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Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Welcome aboard. I want to say I'm glad to see you so open about being trans in an industry that doesn't look too kindly on people who are "different." Even in general society just being a transperson is enough to get you hurt or even killed, and drivers don't have the most tolerant reputation. It's a big part of why I've made it a point over the course of my career to keep my own status as a transman as much to myself as possible. It's hard enough to stay safe in this business without arousing the ire of some jackass who has to prove his manhood by beating the crap out of a total stranger.
(Oh, um, surprise everybody!)
On the flip side, I also think it's important to show other transpeople that yes, you can be trans and be a trucker, and be successful at it. If you want it, go for it.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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thanks for the welcome and may you and your loved ones have a safe and happy new year
Welcome Shannon, thanks for popping in! Stay safe, happy new years
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Happy new year to any one driving a semi for a living. Ok all you bean shooters in your little 5 tons allso. I'm a 60 year old lady truck driver.... Lady since 1997 . I've driven just about everything..... With and with out a ***** ..... **** did she just say that ..... Run kids .... Run ..... It's not an easy job no matter which side of the fence you jumped over. ....... Trucking is long hard hrs of Bordem.... Intermixed with moments of shear tearer.... Lmao...... I'm as happy as a cat with a big bag of rats ..... So to all you GIRLS getting into the bizz....... Giver **** and get it done like nobody else. Make a name for your self as a super reliable ..... On time .... No matter how tuff the job is ..... That's what old school truck drivers do and that's what sepereted us from the wanna be's..... Just saying. ....... It's not easy doing make under sleeper lights ...... Not clamours either ...... But it pays better than mc Donald's and you can see the country and meet new people...... Even dispatcher's.... who I think ...... Hate truck drivers..... Lmao..... All kidding aside. Go after your dreams like you mean it and you won 't be disappointed ..... If any reads this .... I might let go of the steering wheel and post again. Thanks for comming along for the short ride. Keep your stick on the ice and your tires on the pavement.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Transgender women truckers
Thanks for the welcome Bill... I've been trucking for 30 years now and just trying to get through life ..... Happy and healthy just like every one else. It's nice to see a lot of folks are starting to realize that not all trans women are crack smoking hookers .... Lmao. Just ordinary people that had a medical issue to deal with. Again thanks for the kind comments. Keep your stick on the ice and the rubber side down