Profile For Dennis L

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Posted:  1 week, 4 days ago

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Preparedness for November to January.

I wasn’t driving back during the summer 2020 riots & looting (oops, I mean “mostly peaceful protests”).

Did any of you experience it? Any issues?

I’m old enough to recall the Reginald Denny event.

Posted:  1 month, 1 week ago

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Take a kid to work day!

Way cool! Thanks for sharing

Posted:  2 months, 2 weeks ago

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Finally going into the shop for a partial rebuild

Best wishes BK for the surgeries and recovery. Don’t go stir crazy being off the open road for 4 months.

I’m having oral surgery on 7/15 for dental implant dentures. Only 7 days off the road.

Posted:  2 months, 3 weeks ago

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YUGE day tomorrow

Trifecta! Way to go

Posted:  3 months ago

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90 years old trucker


God bless him if he wants to do this at 90!

Taking a risk though at that age of sudden heart attack while driving.

Posted:  3 months, 1 week ago

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Started as a yard jockey around Christmas. Challenging work but really enjoy it! Any questions for a yard jockey?

I’ve been looking at yard driver as an option to get off the road, but I live about an hour commute from where I might find a job.

How did you find this job? On a job site or doing cold calls to apply?

Posted:  3 months, 1 week ago

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Rookie Lesson 34589709: Spare Eyeglasses

PS. I also carry backup glasses and cord just in case

Posted:  3 months, 1 week ago

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Rookie Lesson 34589709: Spare Eyeglasses


I hang my $1 reading glasses around my neck. I can see far perfectly after cataracts removed, but need these to see close to read.

Get yourself a cord to put on your glasses. If get knocked off again they’ll just hang on you to put back on

Posted:  3 months, 1 week ago

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Back Home With A Spanking New CDL!

Congratulations and good luck

Posted:  3 months, 1 week ago

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How do you deal with the corporate bs long term?

I really like Brett’s and Old School’s replies. Some good advice.

I spent 38 years with a major multinational oil company. In some respects it was like being in the military being moved around many locations. I moved 13 times during my first 10 years. Then it slowed down to a move every 3-4 years. The last 22 years I was overseas.

I survived 5 downsizings with the cyclical nature of the business until the 6th got me at age 60.

There is always corporate BS, but also good things. The oil industry pays way above average salaries. I got to see the world.

I had a tendency to speak my mind to senior management. Not always going along with the corporate line. I believe this cost me one grade level. My Ego struggled with this for a long time.

Frankly I’m glad I’m out of that company. It has changed with DIE (not DEI) and the ESG push for carbon net zero.

Regarding trucking I’m trying not to get hung up on the driver vs management mindset. I’m focused on what I can control, which is my attitude. I’m also seeing this beautiful country making good money. I’ve driven in 46 states, only missing North & South Dakota.

I’m grateful to have a job today at 68.

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