Profile For Zack W.

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Posted:  10 months ago

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Seeking Advice: CDL Training Opportunities with a Past Misdemeanor and Specific Testing Requirements

Hello everyone,

I'm reaching out to the community for some guidance and hopefully, some positive direction regarding my journey into the trucking industry. I recently applied to Wilson Logistics and Prime Inc. for their paid CDL programs. Initially, things seemed promising until I was disqualified due to a Class A reckless conduct misdemeanor from early 2020, which is the only mark on my record.

Currently, I'm considering TMC but have hit a snag with them requesting W2 paperwork for a job I held in 2020. The challenge here is that this job was with a small FedEx company that has since gone out of business, making it difficult to obtain the needed documents. I've tried reaching out to the owner, but I'm not confident my emails are being received.

Additionally, I'm in search of a paid CDL training company that opts for urine testing over hair follicle testing. The reason being, I've used a Delta 8 CBD vape in the last three months. Though I haven't used it in over a month and was able to pass a urine test for a previous job during its use, I’m concerned about the sensitivity of hair follicle tests potentially jeopardizing my future in trucking over a hemp product.

Any advice on how to navigate these hurdles, or recommendations for companies that might accommodate my situation, would be immensely helpful. I’m passionate about starting my career in trucking and willing to put in the work to make it happen, but these obstacles are proving to be quite challenging.

Thank you all in advance for your help and support!

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