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Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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PSD/Orientation With Prime Inc., Springfield MO
There it is, waiting on first load now.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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PSD/Orientation With Prime Inc., Springfield MO
So where's the update? Flatbed and tanker do a "boot camp". You need to do the SIM defensive driving course and a bunch of Computer courses. Then you get the truck and load it all up and check out and fix any thing wrong with it.
Did u upgrade yet?
Yep sitting in line for service. Got a 2020 maroon peterbilt.
Have to wait for pictures till tomorrow daylight. Been a long week and hope to get out on the road soon!!
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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PSD/Orientation With Prime Inc., Springfield MO
Little update. After this next load finishes on Tuesday night I will have 27500 miles. So one big trip or a couple good ones.
My trainer says it takes a full week to upgrade to my own truck. I didn't expect that. But it is what it is. Will have to post some pics of the truck I get.
Posted: 3 years, 2 months ago
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PSD/Orientation With Prime Inc., Springfield MO
I did walked to a restraunt got a steak and potatos, was nice. The walk was good to, stretched out after. Im trying to look at bright side, its just hard.
Posted: 3 years, 2 months ago
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PSD/Orientation With Prime Inc., Springfield MO
Quick update. 22.5k miles in.
Now stuck in Texas. Dispatch gave ys a load that picked up on Sunday amd delivers Thursday midnight.
Only 2400 miles away. We got there Tuesday at 1pm. They did they had no room. So we sit here doing nothing until Thursday at midnight.
I'm pretty ****ed. Trainer is all "waaahhhh I won't get this on this pay period!". I'm like your still getting paid for it though, while my training progress is stopped.
Anyway, have found that when I take my 30 minute break to take a nap. This has reset me each day, given me a second wind.
Thanks for reading, will update soon.
I'm still following, Mark!
Glad that 30 powernap has managed to help ya; a 20 minute does that for my guy, too!
Well dang about being stuck in TX, better than being stuck in, let's say ... Cali, or Iowa right now, tho! :)
Best wishes; almost there!
~ Anne ~
Haha already told my dispatch I HATE Cali!!
Posted: 3 years, 2 months ago
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PSD/Orientation With Prime Inc., Springfield MO
Quick update. 22.5k miles in.
Now stuck in Texas. Dispatch gave ys a load that picked up on Sunday amd delivers Thursday midnight.
Only 2400 miles away. We got there Tuesday at 1pm. They did they had no room. So we sit here doing nothing until Thursday at midnight.
I'm pretty ****ed. Trainer is all "waaahhhh I won't get this on this pay period!". I'm like your still getting paid for it though, while my training progress is stopped.
Anyway, have found that when I take my 30 minute break to take a nap. This has reset me each day, given me a second wind.
Thanks for reading, will update soon.
Posted: 3 years, 2 months ago
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PSD/Orientation With Prime Inc., Springfield MO
Stopped at Pittston yard and got a shower, our load didn't deliver till Sunday evening and it was Saturday morning.
I went to the driver's lounge with my laptop so he could sleep. When it was my turn I was like hey let me get sleep. He was like cool. Then an hour later came to truck and turned in the heat.
Half hour later it was over 90 degrees in tip bunk and I could sleep. I finally just grabbed my stuff at 1145pm and went back to driver lounge.
Fast forward to today and I'm driving, he opens curtain and is like "change effing lanes!" I I'd as told. Middle lane was just as bad. Mind you I've had maybe 6 hours sleep in days. Then I get to fueling location and he tells me to park he can't sleep because of the bumps.
Now I'm sitting in the subway wasting 5 amd a half hours of driveline.
I hate this. I just want to get these miles out of the way. Not sure why this guy wanted to be a trainer.
I think of you (and your plight) often. A friend of mine (whom I met on here) had a similar situation with Kerry's current company. It didn't end well. Email is in my profile, if desired.
His lack of sleep, similar to yours, will probably prohibit this candidate from ever driving a semi again. It's all good, things worked all for the better, but still. He's now a handyman . . . running his own business with a dear friend of HIS on board; all's well that ends 'WELL.' (Or.. shall we say, ends 'okay?') I'm just really concerned. I've been with a 'sleep deprived' guy ... in his early days; and there would be times he had a 34, and I would literally send our young kids to the NEIGHBORS' homes, so he could SLEEP. Yep. To this day, HIS sleep is paramount. The rest of us'll work it out.
Sorry, it's not clickable .. .no clue why.
I literally showed up at a hearing (or 2) for said person citing the FMCSA 4.1.4 continuum . . . memorize this; please. ML didn't.
Best wishes always, good sir!~ KNOW YOUR RIGHTS, man!
~ Anne ~
I'm not worried about a critical incident, or ticket. I've spent a long time in the military and other environments with training that I can stay alert.
What bothers me his seemingly complete lack of care whether I get sleep or not. Its his lease truck, his business.
I'm over halfway through I think so I should nake it. Trust me when I say if I can't do it, I'll stop the truck and sleep.
Posted: 3 years, 2 months ago
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PSD/Orientation With Prime Inc., Springfield MO
Stopped at Pittston yard and got a shower, our load didn't deliver till Sunday evening and it was Saturday morning.
I went to the driver's lounge with my laptop so he could sleep. When it was my turn I was like hey let me get sleep. He was like cool. Then an hour later came to truck and turned in the heat.
Half hour later it was over 90 degrees in tip bunk and I could sleep. I finally just grabbed my stuff at 1145pm and went back to driver lounge.
Fast forward to today and I'm driving, he opens curtain and is like "change effing lanes!" I I'd as told. Middle lane was just as bad. Mind you I've had maybe 6 hours sleep in days. Then I get to fueling location and he tells me to park he can't sleep because of the bumps.
Now I'm sitting in the subway wasting 5 amd a half hours of driveline.
I hate this. I just want to get these miles out of the way. Not sure why this guy wanted to be a trainer.
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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PSD/Orientation With Prime Inc., Springfield MO
Whirlwind of a week. On my 4th load now. Delivers tomorrow.
One thing I will say about solo driving is your just fighting constantly against your clocks.
Anyway about to lay down for an early 10 so I can be on time tomorrow!