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Posted:  2 years, 9 months ago

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The verdict is in……. 110 years concurrent life sentences

I do however feel his sentence will be reduced. Willing to bet, it will be cut by at least 50%.

It is a very difficult situation and topic.

Posted:  2 years, 9 months ago

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The verdict is in……. 110 years concurrent life sentences

Anyway, I was looking into it more, and one of the victim's daughters, who lost their dad during the crash, said she doesn't want Rogel Aguilera-Mederos's son to lose his father too. A great show of forgiveness.

Good for her. That is healthy for her.

What good does sending Rogel to prison for 110 years do? It just makes him another life lost in the accident as far as I see it. It sounds like the DA is thinking about reducing his sentence. Good.

He is another life lost in the tragedy. But he did it by choice. He had opportunities to make the right decisions, in which he would have lived...and 4 people would still be alive...and the others injured would...well, not be injured.

When he made the decision to bypass the runaway ramps...and not make any other attempts to stop, or prevent the "accident"....he intentionally decided to crash into these cars...which, removes the word "accident" from the description. Even if he would have attempted to run into the guardrail...or intentionally wreck his truck to prevent the collision...and still somehow killed/injured others....I think there would be at least some leniency. But there was no attempt. The cars, were his choice. At that point it became murder.

Posted:  2 years, 9 months ago

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Knight transportation, Flatbed


Been following along and will continue!

Posted:  2 years, 9 months ago

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Happy Birthday, Anne

Happy Birthday!

Posted:  2 years, 9 months ago

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The verdict is in……. 110 years concurrent life sentences

Truth is...

Every trucker should see a runaway truck ramp...

and know it is a ... you guessed it. A runaway truck ramp.

The language in which the sign is made - doesn't truly matter. The fact is that it is a requirement that ALL CDL holders..."read and speak the English language sufficiently to converse with the general public, understand highway traffic signs and signals". If he couldn't read it - he should see the ramp and say to himself "Hey self, rampa de camión fuera de control" and off he goes.

And being he had been out that route at least twice prior...

He had seen them before...

He knows what they are, roughly where they are...and what they are used for.

He chose not to use them. He chose wrong, and he now pays the price.

Posted:  2 years, 9 months ago

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ELDT: Am I understanding this right?

Better to start during the winter with a trainer than solo 8 months later.

Guess it is best it looks like it is going to be that way lol

Driving in winter weather doesn't bother a car. I know a truck is a different deal. My way of thinking was at least if I started in spring/summer (as I was planning to this year), I would have a better feel for the truck come winter...and snow/ice would be one less factor to deal with in my opening days.

Best to just jump in the deep end I guess lol

Posted:  2 years, 9 months ago

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ELDT: Am I understanding this right?

Thanks Anne! I thought it wasn't anything to truly concern myself with. Just a mandate of what should have always been.

After I got medical clearance from my cardiologist (after the stress test and EKG) a few months back, I was about to jump in. A few things came up that delayed me (or I should say, I allowed to delay me). I shouldn't have allowed some of it to delay me, but I had one justifiable concern - my wife kind of partially backtracked on her approval. So, I told her I would hold off for the moment. Now, she is encouraging me to move forward again. Unfortunately, she is encouraging me now during a time of the year that I did not want to start - winter. But, it is what it is, I cannot keep delaying it for this reason or that reason. So, I plan to get my permit the first week of January and go from there.

Posted:  2 years, 9 months ago

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Merry Christmas To Everyone

Safe travels & Merry Christmas!

Posted:  2 years, 9 months ago

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ELDT: Am I understanding this right?

I keep coming across these videos and articles saying "hurry up and get your CDL before February 7, 2022" or it is going to become a lot more expensive/difficult and take longer to get your CDL.

So I watch said said articles...and I need to ask...

Am I understanding this right?

All that is changing, is that there is a standardized curriculum - and you must actually attend a school (either through a company or private school) and not just be trained by your father or favorite uncle?

Everyone makes it sound like it is something drastic...but to me it seems like something that should have been in place anyways? That it really isn't a big deal?

Posted:  2 years, 9 months ago

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Trucking Life 2.0 - Living It, Loving It!

I am just getting caught up here, and happy to see you back out and loving it. Happy for you! Also happy your wife got through Covid.

My Daughter, 2 year old granddaughter, and 2 MONTH old grandson all got it over wasn't pretty but they all got through it.

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