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Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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Does anyone know the phone number to the Erectile Dysfunction hotline?
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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No, there’s not really any solid evidence that it causes an increased risk of cancer. Cited below. Only posting 2 but there are a bunch of studies out there
Morgentaler A. Testosterone replacement therapy and prostate cancer. Urol Clin North Am. 2007 Nov;34(4):555-63, vii. doi: 10.1016/j.ucl.2007.08.002. PMID: 17983895.
Michaud JE, Billups KL, Partin AW. Testosterone and prostate cancer: an evidence-based review of pathogenesis and oncologic risk. Ther Adv Urol. 2015 Dec;7(6):378-87. doi: 10.1177/1756287215597633. PMID: 26622322; PMCID: PMC4647137.
To answer your 2nd question: the main difference between “TRT” and “steroids” is the amount of testosterone used. TRT, if used as designed, is usually a much lower “therapeutic” dose to treat symptoms of low testosterone. Whereas “steroids” are used in much higher and potentially dangerous amounts to achieve bigger muscles etc. Bodybuilding stuff
Isn't TRT associated with very high cancer rates? Also, what is the difference between that and steroids? Just curious.
Isn't TRT associated with very high cancer rates? Also, what is the difference between that and steroids? Just curious.
Posted: 2 years, 10 months ago
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TMC CDL (in-house) training day 1
Hey Solo,
Besides these different ways you listed to increase snapshot points: Revenue to Truck, MPG, out of route%, park up, and TWIC passport hazmat are there any other ways to increase percentage pay?
So my official hire date is 1/25, so I'm already a couple of months into my 12-month contractual agreement with TMC. That being said, this time next month it goes from a 4k balances to a 3k balance, and then another 3 months down to 2k, then 1k at 9 months of service.
That being said, I just wrapped up my first-month solo driving and wanted to share some numbers. If there are any others you'd be interested to know, let me know, and I'll try to get them.
Gross Pay: $5666.85 (this does not include any bounce/DH miles or Tarp pay) (If I were to have selected to be paid by CPM instead of %: $4446.80) (My current trend is that I'll will go from 26% of Rev To the Truck to 33% by my first snapshot if that were the case, that would increase my gross too: $7193 for the same month)
So the incentive is strong here to keep doing what I'm doing for that extra ~$1500/month for the same effort
Miles: 11,048
Avg Pay Per Load: $354.18 (@26% pay)
Weekly Truck Revenue Avg: $5082 (this gives me max points towards my snapshot
Current mpgs: 7.07 (this gives me max points towards my snapshot
Current Out of Route: %4.4 (this gives me max points towards my % snapshot)
Having Passport, TWIC, and HM endorsements gives me max endorsement points towards my snapshot
Getting parked at my consignee each Sunday evening by 9pm local has also given me max points towards my snapshot
That is all, for now, I'll be back with another update in a few more months, or as anything helpful to new CDL students arises.
Posted: 2 years, 10 months ago
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Yeah mine are boxed too. One place did have Rx with my name for syringes but then I started buying syringes in bulk so now they don’t have it. Might have them start doing that again just in case
Original vial with whatever packaging has that usual Rx text on it. My TRT vials come in a box but I usually put them in a ziploc bag as well.
I'm more worried about some yahoo DOT officer seeing needles and thinking "muh heroin, I gots me a bust" than the labeled vials tbh.
Are they Rxing you the needles as well? Mine are so as long as I keep the needles and pins in their bags with the Rx on them it should help.
Hey everyone,
Will being on TRT prevent me from getting on at a trucking company?
I don’t think testosterone is banned by the FMCSA. Not sure how companies feel about it though
Also, it should be fine to carry with me as long as it’s in it’s original vial with my name right?
Will I need/should I get a note from doctor saying it won’t impair my driving?
Posted: 2 years, 10 months ago
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Testosterone Replacement Therapy
What is "TRT"?
Posted: 2 years, 10 months ago
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Hey everyone,
Will being on TRT prevent me from getting on at a trucking company?
I don’t think testosterone is banned by the FMCSA. Not sure how companies feel about it though
Also, it should be fine to carry with me as long as it’s in it’s original vial with my name right?
Will I need/should I get a note from doctor saying it won’t impair my driving?
Posted: 2 years, 10 months ago
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I am a convicted felon, can I become a truck driver?
Ahh ok
Thanks G Town
I have a specific question about companies hiring Delong’s, but I can’t figure out how to message you privately
We do not have private messaging.
Posted: 2 years, 10 months ago
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I am a convicted felon, can I become a truck driver?
Hi Old School
I have a specific question about companies hiring Delong’s, but I can’t figure out how to message you privately
I’ll keep looking to try and figure it out
Lance, Welcome to the forum!
As you are frustratingly aware, the hurdle of a felony conviction is a tough one to get past. Most trucking companies require ten years to go by from the end of the adjudication of your conviction. Some only require five years, and still some others will consider convicted felons on a case by case basis. You are going to have to do some research and see what you can come up with. I would try googling "trucking companies that will hire convicted felons" and see what you can come up with.
I remember one company that will sometimes give a second chance to someone is "Carolina Cargo", and I think Western Express will sometimes overlook some criminal behaviors. It may very well depend on what type of crimes you were involved in.
You didn't really say if you have a CDL, but it will be very difficult for you to get into a Company-Sponsored Training program if you are needing to get licensed. Your other option would be private school, but you will need to be confident you've found someone who will hire you before you lay out the expense for private schooling.
I wish you the best Lance, and would really appreciate it if you would let us know how things develop for you. This is a problem we see people coming in here and asking about a lot, and anything you could find out that would possibly help us to help the next person with a similar question is always appreciated.
Trucking Companies That Hire Drivers With Felonies
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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TRT and Trucking
Just seeing your response. Thanks Kearsey