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  • Jeffry T.
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Posted:  6 years, 1 month ago

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Paid CDL near Gary Indiana

Swift also has a terminal not far from roehls terminal off of Cline ave by the Gary airport. I to live in northwest indiana but really that has very little to do with where you work in this business. You can live in indiana and work for a company in California just as easy.

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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What has trucking given back to you?

Trucking has given me a lot of thing in many different facets of my life. For starters it gave me the ability to work by myself.

I work for a small family owned trucking company and by doing so I have gotten alot of folks whom I consider to be like my own family. I have also gained the knowledge of all that goes into finding freight and keeping everything going down the road as I work for a very transparent company.

Financially I have gained the ability to provide for my family without my wife having to work while our children are young. I am a steel hauler often loading several different pieces that differ in size shape and weight so over the last 4 years I have become proficient at solving these puzzles if you will and that is one of my favorite things about this job.

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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Roehl training

Roehl has some really good instructors I got my cdl through them. If your instructor can't help you get they will move you around until they find someone who can.

Posted:  6 years, 9 months ago

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What is the point of a DSE??

I had to do this when I worked at roehl it's really no big deal man. You take one of there instructors on a short ride takes less then 30 mins then you do a single back and as long as you don't hit anything you move on to solo. It's just an added measure to ensure you can safely operate a cmv your time with a trainer is very short and there is a lot to be learned in that time. This added practice if you will if for yours and there benefit.

Posted:  6 years, 10 months ago

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Question to recent Roehl CDL Graduates

I can not say with any amount of certainty if it is still this way. When I got my cdl through their school in Wisconsin I was also responsible for my transportation to and from that location. However after successfully completing the program we were given our comdata cards that had x amount of dollars deposited on it they said was mileage pay for our travel.

Posted:  6 years, 10 months ago

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Flatbed newbie.

I believe TMC will give you the option to run cpm pay if you choose to do so. I have been on percentage for the last almost 3 years it's not really different. I have however talked to very many drivers with tmc and have heard way more complements on the company then complaints. They have a top notch securment class as well. I wish I would have started with them just for that class alone.

Posted:  6 years, 11 months ago

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Roehl Transport Great Lake Regional and National Flatbed getting "Scraps"?

Roehl Transport was founded as an all flatbed operation and got into reefer and van as they later expanded. I worked on there great lakes fleet for nearly a year and hauled any and everything you can imagine. As far as scraps what does it matter anyway you are paid by the mile not by the load. I enjoyed working there they have a very solid operation especially for someone new to the industry. If I were to ever be in the position to return to over the road I would go back there. My only complaint while I was there was my fleet manager was brand new to this industry like I was so anytime I had a problem it was always a headache because she only knew what the computer told her to say but by the time I left there she was much better.

Posted:  7 years ago

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Roehl - Learned something cool about them.

Yes they do have a specialized division they also have a bridge division that hauls bridge beams all summer long then in the off season they do other specialized loads and regular flatbed work

Posted:  7 years ago

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Twic for rider


They should not need to have there own twic card if you have one you should be allowed to escort them. However each site has there own site specific rules.


But they might have to pay the port charge. My local one is $10 for TWIC holders and $20 for non.

TWIC by its very name is "Transportation Worker Identification Credential"

Therefore, not an employee, then no credentials.

Yeah that would be a site specific rule like I was saying hauling steel go into several different ports and I was a security manager at a large steel mill when they rolled out the twic program and it encompasses much more then truck drivers there's just a lot of grey area that's why every port has different rules pertaining to this.

Posted:  7 years ago

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Twic for rider

They should not need to have there own twic card if you have one you should be allowed to escort them. However each site has there own site specific rules.

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