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Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Thanks for the advice. not really planning on skipping out just feeling a little insecure having been out of school for about a month and not behind the wheel and I've read of many people getting the boot on their first day of orientation so just trying to cover all bases. I will definitely be honest with whomever asks anything but was just wondering if orientation shows up on a dac or anything. I had read in the past to make sure you are making the right choice before going to orientation for a company. just kinda thought that advice might be related to other companies knowing you've been to orientation somewhere else without having to ask. am definitely going to let the second choice go but was just curious, worst-case scenario, if I'd be able to get an orientation with them after going elsewhere first. thanks again.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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hey everyone. newbie here. I am aware, from the multiple applications I submitted, that companies ask if you've ever been to orientation for any other company; but my question is this: had two companies interested, chose one, scheduled orientation with chosen company, postponed orientation with the other. so, if I go to orientation for one company and for whatever reason it doesn't work out, does my second choice company know that I went for orientation with someone else and do they penalize you in any way for going to orientation somewhere else, leaving, and now coming to them for orientation, potentially? thanks in advance for any responses.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Company orientation
@chickiemonster: thanks for the encouraging words. I am quite nervous after hearing about others who got booted from this company on their first day of orientation. my skills were pretty solid (for a newbie) when I graduated out but it feels quite foreign to me at this point. my situation is a little different in that I already applied, obviously, for my second-choice company and they asked and I said no, of course, because that was the case at that time. was more curious about in the future if I reached out to them and told them I am interested in coming out for orientation, if something were to go fatally wrong with the first orientation, whether they'd know I had been or whether they'd ask again. it's probably a moot point 'cause I'm gonna kill orientation with the company I really want to work for! lol i'll check out your story. good luck.