Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Mine stopped after the required number correct for each test. Alabama.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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The Joy is Fading ...Please Forgive My Attitude ... but ...
You got this, mountain girl.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Any Alumni from LBW Community College CDL Program in Opp, AL?
Yesterday, I drove over to the campus where class will be. It's large dirt track with a couple of nice looking "Student Driver" marked trucks and lots of orange cones. There were only 3 cars, so I'm guessing we're talking small classes. I'm hopeful and excited! I'd still love to hear from someone who's taken their training.
The paperwork came through last night and today I got to do some more backing practice. Right off the bat, I made a giant S instead of backing straight up. Pulled up, took a breath and nailed the straight back and a ninety degree turn. I can't wait until this stuff is second nature and yet I hope I never forget the humbling feeling of trying to do these simple little maneuvers. Thank y'all for all the tips and positive attitudes.
17 days!
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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I think I would go ahead and get another copy and lock it away now, so you're not stuck waiting and stressing when the worst happens (you need it and your original gets lost/destroyed).
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Told to drive when it's obvious you're too tired.
Great analogy!
I have a letter my son wrote from Parris Island: "Everything is going great. The DIs are constantly yelling at us, which is their job. We're constantly being yelled at, which is our job. Tomorrow, we get to shoot the big stuff! This is cool!"
I'm nowhere near USMC material, nor am I a truck driver yet, but my mind is pretty set on taking WHATEVER is dished out and at the end of the day, I will STILL be getting to drive the big truck. Thanks for helping keep my expectations on target. I know when I think I've hit the end of my rope, these posts will help me remember "This is cool!"
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Beginning my journey with Roehl.
Nice writeup, thanks! Are the trailers you're getting to practice with dry vans and are they loaded or completely empty?
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Any Alumni from LBW Community College CDL Program in Opp, AL?
I've completed the High Road Program, WOW!! Brett is not kidding when he says it takes about 80 hours to complete. I already had my permit when I started the program, so I expected it to all be pretty familiar. I was wrong! The additional input from TT and the Weights, Logbook, and Securement sections were like NOTHING I've found elsewhere. I cannot begin to explain how much I've learned. Additionally, I learned some very important lessons about how being tired, trying to focus on too many things at once, or just sitting for too many hours straight degraded my performance on the quizzes. There's definitely a real-life lesson to be applied there.
I can't believe this stuff is free! Thank you!
19 days until class starts and I can't wait! I got word today that the truck I'd been using for backing practice may become available again soon. I'm crossing my fingers.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Have you talked to the school? The school I will be attending had a couple of scholarships available for the asking, no strings attached. The lady I worked with said that sadly some of these go unused every semester because nobody asks for them. It sure won't cost to ask.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Spreadneck, You are ready for the real exam when you complete the High Road Training Program with a really good score. I took the Mississippi exam. I found a few questions not covered in the High Road, but your goal is to PASS. After you get a passing score, the score is irrelevant except you can post your 99% pass score here and boast about it.
I was really bummed (not) that here (AL) once you get the required number correct to pass, the computer stops the test and just says "You passed." No score to brag on. What a rip off!
The online training is definitely the way to go! Go take the test. Take your time. READ each question and EVERY possible answer. Take your time. Read every word. Take your time.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Any Alumni from LBW Community College CDL Program in Opp, AL?
Thanks and good luck! I took a few days off from technology and spent some quality time with my kayak :) On the way home, I stopped at a couple of truck stops and got signed up for their points programs. Still counting the days!