Graham, WA
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 9 years ago
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So I got off home time and we started back up. We drove a load that took us to springfield oregon. Took awhile and it was dark when we picked up our next. I thought I was fine to drive longer and it was my first time really driving at night. Well I was starting to get tired and I let him know. It was due to staying up late on home time with my son trying to keep him from crying. No questions were asked, no complaining and nobody got mad. He took over driving and got us another 2 hours down the road. Glad he did and he praised me for not pushing through and letting him know. I will be driving in the morn and am excited.
Posted: 9 years ago
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Ok so training has been going great, been practicing backing gor the past couple of days and working out minor kinks on my setup. Our 10 speed truck broke down so we switched to annother truck that is an 8 speed. I was doing great shifting, i can float up and down just fine with the 10 speed. We drove the 8 speed today and i can float up but i am having a difficult time downshifting with floating and clutch. Im not bringing it to the proper speed before shifting i believe. With the ten speed all i did was add the numbers to know the gear like i knew i had to be under 35 mph for 8th 25 for 7th 15 6th and so on. Now its quite different lol any tips? Its mainly downshifting in traffic or to a light. Hills i use rpm and when its getting low rpm i shift to keep it high...
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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So I havent posted in a min as some of yall may know I am out with my trainer. We got off to a great start and have alot of similarities. He is training me quite well and I am doing really good so he says. I have driven and nothin but compliments so thats awesome. Just watched him drive through the mountains and I am excited to try it myself. I love this job so far.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Ever looked into Interstate Distributor?
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Well, just passed my physical. Dont know why I was so worried lol.126/76 hahaha next step road test after lunch. Cant wait.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Yea, I wish I could stop worrying lol. I have alot riding on this. I have been struggling hard since getting out of the military and my family is counting on this job in order to not me homeless in the very near future.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Cant wait!!! Have orientation on monday but I am a tad worried about my physical, I want to get my career started already and I dont want to fail. I have a 2 yr card from school with long form but of course you have to take the company one. Not worried about BMI mine is 33 or so. Been working out all week but I am worried about my BP. It keeps fluctuating between 135/86 and 142/94. I know the first is passing and the second qualifies for DOT 1 yr card. Hoping they dont boot me from orientation if I only qualify for a 1 yr card ugh. This will be my first company physical and Im not sure how it works. Its with Interstate Distributor if that helps.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Well, I made my final decision today and there is no turning back. Monday I am set for orientation with Interstate. I am excited and I cant wait to get back behind the wheel.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Ha. I gotta learn how to do them dang emotes.
Posted: 8 years, 10 months ago
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It been a minute
Well, it has been a little while since i posted. Little update i have been solo for 2 months now and i am lovin it, the life anyway lol not my paychecks hahaha but hey i knew comin in and just starting i would not make much. Im not as scared about driving through the mountains anymore if anyone remembers my last predicament. Ice and snow still worry me though. Im getting alot better at the job but still have alot to learn. Im having fun. I love seeing new places all the time. I like my company, interstate distrubutor is treating me well and im averaging 2500 miles a week, that will pick up the faster i get at this. I hope to continue the path im on and will keep yall updated :)