Profile For Casey R.

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Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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OH that's all right boys...jump on me. I'm a little smarter than that !

**Talked to two of my friends that drive. Both said to RUN from the idea ! No money in it once they explained the math. Once again,,,the jobs, any job, that the company has to advertise to hire for isn't worth having or they wouldn't have to beg for help !! Brett himself even said there was a 100% turnover rate.

The part I neglected to look at, which is odd as I can and usually do "run the numbers" first and foremost on any proposition, goes like this: might get 40 cents a mile (buddy been driving 13 yrs. and that's all he this 50 cents etc... sure,yeah...uh huh). Run from IN. to Little Rock in a of his runs ea. wk. Say..700 mi. $320. Barely a decent day after taxes, food, take out for retirement, insurance etc.

OUGHT OH !! You gotta sit ALL NIGHT and wait to get unloaded ! Gotta babysit THEIR truck. They didn't mention that part did they ? They gonna pay you for sitting there from 6p till the dock employees show up at 7A ? NOOOP !'s on your time at that point....once you've cheated the log as much as you dare for the day. (coming to a halt too as soon as the NATIONWIDE trackers in EVERY truck are implemented within the next couple of years....they will know where you are 24/ way to fudge the books then boys)

So..start deducting "babysit the truck" time from your "great money to be made driving a truck" and you're back to another minimum wage job.

Basically, you can work at Wal-Mart and make as much or more and sleep in your own bed every night.

Not worth it. I'm out. Run your a$$e$ off chasing that dollar if you want to boys. Help yourself.

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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"Personally, from reading these few posts of yours, your personality and trucking will have a hard time fitting together. It seems that in trucking, the smarter you think you are, the harder it hits you up side the head. Trucking will either mold you into another person or it will chew you up and spit you out."

I read on here somewhere that trucking has about a 100% turnover rate. This alone tells a thinking man a lot of things.

1) Apparently people don't like it enough to stay with it....not all of the 100% are getting fired for whatever.

2) The pay isn't what people think or are told (I read the part about recruiters 3x...they're about like my Army recruiter in the could you tell he was a liar ? Whenever he opened his mouth....)

3) I've noticed that ANY job that is advertised is usually one that most people don't want. Or.. at least in my area that's how its been the 30 or so yrs. I've been in the job scene. Seems the better jobs in my area aren't gotta know someone who knows or grandpa was in the trade etc. A buddy sucked them in etc. So.. I gotta wonder right off about all these "great" driving offers. Why are there so many ? Commerce is up you say ? why is there such a high turn over if $56k/yr. is the avg. pay for the trade ???

Ya gotta look any new prospect over really closely....there's a reason for reasons.....

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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OK....I'm here to learn. But,, I know how the guys laugh and snicker when I ask about a driving school. Not a one of 'em have went to a driving school. Nairy a one.

On another note...this $50k to start out the gate.... I'm reading deeper an deeper and seeing more like $ teachers here in IN. start at $35k.....thus,,, I didn't get my teaching license. Aint working for that. I know of guys running small scrap yards out of their garage doing that much or more. So..which is more realistic....$50k the first yr. or the $30k ?

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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I can't agree. Is this site to get guys to go to the schools at $5k a pop ? I'm starting to think so... done a LOT of reading on here....almost the entire site...every article.

Personally, I do not know of ONE...not one mind you, person driving today that has went thru a driving school. Not one. They were either "farm kids' that learned driving semis pulling grain trailers on the farm and on two lane roads around small farm towns ( troopers and ICC don't hang around these areas looking for me), were born into the industry and dad or grandpa taught them or ,,,and here's how most of them did it...just B.S.d their way into it after getting a CDL..having a friend teach them enough to pass a road test with whatever company they went to work for. The companies all pay nearly the big or small...there may be perks...but the pay is within cents of ea. other.

Face it...and this may tick a lot of you off...but the guys I know driving for a living are not well educated and exactly in the "smart" category. So....thinking there needs to be a way or these guys would be working the drive thru somewhere. Pass the road skills, have a CDL and a semi-clean record, know how to back the trailer and I'll bet you a dollar to a state trooper's donut that the company man will put you on the road. I know several who have even mastered getting by the drug test.

Sure, you may have to start out with a mom and pop outfit, documenting your mileage for a year or so...but after you've got this behind you...I'll bet there's not one company that will turn you down as long as you can verify your miles and good employment record. It's that simple.

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Is a training school REALLY necessary ? I'm seeing around $5k for the schooling....I'm still paying off a college degree at age 48. Why can't a guy get his CDL on his own (the written part isn't hard), have a buddy in the trucking trade teach him the driving part, maybe even go on the rd. with the friend to see how it really is, then once you have the driving part down, go take your driving skills test thus getting your actual CDL, not just the learner's permit, then start job hunting.

If the industry is as hungry for drivers as this site lets on...this would be a lot quicker and save a guy a bunch of money.

I'm not liking the idea of being a company's w _ _ _e for a yr. or more to pay off a driving school debt....of which I see there are numerous ways they can make sure you don't complete your obligation to them and end up having to pay anyway.

I've been thru two universities, & two trade schools....not looking to do it again as I've seen that none of them are what they're cracked up to be.

What's wrong with the "cut to the chase" approach I've laid out above ?

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Newbie truck driver - time away from home

Jeff L:

Sounds like you don't know when to say when. I'd def. not put up with all that crap. As I said, I have a self employment job at home that just keeps the bills paid that I can fall back on. then, I've got my formal education also. I've beat it out on my own too too many street smarts to let anyone work me like a dog. If I do this, they'll meet me 1/2 way or more, or I'll just go back to what I'm already doing. Read "Becoming a Truck Driver" on this site. He tells you that drivers have a lot of say in the industry and are in demand....or was when the book was written. Sounds like you're letting the company push you around a lot.

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Newbie truck driver - time away from home

Thanks INDY......but I am closer to Indy than Evansville....straight down I-74....about 1:45 from the Marion Co. line. I used to work in downtown Indy one winter for the USDA-Wildlife Services. I've got a buddy I can bunk with over by Speedway anytime I want to come to town.

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Newbie truck driver - time away from home

Oh...did I mention that I'd rather run west...SD, ND, MT, WY, WI, MN, Northern MI, ID, CO. Maybe midwest including KY and TN. Not much interested in south or northeast. I'm not picky am I ?? :)

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Newbie truck driver - time away from home

Thanks guys. I am unique in that I DO already have a small business in place. I've been in pest control for 20+ yrs....but that work has really slowed this year....constant one is outside to see that they have pests = no calls coming in ! So..I have income that is coming in, it's just that it's very, very slow.

So..if I had home time like a 7/7 or 7/4...that might work as I could have the wife schedule the pest work for the days I'm home. Also, I have invested in real estate yrs. ago and have a small amount of residual income each month that I do little work for.

Third, I'm a two-time university graduate. That along with my business skills of the last 20 yrs. shouldn't keep me pigeon holed in any career should I choose to start punching a clock again. In short, I've been on my own all my the cab of a pick-up truck. So... if I can't find the right trucking job, I'm not out much except my time looking and studying. At least that's how I hope it goes.....

Posted:  9 years, 2 months ago

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Newbie truck driver - time away from home

1) I'm 48 and thinking of getting into trucking as a company driver. As a complete long can I expect to be gone as a general answer ? I've been reading around the 'net and the general answer I see is "they want you to live in the truck"..... and "home weekends."

I'd like to be home weekends and say...1 day mid week or more often, but could deal with being out only 2 nights at a time. How realistic is this ?

2) Most jobs are saying 2500 mi. a week as an average...this is 500 mi. a day 5 days a week...or 10 hrs. a day at 50 mph. Now throw in stops to hit the toilet etc. looks like driving is going to be a 12 hr. a day, 5 day a week job to make the "$1,000 a wk" they all tease you with. Any help on these two questions ?

Thanks Fellers...

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