Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Ok, no one take this as a joke, but I guess this kinda is a trick question in a way... If a female truck driver comes over to your truck and offers u company, is she still considered a lot lizard???
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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I just finished training with Maverick flatbed division, I can tell you that they dont play they are very serious. They have very good training, u stay on campus they have a hotel on their property wuth vans u can use, they have a gym an a basketball goal plus a walking track, its a real nice place but you will have a roomate. You do classroom for a week they feed you the first week an give you $50 they only feed lunch your on your own for breakfast an dinner, you do hands on training the next week, that last day of hands on you find out who your trainer is. Overall the training is great but some of the reasons they send people home is petty but i understand.
Thank your man! I've really REALLY been wanting to hear something about Maverick on here! Especially their flatbed division! Any other info. u can give me?
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Lol idk bout the whole jumping or climbing a trailer thing but I'd definately brush up haha. I have been non-stop studying and preparing for trucking school to make sure the ONLY thing I have to worry about is learning to drive a semi...
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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My girlfriend's ex actually works for TMC, and he told me if I do end up getting accepted by TMC to come to orientation and training prepared... He said TMC makes it tough on you and really sees what you r capable of during orientation and training.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Any truck drivers from Kansas or at least midwest???
I can't wait til i can witness all these places all u guys r talking bout.!!! Especially Brett and Redgator! Both of u sound like u guys know where the best spots r lol.. I am just excited to put in the work and work up my experience to where i can get the job I want after one and a half years and i visit all these places. I definately wanna visit all these places first tho.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Any truck drivers from Kansas or at least midwest???
Lol ok now well i think everyone has a nice interest in this.... haha what is everyones favorite place to drive through while trucking?
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Lot Lizards.
Well excuse my poor manners but what age r u starcar?