Profile For Sean S.

Sean S.'s Info

  • Location:
    Sault Sainte Marie, MI

  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 5 months ago

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Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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I got sent home by Con-way Freight

You are truly one of kind MG. Some males are intimidated by a female such as yourself. The reason is they supposedly can't run with the big dogs. It isn't just with trucking either. A female can go toe to toe with any male in anything and as is more often the case best him. Some males that you may encounter in your travels will try to get the best of you, but there are a great deal more of males who like to see the passion and drive that a female brings to the table. Those guys should be intimidated. It scares them. I back you 120%. Show them what females are made of, MG. Keep on truckin!

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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I got sent home by Con-way Freight

MG, after reading all this I believe you are the meaning of adversity. You have a great supporting cast here. As a young soon to be rookie-in-training, I consider your hardships as inspiring. You are representing the trucking community and all the female drivers now and the future ones. As a young gun, one thing I have been told everyday is to keep on, keepin on. This may be a biker motto but I believe it has been used by truckers all over. "Ride to live, Live to ride." Best of luck to you and Keep on Keepin on!

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Knight Transportation

Knight does look like it will be for me. I have considered Indy as a possible location ,although if I am not mistaken, I believe Green Bay also has a facility. The more I read about them, the more I like what I see. Knight is the top choice and only one at this point. Thank you!

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Knight Transportation's Training Program - Looking For Advice

I am looking into Knight as well. For me though I am considering the nearest location to me. I see there are a few that are close. Not sure on where to go as of yet but the best of luck to all you guys!

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Knight Transportation

I initially noticed that as well. They are my top choice right now.

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Knight Transportation

Lately I have been leaning toward Knight Transportation for training. They seem to offer what I am interested in overall, in comparision to other schools. For where I am currently located, I am not sure where the closest school to me is. Anyone who either drives for Knight or knows a liitle about them, could please offer some input for me?

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Advice on Trucking overall

I am currently in Saul Ste Marie in the Upper Peninsula. Over the past week I have been given options of different schools though I am still unsure which one to attend. I have heard such ones as Schneider, JB Hunt, Liberty to name a few..

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Advice on Trucking overall

With all things considered, and given my current situation, how soon would I need to find a school and begin my career?

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Advice on Trucking overall

I appreciate that info Brett. I'm as excited as I can be to get started. I know I have a ways to go and a lot to learn, but I am ready to go full steam ahead. My dad was a driver for many years. When I told him this is what I wished to pursue he was very excited. He gave me a lot of advice and offered his opinion on it. He said my best bet is to look for a school that will teach me all I need to know to make this dream a reality. I am still searching and reading as much information as possible in the meantime.

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Advice on Trucking overall

Ok I will do that. My next question is this. If I attend a school here in Michigan and once I am done with training, will the company I will be employed with be only a statewide position or will it be cross country? Will it depend on where I attend or is it the same almost everywhere?

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