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New to the trucking industry with oh so many questions! Not a driver, but a driver advocate and that little annoying safety lady everyone complains about...
Posted: 2 years, 10 months ago
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Hi All! Georgia's governor suspended the HOS rule due to the severe storms.
I tried reading up but can't see how WHO this affects. Is it those delivering relief goods or those traveling through?
Posted: 2 years, 10 months ago
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Hi All! Curious to know how you were linked up with your current carrier or previous employers. What job boards did you find yourself on, or did you come across the opening on a forum such as this?
Posted: 2 years, 11 months ago
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Thanks, Annie! Oh gracious, the time change and my 11 month old have my brain in a fog...
Posted: 2 years, 11 months ago
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Hi All! What type of safety incentive programs do your carriers provide?
Looking to get more engagement from my team, so I'd love to know what you all have with your company. Specific to annual performance, quarterly, monthly, specific metrics you're assessed on or that fall under the safety incentive umbrella? Any incite is helpful!
Posted: 3 years ago
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Prohibited Items in Your Truck?
You all are hilarious!
Yes, I am referring to in cab items; grill plates, hot plates, items like that. Obviously hostages are a given...all cabs come equipped these days I am sure
Posted: 3 years ago
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Prohibited Items in Your Truck?
The standard drugs and alcohol, passengers unless approved.
Why do you want to know what their reasoning is? The trucks belong to the company, unless one is a LO or 00, so it's not my place to question why not.
Curious as to various company policies pertaining to in cab furnishings. I'm glad to see several don't allow drugs/alcohol
I am not a driver, I work for a carrier in Safety. I've found through my experience some of the best knowledge comes from individuals who have been doing this of years, so just curious!
Posted: 3 years ago
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Prohibited Items in Your Truck?
Hi All, Do any of your carriers prohibit you from carrying specific items in your truck? If so, what items and what is their reasoning?
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Is anyone here being affected by the cross-border vaccine mandate Canada has going into effect?
Yes, my outfit is affected. The advice I got on this site when I brought it up was to get the vaccine or quit. Got the impression that since it affects such a small minority of drivers, it’s not a big deal.
Yea, it is a small group, but my company has a Canadian division that crosses multiple times daily so we're being impacted like crazy...
Posted: 3 years, 1 month ago
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Is anyone here being affected by the cross-border vaccine mandate Canada has going into effect?
Very curious to hear how companies are handling this and how you all are feeling about it.
Apologies if this is not an appropriate topic.
Posted: 2 years, 10 months ago
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Agriculture HoS Exemption Waiver
Hi All! The FMSCA place a waiver for livestock haulers last year but was set to expire Feb 28th 2022. Do anyone know if this has been extended? I've been looking all over but figured one of you all may have seen it somewhere. TIA!! Below is the provisions on the waiver...: