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  • Tim S.
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Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Will a school accept me NOW??

I believe they have to report those drug tests to other agencies. I think DAC is only one place they'll list it. I'm hoping someone else may be able to chime in on this because I'm not sure.

After it all had happened I requested my entire background report from HireRight and from what I could tell when I looked at it there was no drug reporting history from anything other than DAC so I am hoping this will help me out. I would appreciate if anyone knows different to chime in as you said. If all is good I will start making calls and applying for other schools.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Funny Signs you see on the road

There is a billboard near Lake Ozark, Missouri that reads "Big ****'s Halfway Inn" lol I've never seen it personally but my cousin used to fish there every now and then and posted it on facebook a few years ago

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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PRIME - Springfield, MO Monday January 19th, 2015

Well pretty much ready to head out in the morning. Never been on a travel bus....hmmmm...

They are extremely uncomfortable and if you get stuck on the aisle seat forget being able to sleep....when I went to school I learned if you want ANYTHING you have to be at the front of the pack. This goes for free meals (if they offer that at Prime), seats in class and seats on the buses!

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Will a school accept me NOW??

Many of you may not know my story but in December last year I went to CRST trucking school. I failed the pre-employment drug screen and was sent home about a week after taking the test. I disputed the results with HireRight and just got word today that the results have been removed from my DAC report. So I am wondering now if I would be able to get picked up by a school? The letter basically says that HireRight gave CRST 30 days to respond and they didn't so they removed it but also says that if they do respond and there are changes they will notify me by mail. What do you guys think?

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Failed pre-employment drug screen, can I still go to driving school?

I totally understand where everyone is coming from and I do agree that it's a very important job where many lives are at risk every time you drive. I don't see "random" tests being an issue. I have no intent on smoking again. I had actually never thought about driving trucks til I became unemployed and couldn't find a job that paid more than minimum wage in my small town. So now I was unemployed and looking for work. I've always wanted to get out of this state for as long as I've been out of high school and so being able to travel was a plus too. Thanks for all the advice too. Ill be getting this SAP completed as soon as possible and hopefully be able to restart this with a somewhat clean slate.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Failed pre-employment drug screen, can I still go to driving school?

Not a bad idea but like you said, it probably wont help the situation at all. From what I've read the SAP course first starts with a meeting with a counselor where they evaluate you and then give you instructions on treatment programs. It was never even close to an addiction I smoked for 2-2.5 months every other week like I said previously but ill do whatever I need to do, I just know it will take me a while to be able to save up the money required to enlist for it.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Failed pre-employment drug screen, can I still go to driving school?

I appreciate all the replies. I have already thought of checking to see if this shows up on DAC or not and requested my background from HireRight before I had even left CRST. The report tells me there is no DAC available but then on another page says CRST has given info to DAC about pre employment drug screen results. I suppose I will just have to stick it out for a while and complete the SAP required course and go from there.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Failed pre-employment drug screen, can I still go to driving school?

I definitely take full responsibility as I admitted to using it. But had that initial home test came back positive I wouldn't have wasted my time and hundreds of dollars going to the school until I knew it was gone. I do have another question though. Since this was just pre-employment am I still required to complete the DOT SAP course?

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Failed pre-employment drug screen, can I still go to driving school?

I definitely have no intention on smoking again and to break quite honest I'm baffled as to how I could have possibly failed the test in the first place. I only started smoking around October and would just get a small amount every other week. It would last about 3 days and I wouldn't get more for 2 weeks. I've heard from numerous sources that it only takes 30 days to clean it from your urine. I honestly believe they messed with sample cup but I have no way to prove it. The reason I think this is because the man that went before me was unable to give a full sample, his first attempt he couldn't fill it to the line. His second attempt still didn't fill to the line and wasn't the right temperature (I only know this because they left the door open on his second attempt) I think its possible they poured out what he did give and reused the cup. But that's just my theory. They refused a retest, I asked if there were cameras in the room where you give your sample to the nurse but every attempt for me to try and prove my innocence has been ignored.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Failed pre-employment drug screen, can I still go to driving school?

Long story short, I went to CRST in Iowa...took the drug screen with no concerns. I did previously smoke weed and it was just over 1 month that I last smoked before having to do the drug screen. I used a home test days before I left and it showed negative for THC. I wanted to know if this pre-employment screen will keep me from obtaining my CDL at another school? They did both a strip test and lab test for CRST and I was not sent home until a week after. Which means I.must have passed the strip test.

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