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Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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TruckCoin, the Bitcoin of Truckers- Where to buy
I saw the website. Just type in Truck Coin, and it will be one of the first links that shows up. It looks like...
1) a nicely set up scam, or 2) another place to sell Bitcoin.
I am curiuous. Why do you say scam? What is scammy about truck coin or bit coin. Did you know that Germany considers bitcoin legal tender and our own US Government has now legalized alternative coins when the IRS classified them as legal property and is to be taxed as such. Its just another way to think about money, another way to move value. Why really do you say scam?
Because it's not real money even though you buy it with real money. Credit is a loan of real money, debit is a withdraw of real money. This is neither. It's a made up currency.
Colleen, well, what is the difference if you take real money ( which some economist consider the most unreal thing in the world) and buy a baseball card of your favorite ball player. Where and the heck do people come up with the value of the baseball card? Its subjective! One day the baseball player is in and then the next day he can be out. But none the less a popular baseball card can sell for thousands of dollars. But really when you think about it, what a crazy kind of scammy thing that people print up and sell faces of people for dollar bills. Bitcoins and other alternative coins are kinda like baseball cards but unlike baseball cards they serve the function of transferring and recording data across thousands of miles in a second. A bitcoin or truck coin is nothing more than a dynamic public ledger of financial transaction with the prime element of the transaction being a unique encrypted chain of numbers that belong to you. A truckcoin/bitcoin is a unique number that is formed when a cryptographic/algorithmic problem is solved by your computer or someone else's . You own that number. That number means nothing until a group of people decide they are willing to make it worth something and to trade it amongst themselves. This is the part that you probably don't like, the fact that people get together and through consensus determine what a coin is worth. But really that is exactly what is going on with the US Dollar. There is no gold behind the dollar. We have been off the gold standard for decades. Its all subjective. As long as the world accepts the US dollar as the reserve currency then it will have value. Many economist , politicians and business people think that the US Dollar will collapse, that true insanity has set into the Feds. People are looking all over , some scrambling to find a place to put their dollars in hopes that their investment might preserve or enhance the value of the dollar. Thousands of people began investing in bitcoin right after the Cyprus banking fiasco that many felt would go viral. They did that because it , bitcoin, was not controlled by a government or a bank that could seize their money. Also the coins could me moved quickly without fees across international borders. The trend to find safety plus the intrinsic logic and efficiency of pure, decentralized, digital money not under the control of self serving governments and bankers is winning over both the mom and pops of the world plus now huge hedge funds on Wall St. Keep an open mind on this. Best to you!
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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TruckCoin, the Bitcoin of Truckers- Where to buy
I saw the website. Just type in Truck Coin, and it will be one of the first links that shows up. It looks like...
1) a nicely set up scam, or 2) another place to sell Bitcoin.
I am curiuous. Why do you say scam? What is scammy about truck coin or bit coin. Did you know that Germany considers bitcoin legal tender and our own US Government has now legalized alternative coins when the IRS classified them as legal property and is to be taxed as such. Its just another way to think about money, another way to move value. Why really do you say scam?
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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TruckCoin, the Bitcoin of Truckers- Where to buy
Sorry if I am sounding harsh but you come in with no track record here and this is how the thread goes? Honestly I am surprised this thread has lasted this long.
Me too! I almost hit the delete button 10 times but I figured I'd give it a couple days to see what was said. I agree wholeheartedly with Guyjax. In fact, calling it "truckcoin" seems like an obvious play on truckers and:
The only way you can buy TruckCoin right now is with Bitcoin so you have to first get some Bitcoin.
Then it isn't really backed by anything. It's nothing but numbers on a screen I guess. I've been in the stock market since December of 2000 and I've watched tons and tons of new investment products spring up over the years. Most make perfect sense. But "truckcoin" makes no sense to me at all. It seems like someone said, "Hey, truckers are dumb. Let's create a virtual currency out of thin air, base it on another virtual currency, name it something with "truck" in it, and see how much money we can make off people who don't know any better."
Unless something interesting and compelling comes up that compels me to keep these threads they'll have to go by the end of today.
Guy and other Fella's, I am an out of work contractor, car repo, on food stamps, struggling to save my ass, found bit coin, scrapped 100 lbs of copper at $3.30 a pound, bought some bit coin. Got lucky, bought cheap. Now buying Truckcoin cheap, making a little more money. I thought the name truckcoin was novel. IT WAS NOT MADE FOR TRUCKERS! Truckcoin is a very high profile new coin,open sourced, owned by no central agency, being bought up by mostly young techies. But I thought Truckers, as a group, are highly wired, obviously mobile, great networkers and make up the backbone of this country. I am the one that thought truckers may like this coin, could relate to it easier than bit coin, have some fun, try it without a lot of risk. Its hard to spend even a hundred dollars on this cause there is so little of it to buy. My selfish motive is that the more that join me in buying this coin the more stable it becomes and a lot of people could be surprised at the profits on this. And btw, I am still trying to save my ass and my families. I have a long way to go yet to accomplish this!!! If it is un-American to try and get back on my feet and share or promote a business idea with you all here then go ahead and delete. Sorry I bothered you.
BTW, it took me a lot of time to write up all these post. After having brought up the idea of Truckcoin I realized that many people did not have the foggiest idea on how to even buy it so I posted how to do that. And then I have tried to answer honestly the replies that came in. I have a helluva lot of experience now about these alternative coins and could share it if you want it but if you don't then God Bless.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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TruckCoin, the Bitcoin of Truckers- Where to buy
Sorry if I am sounding harsh but you come in with no track record here and this is how the thread goes? Honestly I am surprised this thread has lasted this long.
Me too! I almost hit the delete button 10 times but I figured I'd give it a couple days to see what was said. I agree wholeheartedly with Guyjax. In fact, calling it "truckcoin" seems like an obvious play on truckers and:
The only way you can buy TruckCoin right now is with Bitcoin so you have to first get some Bitcoin.
Then it isn't really backed by anything. It's nothing but numbers on a screen I guess. I've been in the stock market since December of 2000 and I've watched tons and tons of new investment products spring up over the years. Most make perfect sense. But "truckcoin" makes no sense to me at all. It seems like someone said, "Hey, truckers are dumb. Let's create a virtual currency out of thin air, base it on another virtual currency, name it something with "truck" in it, and see how much money we can make off people who don't know any better."
Unless something interesting and compelling comes up that compels me to keep these threads they'll have to go by the end of today.
Guy and other Fella's, I am an out of work contractor, car repo, on food stamps, struggling to save my ass, found bit coin, scrapped 100 lbs of copper at $3.30 a pound, bought some bit coin. Got lucky, bought cheap. Now buying Truckcoin cheap, making a little more money. I thought the name truckcoin was novel. IT WAS NOT MADE FOR TRUCKERS! Truckcoin is a very high profile new coin,open sourced, owned by no central agency, being bought up by mostly young techies. But I thought Truckers, as a group, are highly wired, obviously mobile, great networkers and make up the backbone of this country. I am the one that thought truckers may like this coin, could relate to it easier than bit coin, have some fun, try it without a lot of risk. Its hard to spend even a hundred dollars on this cause there is so little of it to buy. My selfish motive is that the more that join me in buying this coin the more stable it becomes and a lot of people could be surprised at the profits on this. And btw, I am still trying to save my ass and my families. I have a long way to go yet to accomplish this!!! If it is un-American to try and get back on my feet and share or promote a business idea with you all here then go ahead and delete. Sorry I bothered you.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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TruckCoin, the Bitcoin of Truckers- Where to buy
Question: What can I buy with a Bitcoin or a Truckcoin?
Literally anything you can think of. Overstock.com takes bitcoin. Ebay says it will soon be using Bitcoin. I have been buying gift cards for Amazon and WholeFoods through a company called GYFT that receives bitcoins in trade for hundreds of different retailers gift cards of your choice. TruckCoin is brand new so I don't expect to see retailers accepting it for a few more months so, for now, it is just an investment really not a usable currency. By mid 2015 expect to see a greater acceptance of Bitcoin and TruckCoin especially at participating travel centers like Travel America.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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TruckCoin, the Bitcoin of Truckers- Where to buy
Here are three exchanges that sell TruckCoin. Its dirt cheap now ( 1 buck buys 600 truck) but steadily rising up:
https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-TRK https://www.allcoin.com/trade/TRK_BTC https://cryptex.biz/market/88
The only way you can buy TruckCoin right now is with Bitcoin so you have to first get some Bitcoin. Here are a few exchanges where you can open a cash account to buy Bitcoin with:
https://coinbase.com/buy-bitcoin https://www.trucoin.com https://coin.mx
Once your account is open then you can transfer the Bitcoin to the exchange you have opened that sells TruckCoin. Most likely, at this stage in the game, the exchange that takes cash deposits will not be selling TruckCoin so you will have to transfer your Bitcoin to your TruckCoin wallet at your TruckCoin exchange.
You can also download a TruckCoin wallet onto your computer once you buy some TruckCoin and then move your TruckCoin off the exchange for a more secure environment. I never leave coins on an exchange, just enough to trade with, keeping the bulk in my own passcode protected wallet on MY computer. Here is where to download a TruckCoin wallet:
Another easy way to get going buying some TruckCoin is by going to Ebay and buying some Bitcoin and providing the seller a Bitcoin wallet address. You can get a Bitcoin wallet address at the same exchange that you registered into to get your TruckCoin wallet address. Once the Ebay seller sends the Bitcoins you buy to your Bitcoin wallet address then you are ready to start buying TruckCoin. Don't spend what you can't afford! A small amount can go a long way this early in the game. Good Luck!
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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TruckCoin, the Bitcoin of Truckers
Just want to let you all know if you have at all been interested in bitcoin (selling now at over $400) and think you have missed the boat, take a look at TruckCoin. It might be too late to catch the boat for bitcoin that use to sell for 5 cents but not too late to catch the Truck(TRK) selling for fractions of a penny. Happy to answer questions. Where to watch it or buy it: https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-TRK
How does this virtual money turn into real cash? A person uses their very real bank account money to buy in, so when they sell, does that truckcoin money turn real? Or is this another one of those scams and you have a stake in getting people to "invest"?
Not trying to be harsh just very skeptic and don`t like to see people getting screwed.
I am just investing in this coin. Its not my coin. I have invested in about 22 different digital currencies like bitcoin. What is different about TruckCoin is that it is the first of a new series of coins offering huge interest/staking rates. TruckCoin is paying out 200% yearly interest! Insane. Its an experimental coin but has the potential I feel to be much more profitable that bitcoin. I have already tripled my money in 2 weeks. If I was smart I would sell out but I can't help but feeling this coin has a long way to go plus I only have a hundred buck into this. That being said this coin could fail and I could lose my money. I am willing to take the risk though. As always don't invest money you can't afford to lose. And yes, Truckcoin turns to real cash anytime you want to convert it. Right now, until an exchange converts Truckcoin directly into cash, you would have to trade your Truckcoin for bitcoin on an exchange that sells both and then turn your bitcoin into cash. There are some services that will turn any digital coin into cash but you have to pay a premium for that service.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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TruckCoin, the Bitcoin of Truckers
Is this used as cash at truck stops?
I doubt that TruckCoin or even Bitcoin is accepted at any truck stops but it is only a matter of time until the whole world is using some form of digital currency. TruckCoin is a relatively new digital currency that has improvements over bit coin, the main advantage being it is transmitted within a minute across any distance making commerce of any kind possible without the need for cash or credit cards. Right now I am just investing and holding TruckCoin with the hopes that it will rise to the great heights that bitcoin has.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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TruckCoin, the Bitcoin of Truckers
What advantage does this offer over bitcoin besides that it is worthless?
Advantage? 100 times faster. 5000 times less to buy in. Pays 200 times the interest. Bitcoin pays none. The network is more secure as it is a POS coin and not a POW coin that needs a huge network to protect from a 51% hostile take over of the block chain. OH also the wallet downloads in seconds not hours!
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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TruckCoin, the Bitcoin of Truckers- Where to buy
Rolling Thunder, Excellent information