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Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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Mental Health Disqualifiers

Kearsey, your remarks are spot on. It's not his remarks towards a stranger, it's not the fact that when typing something a person must think through what their trying to convey, rather it's his clear unwillingness to recognize the matter. Instead, as the prideful do routinely, he flips the narrative back to himself, as it started out, which of course brought forward the defenders of the prideful, supported cleat by their statements. Rick says,"if my remarks aren't appreciated I'll move on!" I assumed the responses on this sight were from professional who also have tact. Rick, i'm glad you have supporters since the other gal stated,"your gonna let one person.....," She sure gave you what you were looking for. It wasn't just that one remark either, what a surprise that the,"defenders," didn't mention that. Listen, I'm not gonna say thank you AGAIN. So, here you have Anne manufacturing an insult of her own to double down her support for THE RICK. She stated that calling someone out for their COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY remarks is the problem ill??!! Wow! Anne, let's imagine you were wondering if their was a weight restriction for being an astronaut and you asked a forum a question. Would you be considered mentally ill if someone took a shot at you knowing you asked because your a cow? I'm sure you have an answer which supports only yourself, but grow up please and stay out of discussions when all you have to offer is childish remarks. Rick picks on you and you take it means that he does that with probably everyone. He's either gay or he has problems which can't be cured but which only worsen from people like you.

Old School you stated in your opinion; on the internet people exhibit all kinds of offenses and that's the new mental illness, did you notice that when I didn't bark at him like Anne claimed I did, rather I gave him an opportunity to recant and instead HE took offense and turned the matter back upon me, thereby doubling down. Old School I'm surprised that you don't recognize the prideful at your age, I guess because you neither have pride nor humility, IMO. Rick, good job for your childish rant of; if my comments arnt welcomed I'll move on." You knew Anne or another would shore you up. You knew this due to the customary lifestyle you lead. To the three who stuck together in pride:

What happened to recognizing the appropriate efforts of anger management?

I stated my matter with him kindly along with an opportunity for him to step down from himself. He didn't do it. I suppose Rick MAY be able to take someone picking on him back but he sure can't and refuses to take responsibility for lack of demonstrating humility.

Kearsy, sorry to hear about your dad and sister. I, unlike some people, won't take any pot shot at someone's issues certainly if I know them. Finally, I certainly wouldn't counter-punch after they reveal their complaint demonstrating more self-absorbtion. I'm glad you noticed the BIGGER picture to all of this.

Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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Mental Health Disqualifiers

Hello Rick.

Thanks for your input but your two little digs at me are uncalled for in totality. Your assistance could be considered useful if it weren't for the snide comments. I hope you consider seeking professional help regarding kindness. Surely though, remarks like you make must give you a sense a superiority, so, good for maintaining your level of pride necessary to survive, unless of course you can justify your remarks any other way?

Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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Mental Health Disqualifiers

Wow, thanks Rick for the in-depth response. I was Baker-Acted bit not committed, only observed for just over 48 hours. The commitment in question was a result which was associated with a Federal Criminal Charge. However, I didn't use any a diagnosis as a defense. The case didn't reach that point of decision. One felony is almost 8 years past indictment date. I did receive a DOT Physical card. I get what you say about private school but being a Veteran, there's an education grant which only covers the Self-pace school. According to DMV, your right about receiving a CDL with a commitment but it would be difficult if the commitment was within 2yrs as that's the way the question is posed at DMV. Mine is over 11 yrs about. I really appreciate your information, I assume the company I worked for before didn't mind the issues. Maybe that will still be the case.

Hello. I've been doing research regarding employment in the trucking industry under a tag of having been declared mentally ill. Although I was once a CDL holder and driver for a short time, I still have a question. I'm aware of the DOT Physical standards regarding any medication for mental illness; however, if

I was committed to a hospital would that now disqualify me? I would imagine the company I drove for performed a background check. Therefore, have any laws changed since 2013? I have found information but it's conflicting/contradictory. I haven't found anything on a federal note, although states may have statutes. The point is, I was released years ago and don't require meds.

Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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Mental Health Disqualifiers

Hello. I've been doing research regarding employment in the trucking industry under a tag of having been declared mentally ill. Although I was once a CDL holder and driver for a short time, I still have a question. I'm aware of the DOT Physical standards regarding any medication for mental illness; however, if

I was committed to a hospital would that now disqualify me? I would imagine the company I drove for performed a background check. Therefore, have any laws changed since 2013? I have found information but it's conflicting/contradictory. I haven't found anything on a federal note, although states may have statutes. The point is, I was released years ago and don't require meds.

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