Profile For Christian F.

Christian F.'s Info

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    Syracuse, NY

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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    10 years ago

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Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Prime Trucking school-my experience

When starting out do you run your full 70 for the week or how many hours do you clock per week? And how has that been adjusting your body to that?

So when it comes to your 70...Based on my experience only, while i was driving on my permit, I always drove. My trainer wanted me behind the wheel always. So during that time, I ran my 70. However, when I got my license and started team driving, I ran my 70 out once. Basically because freight is slow this time of year. On average, I "work" about 35-40 hours a week. Thats including driving and on duty stuff. There has been a lot of sitting and waiting during my phase 2. But I'm almost finished with my miles so it worked out for me.

Hope that helps :-)

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Prime Trucking school-my experience

Im considering prime to get my cdl and become a driver i have a friend and we want to team together do you recommend prime for that im 20 turn 21 dec 3

So I do recommend Prime. However, from experience, Team loads seem to be few and far between. In 2 months, I've had 2 team loads and they were only team loads because they were high value loads. Also, I don't know how teams run as company drivers. Thats definitely something to ask the recruiter about. While I've been running team with my trainer for 2 months, I have managed to reset my 70 hour clock 8-10 times. Because all we have done lately is sit. That doesn't mean that will always be the case. Freight is much slower this time of year. But just to keep that in the back of your mind...

Hope that helps :-)

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Prime Trucking school-my experience

So I want to apologize for not getting back on here very recently. So lets start from departing Springfield with my license to now: Left Springfield and started phase 2 of my training. That is driving team with your trainer for 30K miles. The truck has to go 30K not just you driving. And it goes by dispatched miles which they give you. So for 3 weeks I jumped around the continental 48. About 2.5 weeks in My trainer, wanted to show me that even though you are on the road a lot, home time can happen. So he let me go home for a night with my fiance. We were 24 hours ahead of schedule and about 2 hours from our delivery. The following week, I went home for Thanksgiving. Spent a week at home. That right there shows how family oriented Prime is. I returned to the truck on December 1st and continued my training. As we speak right now, i have about 1300 miles left of my 30K. I will be going back to Springfield sometime on Wednesday the 23rd to upgrade and get my own truck. After getting my truck, I will be returning home to my fiance for about 5 days. Again, very family oriented company. Until next time...which will probably be a post/picture of my truck next week!

Also, I really appreciate the comments and that my adventure has been beneficial to new drivers choosing a company to go with!

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Prime Trucking school-my experience

All right! So lets start with Monday night. Spent about 4 hours on the practice pad working on different backing maneuvers. We finished that up around midnight and I slept in the truck until about 6 o'clock in the morning. Tuesday morning my instructor showed up and off we went to sign in for my test. Luckily for me I was the second one on the list, so I was the second one to test. The downfall of this was that it was raining cold and dark still when we got to the testing pad. Started my test which starts with pre trip and I got lights , driver's door, coupling, and in cab. I was very confident in my pre trip because how prepared I was. The only thing I missed were the dash indicators; left turn right turn high beams 4 ways in my in cab inspection. Then I did my backing maneuvers. Lost no points on that. Then it was road test time. The moment that you know you cannot screw up. I lost total of 18 points , but thats still passing. So long story short, I got a trifecta! So after you test, there is a lot of running around to do. First you must go to HR and be hired. So you fill out your tax paperwork for your home state and she gives you a checklist of things to do. This includes, new ID badge, TWIC card, DMV, and passport card. When you finish all of this, you return to HR and drop off the paper which she signs and becomes a ticket to get a free hat from the store. Then you're free. Congrats on being an employee. And that's exactly what they told me. Wednesday, another very low key day. Started the day off with a meeting for my sleep study. They basically just gave me information of what to expect and what to do. Went back to the truck to hang out and relax until that night. That night I return to the campus inn, and started getting set up for my sleep study. If you do have to take a sleep study, do not expect it to be a good night sleep. You have about 10,000 wires going every which way on your body measuring everything. I went to sleep around 10 o'clock and was woken up at 12:30 a.m. At that time they put the machine on me to test that. Basically they want to see side by side how you sleep with and without this machine. The next morning around 5:30 a.m. I was woken up for them to pull the wires off me and to leave. I returned to the Millenium building because I had a physical that morning. This is now Thursday. After completing the physical, it was sit around and wait because until my study results come in , they would not issue me a new medical card. About 4 hours of waiting, and I have my results. I take them to the office and have them sign my medical card. Because it took so long to get my results , I now have to wait another day to go to the DMV. This means the truck still sits and no paycheck is made. Friday morning, my instructor takes me to the DMV to hand in my medical card because the DMV must have a copy on hand. We return to Prime and go to driver lineup to try to get a load out of Springfield. We decided on a load coming from Kentucky going to California but it is stopping here in Missouri. The downfall to this is that the load will not be here until early tomorrow morning. So this means another day of waiting around not making a paycheck. This is the reality that truck drivers face everyday. If the tires aren't turning you're not making any money. So now I sit here, trying to not go insane because I am so bored haha. Hopefully tomorrow we get out of here early without any issue. Until next time...

Posted:  9 years, 3 months ago

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Prime Trucking school-my experience

And I'm back! I just returned to Springfield MO from my 2 week training period. Quite the adventure and for the most part, loved every bit of it. Started off leaving Springfield with a load to Oklahoma. Then from there to Texas, Colorado, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Arkansas and back to Missouri. So long story short, lots of driving. Luckily, my trainer here allowed me to do 90% of that driving. Every morning we did a pre trip including air brakes. Because of how well I progressed thru this program and my training, my instructor allowed me to start doing things like bumping a dock, hooking and unhooking from trailers, Using the QC, paperwork, etc. Basically all the stuff that I would not have covered until the second portion of my training.

If I could give everyone a big piece of advice: take something to do with you. Like tablet or phone with music, netflix, books, etc. You will be in a truck, with somebody you do not know for 2 weeks and you basically cannot leave their side. There is not enough "away" time from your instructor when you are stopped at truck stops. Now I am very happy with my instructor, don't get me wrong. But I need some "me" time every once and awhile. Pandora and Netflix saved my sanity. Also, make sure you tell your instructor that you are getting out of the truck. Every night I talked with my fiancé for an hour or more. One night, my instructor didn't realize I was no longer in his truck (too involved with candy crush on his joke) and he went to bed, locked the truck and closed the curtain. When drivers hear knocks on their doors, they assume its solicitors or lot lizards. So it took about 20 mins to wake my instructor up to let me back in the truck. We laughed about it afterwards but just keep that in mind. So now I'm iin Springfield. I test tomorrow and hopefully trifecta (cause its an extra 250 in my pocket and 850 in my instructors pocket) theni have a sleep study Wednesday, and my physical Thursday. So if all goes well, I will be back out on the open road Friday! I will donmy best to keep everyone updated. I do appreciate the comments and support I've gotten so far from here.

Till next time...

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Prime Trucking school-my experience

Woke up and off to the training pad...also known as Prime East. Roll call at 0830. Today's goal is pre trip. Spent probably an hour working on pre trip with my buddy from PA. While going over pre trip, an older gentleman walks up and purely out of respecr, I acknowledge him and ask him how he is doing. He pulls me aside and tells me that he is a trainer and that I was the only one that looked him in the eye and asked how he was doing. This totally confirmed everything prime has told me so far-every move you make, someone is watching you. It's a big ol' job interview. After about 5 minutes of talking, we decide that we are going to partner up for my training. He takes me back to the terminal, talks with all of the necessary people, I meet my fleet manager Jeff and off we go to the pad together. Worked on backing for about 2 hours. Did very well and he was very impressed with me. Then off to shifting and driving around the block. About 4 hours of being together, we are assigned a load to Oklahoma City. Returned to the Campus Inn, showered, loaded the truck, checked out of my room and off to the terminal to pick up the load. So here I sit, waiting for our load to get here. So after 7.5 days, I moved to Missouri, got my CDL permit, went thru orientation, practiced shifting and backing, drove legally on roads, and now starting my adventure. It has been one awesome experience and I am looking forward to continuing this path. Until next time...

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Prime Trucking school-my experience

Sunday/Day 7: 8am roll call. Split into 2 groups. One group spent time inside on the simulators and the other group went outside for pre trip. Identical to Saturday. After a few hours of SIM time, a little lunch break and then off to pre trip. A very crucial part of this experience. Make sure you know it front and back and you can recite it in your sleep, and in 3 different languages(okay a little exaggeration there but you get the point) Still in Springfield though. Starting to get a little antsy. Our class is getting smaller by the day with people going home and people leaving with trainers. Whatever you do though, don't get down on yourselves. Just because you don't have a trainer does not mean you did anything wrong necessarily. The company itself has about 900 people certified to do PSD training. But they still have to make money too. And there is about 100 people per class. So you are looking at 400 of those trainers have students already and the remaining trainers are out somewhere in the 48 trying to get loads back to Missouri. Its a tough game to play between drivers, fleet managers, orientation admin, etc. Just don't get discouraged. If you make it this far, they will get you with somebody. They are well into the $2,000 range of what they have paid for you so far. Just make sure you answer all phone calls. Your trainer should try calling you, and if you don't answer, they usually go right to the next student. Okay, so finished that and went to the Millennium building. DInner time. A few of us went out exploring and went to the pad. Talked with a couple people who came back to Springfield for road testing. Pretty decent day overall. Upon my return to the Campus Inn, I found a guy that was willing to go thru the pre trip one on one with me. That was awesome. Again, this Prime family has pulled thru and a guy that happened to be standing there was more than willing to spend an hour going over pre trip with me. Finished that and to my room for the night. New class came in today for tomorrow morning so I'm officially not on the bottom of the food chain anymore. Well until tomorrow..

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Prime Trucking school-my experience

Saturday/Day 6: 8am roll call. Hanging out in the SIM lab again. Played a bunch of different scenarios. One of the scenarios was similar to a post apocalyptic city that you had to get out of before they blew you up. Pretty crazy stuff. I think one of the instructors designed that purely out of boredom. Towards the end of the class, the instructor thought he would be funny and add 50mph winds to my game and a BAC of .12. Needless to truck was toast and I didn't last very long after those slight changes. Released from there for about an hour and a half. Pre trip time. There is a truck and half trailer (they literally cut out about 30 feet of this trailer and welded it back together so they could use it for pre trip at the hotel....seeing how a full size semi wont fit thru the gate). Freightliner cascadia. And you can pre trip it 24 hours a day. There are no limits. Once that's finished up, off to the Millennium building for dinner because the cafe at the Campus inn closes at 1400. Not much for excitement over the weekend. Hopefully I have a trainer soon.

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Prime Trucking school-my experience

Day 5: 7am roll call. This is your final day of "classes". You are given your actual DOT med card and physical paperwork that you filled out on Monday. You sit thru an hour and a half or so class for pre trip. Gets very tedious, but remember it is part of your CDL A test in a few weeks. Make sure you pay attention. When released from this class, you are sent down to get your official purple Prime ID badge/comdata card with your $200/week "loan". Once you have this badge, you now have access to the Millennium Building. Guard that badge with your life because its the only thing that shows you are part of Prime-(remember you are not an employee until you pass your CDL A ). The day goes on low key-talking to people. I almost had a trainer but he was from Oklahoma and I'm from NY so that would make home time very difficult. Great guy though. SIM lab at night. I passed all of my tests. For the remaining 2 hours I played on the simulator in the snow, mountains, truck stops, etc. They are pretty cool if you dont get sick from staring at a 3D screen for long periods of time. Released from that and done for the day. However, I am stuck in Springfield until I can get a trainer that is from the Northeast or is willing to go to NY. Quite the difficult task considering nobody wants to be close to NYS because of the odds of being sent to the Big Apple.

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Prime Trucking school-my experience

Day 4: 8am roll call/benefits class. They discuss all insurance type things today. Very decent prices! Upon finishing that class, I officially had nothing to do. Had my permit in hand but I could not get my Prime ID yet so i can't go to the main terminal - remember the Campus Inn is about 2.5 miles away from Prime's terminal. So I went exploring a l8ttle with a guy from my classm went to Wal Mart to get cards to send to our spouse/fiancé/ girlfriend back home. Also grabbed a case of water for my room. Returned to Campus Inn after awhile, sent out the cards and now we play the waiting game. I don't have to be to the SIM lab until 1900. So I have all day to try to keep myself occupied. Spent some time talking with other drivers and such. My roommate who is a company driver got his truck today so we talked about that for awhile. Dinner was awesome-Chicken and biscuits. Some more hanging out and talking. So overall pretty low key boring day which was definitely noce to have considering what I just went thru the first few days this week. So until next time...

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