safe” speed has been reached, apply the brake hard enough to feel a definite slowdown.
  • Your safe speed will be approximately 5 mph below the maximum speed you can safely descend the grade
  • Select a “safe” speed, one that is not too fast for the weight of the vehicle, length and steepness of the grade, weather, and road conditions.

Before Starting Down the Grade. Downshift as needed to help control engine speed and test brakes by gently applying the foot brake to ensure they are functioning properly. As your vehicle moves down the grade, continue checking traffic in all directions, stay in the right-most or curb lane, and, if legal to do so, use the four-way flashers if your vehicle is moving too slowly for traffic. Increase following distance and observe the following downhill braking procedures:

  • Select a “safe” speed, one that is not too fast for the weight of the vehicle, length and steepness of the grade, weather, and road conditions.
  • Once a “safe” speed has been reached, apply the brake hard enough to feel a definite slowdown.
  • When speed has been reduced to 5 mph below the “safe” speed, release the brakes. (This application should last for about three seconds.)
  • Once the speed has increased to the “safe” speed, repeat the procedure.
Your safe speed will be significantly less than the maximum speed you can safely descend a hill, far more than 5 mph less
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Question #546 (3 of 10)

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Which of the following is NOT true about gear usage with a manual transmission?

  • Do not grind or clash gears
  • Do not shift in turns and intersections
  • Select gear that does not rev or lug engine
  • You can shift gears when crossing railroad tracks

Gear Usage (for Manual Transmission)

  • Do not grind or clash gears.
  • Select gear that does not rev or lug engine.
  • Do not shift in turns and intersections.
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Question #553 (4 of 10)

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Drivers are exempt from using a cellphone or text messaging while driving only when:

  • Reporting an emergency situation
  • Stopped due to normal traffic being obstructed and the vehicle is in neutral or park
  • Using the device hands-free or in voice-activated mode
  • All these are correct

Drivers are exempt from using a cellphone or text messaging while driving only when:

  • Reporting an emergency situation.
  • Using the device hands-free or in voice-activated mode.
  • Parked on the shoulder of a highway.
  • Stopped due to normal traffic being obstructed and the vehicle is in neutral or park.
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Question #541 (5 of 10)

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When you are approaching a curve, which of the following is NOT the correct procedure?

  • Check traffic thoroughly in all directions.
  • Keep your vehicle in the lane.
  • Keep your speed steady and downshift while you're in the curve
  • Continue checking traffic in all directions.

When approaching a curve:

  • Check traffic thoroughly in all directions.
  • Before entering the curve, reduce speed so further braking or shifting is not required in the curve.
  • Keep vehicle in the lane.
  • Continue checking traffic in all directions.
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Question #548 (6 of 10)

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Which of the following is NOT the correct procedure for upgrades and downgrades?

  • Check traffic thoroughly in all directions and move to the right-most or curb lane.
  • If legal to do so, use the four-way flashers if traveling too slowly for the flow of traffic.
  • Select the proper gear to maintain speed and not lug the engine.
  • Wait until you begin down the hill to choose the correct gear

Upgrade and Downgrade

  • Select the proper gear to maintain speed and not lug the engine.
  • Check traffic thoroughly in all directions and move to the right-most or curb lane.
  • If legal to do so, use the four-way flashers if traveling too slowly for the flow of traffic.
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Question #539 (7 of 10)

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If you pull your vehicle over onto the side of the road, which of the following is NOT the proper procedure?

  • Vehicle must be parallel to the curb or shoulder of the road and safely out of the traffic flow.
  • Activate your four-way emergency flashers.
  • Keep your vehicle in gear and do not apply the brakes in case you need to leave quickly
  • Vehicle should not be blocking driveways, fire hydrants, intersections, signs, etc.

Once stopped:

  • Vehicle must be parallel to the curb or shoulder of the road and safely out of the traffic flow.
  • Vehicle should not be blocking driveways, fire hydrants, intersections, signs, etc.
  • Cancel your turn signal.
  • Activate your four-way emergency flashers.
  • Apply the parking brake.
  • Move the gear shift to “neutral” or “park.”
  • Remove your feet from the brake and clutch pedals.
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Question #538 (8 of 10)

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As you drive through an intersection during your driving exam, which of the following is NOT the correct procedure?

  • Change lanes during the turn to make sure you're in the correct lane
  • Do not change lanes while proceeding through the intersection.
  • Decelerate and yield to any pedestrians and traffic in the intersection.
  • Keep both hands on the wheel.

When driving through an intersection:

  • Check traffic thoroughly in all directions.
  • Decelerate and yield to any pedestrians and traffic in the intersection.
  • Do not change lanes while proceeding through the intersection.
  • Keep both hands on the wheel.
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Question #552 (9 of 10)

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When operating any commercial vehicle, which of the following should you NOT do while driving down a steep grade?

  • All these are correct
  • Change gears
  • Coast
  • Ride the clutch
When operating any commercial vehicle, do not ride the clutch, race the engine, change gears, or coast while driving down the grade
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Question #545 (10 of 10)

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Which of the following is NOT true about clutch usage?

  • You can shift without the clutch if circumstances permit
  • Double-clutch when shifting. Do not rev or lug the engine.
  • Always use clutch to shift.
  • Do not ride clutch to control speed. Do not coast with the clutch depressed or “pop” the clutch.

Clutch Usage (for Manual Transmission)

  • Always use clutch to shift.
  • Double-clutch when shifting. Do not rev or lug the engine.
  • Do not ride clutch to control speed. Do not coast with the clutch depressed or “pop” the clutch.
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The Rules For The Driving Portion Of The CDL Exam

You will drive over a test route that has a variety of traffic situations. At all times during the test, you must drive in a safe and responsible manner. You must wear your safety belt, obey all traffic signs, signals and laws and complete the test without an accident or violation. No radios, electronic devices or phones may be on during the test.

During the driving test, the examiner will be scoring you on specific driving maneuvers as well as on your general driving behavior. You will follow the directions of the examiner. Directions will be given to you so you will have plenty of time to do what the examiner has asked. You will not be asked to drive in an unsafe manner.

If your test route does not have certain traffic situations, you may be asked to simulate a traffic situation. You will do this by telling the examiner what you are or would be doing if you were in that traffic situation.

When ready to turn:

  • Check traffic in all directions.
  • Keep both hands on the steering wheel during the turn.
  • Keep checking your mirror to make sure the vehicle does not hit anything on the inside of the turn.
  • Vehicle should not move into oncoming traffic.
  • Vehicle should finish turn in correct lane.

Driving Through Intersections

As you approach an intersection:

  • Check traffic thoroughly in all directions.
  • Decelerate gently.
  • Brake smoothly and, if necessary, change gears.
  • If necessary, come to a complete stop (no coasting) behind any stop signs, signals, sidewalks or stop lines maintaining a safe gap behind any vehicle in front of you.
  • Your vehicle must not roll forward or backward.
  • When driving through an intersection:

When Driving Through An Intersection

  • Check traffic thoroughly in all directions.
  • Decelerate and yield to any pedestrians and traffic in the intersection.
  • Do not change lanes while proceeding through the intersection.
  • Keep both hands on the wheel.
  • Once through the intersection:

Once Through The Intersection

  • Continue checking mirrors and traffic.
  • Accelerate smoothly and change gears as necessary.

Railroad Crossings

Before reaching the crossing, all commercial drivers should:

  • Decelerate, brake smoothly and shift gears as necessary.
  • Look and listen for the presence of trains.
  • Check traffic in all directions.

Do not stop, change gears, pass another vehicle, or change lanes while any part of your vehicle is in the railroad crossing.

School Bus Or Placarded Vehicle

If you are driving a bus, school bus, or vehicle displaying placards, be prepared to observe the following procedures at every railroad crossing (unless the crossing is exempt):

  • As the vehicle approaches a railroad crossing, activate the four-way flashers.
  • Stop the vehicle within 50 feet but not less than 15 feet from the nearest rail, place the bus in park/neutral and set the parking brake.
  • Listen and look in both directions along the track for an approaching train and for signals indicating the approach of a train. If operating a bus, you may also be required to open the window and door prior to crossing tracks.
  • Keep hands on the steering wheel as the vehicle crosses the tracks.
  • Do not stop, change gears, or change lanes while any part of your vehicle is proceeding across the tracks.
  • Four-way flashers should be deactivated after the vehicle crosses the tracks.
  • Continue to check mirrors and traffic.

Not all driving road test routes will have a railroad crossing. You may be asked to explain and demonstrate the proper railroad crossing procedures to the examiner at a simulated location.

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