Profile For Isabelle G.

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Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Transgender Women In Trucking (Please don't laugh...not a joke)

Hello again all! Sorry I haven't had much time to spend on the computer as I have been busy running all over the place finding a temporary job and figuring out my financial aid stuff for the local community college I plan on attending.

I have not made up my mind 100% about whether or not I am going to go for my CDL...still kind of mulling it over, and trying to keep an open mind. I really just wanted to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who replied for being so nice, and understanding. :-) It really is encouraging and I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate it. I'll be back once I have made up my mind about whether or not the trucking life style would be suitable for me (still doing so more research) and by the way just want to mention that this website is a wealth of knowledge and has been really insightful so props to the creators/moderators/anyone else involved. Again, thank you all for your helpful replies :-)

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Transgender Women In Trucking (Please don't laugh...not a joke)

Hi everyone!

I'm going to be upfront and honest. I am a 24 year old woman who has hit a point in her life where a major change of career (and money) is needed. I should also note that I was not born a woman. I am transgender and currently going through the process of gender transition. But that is not what this post is about.

I have always had a love of the open road, and excelled at jobs in which I was able to work independently. As mentioned before, I am in desperate need of a change of career and due to my personality and preferences trucking SEEMS like it may be a suitable option...hence why I am doing some more research. In short I have a few questions that I was hoping perhaps someone more knowledgeable than myself could shed some light upon.

1. I understand that this is a mostly (and I may be stereotyping here) "blue collar" dominated industry. As such, do you think a woman like me would have to be worried about facing discrimination when it comes to job placement? 2. Do women have to be more careful in terms of physical safety (i.e. at truck stops, shipping offices etc.) 3. Would you say there is more animosity towards LGBT folk in trucking as compared to other industries?

Any and all responses would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much an have a wonderful day! :-)

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