Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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I told the instructors the day before yesterday i wasn't comfortable about the vsi. And they said we would go over it, but we never did. Early today i split from my school and went to the other. The other students were happy to have me. But when we we're about to jump in the truck i was told to join the others. I also called her on my lunch break today and left her a voicemail. But you're entirely right, as passionate as i may be i need to tone it back. Thank you so much. Without a doubt i need to display myself like i would a customer. Thank you, for your input!
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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I'm kinda venting right now but honestly I'm upset. I'm upset that International Trucking School essentially is using my class as a testing run. Generally they have 5 students to instructors this last week we combined another class with ours which was already at a 12 students. One of our four instructors became ill, another i found out was being trained.
So we effectively had two instructors these last three days. On top of that one instructor had 12 students while the other instructor/s had only four. Our instructor started making quick field trips to the testing site. In the mean time we had a truck going on the track practicing clutching. And another truck doing offset backing. All students by themselves. By themselves.... by themselves. I decided to just practice clutching, along with another driver. While the other students helped each other try to learn something they're learning themselves...
I called out the other instructor. He couldn't even look me in the eye. I'm young. Sometimes I'm passionate. But I'm respectful. I've had friends go through the school and they all left there with positive reviews. And i understand that the school can't predict when someone may become sick. But after waiting two months for WIA to fund me. I'm very serious about being the best driver i can become. And i don't think YouTube or even this site should be my main learning device. Hopefully things straighten out.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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A few questions about out of state license suspension while having a valid license
Ok that's a little different. I can't tell you what to do, but my situation was this. I have never been to CA but my license in California is suspended. I have a "common name" "Armando" so i called the DMV in California and explained mysituation (to about 5 different receptionists). Finally they sent me a fax at my local Secretary of State stating something close to we messed up but can't fix it lol. I now have to carry that paper with me everywhere so that incase i get pulled over I'll be fine.
From my understanding it's hard to change it in the DMV. But for me too completely fix it i would have to have my finger prints done with the national registry, Or the state sheriff. Then that would be proof that I was never in CA. Everything got real complicated so i was just like okay ill just carry this letter around for the rest of my life. Seriously... i have 10 copies in my safe just in case i lose one. This has been popping up every time i renew or change information.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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I was told by an experienced driver that it's common for professional drivers to use bungie cords while fueling. Is there any truth to that? He mentioned fueling is a perfect time to clean your head lamps or windows. But i mean federally it's illegal to stay away from your tank while you're actively fueling your vehicle. Right? I believe it would make an amazing tool to multi task and stay safe. While you do an unsafe thing lol. I guess I'm just confused. Do drivers/officials just feel comfortable enough to do this, or am i really just thinking to much about it?
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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A few questions about out of state license suspension while having a valid license
Some things really depend on the county/state you live in. Like Phil said, call the county clerk/courthouse. Legally you can only have one license. So if it's suspended in Colorado it's suspended Michigan.
Where i live, 4 yrs ago a no proof of insurance made my license enter suspension. Now my state decided it will only suspend a license for moving violations. Your DMV or Secretary of State will tell you what you need to do to satisfy everything.
I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure having more then one license is a pretty big deal especially to cdl holders. Legalize yourself asap, trust me.... when i was 18-21 i was bad with paying tickets. I quickly went from a 350 or so ticket to paying over 3200 in reinstatement fees, court fees, lawyer fees (which was appointed to me by the court). driver responsibility alone was 500 a year for two years... if you don't pay it or at least attempt to it's going to get really bad. And fast. Do not under any circumstances drive if you have a suspended licence. Its not worth it at all.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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My only suggestion is just that because the posting requires you to be 25, still talk to a recruiter. It may be a generic posting for the company or a clerical error. Call them and ask, if you haven't already. I'm sure your credentials can hold some weight in the decision (unless maybe it's an insurance thing).
If you could go back a few years do you think you would go with PRIME again? I'm asking for me personally.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Trying to attain my CDL with a WIA grant
I want to jump ship before my year is up, and my duties fulfilled. But it would be something to consider as an alternate route.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Trying to attain my CDL with a WIA grant
My brother actually works in Kankakee, Illinois and wants me to do the program his job offers. But I'm a little stubborn sometimes. I think it's a tanker job involving cooking oil.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Trying to attain my CDL with a WIA grant
I want to go to TMC, they don't offer classes for a CDL A. They expect you to have it. Im calling TMC Tuesday to see about my app. If I'm denied then I'll just go apply with Prime, our somewhere else. Not that Prime doesn't deserve to be a place to strive to get into from the start. I personally just want to work for TMC, so I'm going to jump the hoops. Please don't think I don't appreciate your consideration, I'm young enough to be green and old enough to listen to a veteran. Haha
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Week 2 Day 5
Thanks again Mountain Girl! Yesterday when I came into class our instructor pulled me aside and asked me about m week cap review. (I definitely left them some words to read). I told them the main jest and he reassured me that we would be ready come week 4 when we take our road test. Yesterday (Monday) he said the other school's bus broke down so they wouldn't make it out to us. Today (Tuesday) it was the same thing. I'm thinking that it's just them avoiding having to say "hey we messed up." lol But in any case these last two days have been night and day from last week. My caseworker even called me back and asked if things had been resolved. Like you said the squeaky wheel gets oiled!