Profile For Joe S.

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Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Medications your allowed to take?

I have similar issues and have been looking for an answer all over the place. I have a chronic pain disorder and take a low dose (2.5 to 5 mg) once or twice a day of oxycodone. In the summer I usually only need 2.5 at night. I also take Seroquil XR and Mirapex for restless leg. I called the recruiter for the company and asked if my medications disqualify me and I was told that she would have to ask the safety manager but I haven't heard back from her (been over a month). My meds do not affect my ability to drive. The oxy has no affect on me in low dose and on the rare occasions I have to take more it makes me feel like I've drank a quad espresso. My script allows me up to 4x 5mg a day and I have had the same script for 4 1/2 years without increasing it.

My Dr. Did my DOT for my CDL permit and I have documentation from her stating my meds don't adversely affect my ability to operate any vehicle safely. What I found at DOT's website is:

(ii) Does not use any non-Schedule I drug or substance that is identified in the other Schedules in 21 part 1308 except when the use is prescribed by a licensed medical practitioner, as defined in ยงย 382.107, who is familiar with the driver's medical history and has advised the driver that the substance will not adversely affect the driver's ability to safely operate a commercial motor vehicle.

Last Thursday I saw a doctor and asked for a prescription NSAID so I could stop the oxy long enough for the pre employment screen. Over the counters don't work but the one he prescribed is. Problem is I don't want to take it long term because it (as well as most NSAID'S) damage the liver with extended use.

If I read DOT accurately then legally I should be fine. I also didn't see anything on the DOT site about 30 days before driving again after taking a narcotic but it seems to me that if you have the documentation from your Dr. Stating it doesn't affect your ability to operate a CV safely it shouldn't matter.

It may seem from my meds that I'm in horrible shape but I'm not. My conditions are managed and I can work, and work safely. I really want to drive. If I like it as much as I think I will I intend to buy my own truck after 6 months.

I would appreciate any information, confirmation, ideas, etc anyone could provide.


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