Profile For Damon S.

Damon S.'s Info

  • Location:
    Brunswick, GA

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 8 months ago

Damon S.'s Bio

I am 37 year old male who relocated from new jersey to have a better life not only for myself as well as my children I'm not a saint and had my share of run in with the law. I am a man who is looking for a second chance at life and to be able to prove to society that in some point in a felon life he becomes a man and ready to take up responsibilities as a man should I have a CDL AP Learners permit and I'm ready to learn how to drive a big truck safely and I'm ready to work

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Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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5 Year felony charge is there any good company that will take me

The age of the felony makes getting around it much easier. I don't think 5 years is too bad myself, but i don't own a trucking company either. I do know a guy that got a job after having a felony for armed robbery with a 20 year sentence at PTL or paschall truck lines. I think they have short term required teaming or some really oddball thing i didn't like. I think it's that two trainees get put together in a truck as the final stage of their training.

It's not an ideal situation to be in but you can try companies that are bleeding workers because their pay is low if you must. It'd let you get your foot in the door. CRST i recently found out is in that category. I can't think of any more currently because they've all bumped up pay to raise retention rate. I vaguely remember someone having something on his record getting in with "boyd brothers", but i don't remember his situation at all other than "something" was on his record.

Thanks for the response truly appreciate it

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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5 Year felony charge is there any good company that will take me

I have a 5 year old felony conviction which is a distribution charge. I finish CDL school in Oct 26, 2015 and i have not found a company that will take me I live in Brunswick, Ga and Im looking for something where i can be home every weekend because i have a 4 year old son

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Western Express

Thanks old head for the insight this is truly appreciated. I'm about to start my orientation with Western Express. Like you said, get past the first year and things will look up for you

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Wanting to drive with felonies

Ok guess that's done with the class A. What can you tell me about the difficulties of becoming a class B driver ? Are the rules as unforgiving as an class A ? And thank you for your response

I'm a felon and I still went and got my class A I'm not going to let my felonies discourage me for going after what I want I just got them a week ago so I'm going to apply for class a or b jobs with them someone out there is going to give you a shot I know to many people with felonies who are driving don't give up

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Company-Sponsored Training

I'm a little confused right now, I thought this world was about second chances I also thought that a lot of trucking companies will hires convicted felons or maybe they are own by a convicted felon I am also confuse with the 7-10 year conviction back dated I always thought a conviction is a conviction no-matter how long its been .I am a convicted felon which obtained my CDL AP Learners Permit out of Georgia . I don't have the money for training so I've been applying to companies for training and of course I've been turn down. I know I made some mistakes in life that I'm not proud of but I'm trying to get myself together we all have children so I'm pretty much sure everyone wants to provide for them in my case I relocated from New Jersey to start a new life although I know where ever I go some of my pass will follow me I'm only asking for a chance to show a company that I am a hard worker ,I don't complain and that I will get the job done no-matter what. I have a clean DDS report I can pass a dot physical with my eyes close and I am determine to learn and start working I even took the time out and applied for the federal bonding program which provides employers with limited coverage at NO cost when they hire job applicants who cannot be covered by commercial bond for the first 6months. I am willing to go as far as letting whatever company that's willing to give me a shot to allow them after the first 6 months of the federal bonding run out they can take outta my check to pay for additional coverage under the federal bonding all I'm asking for is a chance

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