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Posted: 1 year, 7 months ago
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Knight-Swift Purchases US Xpress
With the Turmoil Yellow is currently going through I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut they are a juicy target...
Knight-Swift is taking over the industry... Wonder who's next?
I'd look for them to purchase a couple of LTL companies. When they bought AAA Cooper they wanted to establish a decent foot print in the LTL market. The opportunity to purchase U.S. Express kind of sidelined their current strategy. It was a deal they didn't want to miss, so they acted on it.
I assume they are still looking into some LTL strategic moves. That would enable them to jump right in with terminals in places where needed to have a nice footprint in the LTL commodities markets.
Some may think it strange to be getting into LTL during a slump in LTL business, but that's how opportunity is captured sometimes. Short sighted investors often miss the things that patient capitalism sees as powerful long term strategies.
Posted: 1 year, 7 months ago
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Knight-Swift Purchases US Xpress
Yellow goes under...snatch up the freight, terminals and a score of the drivers....likely enough stuff to spread around...