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Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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56 years old and Starting over in trucking at 7:00am

Hey Bob, just wanted you to know that I went and took all 5 of the Texas test yesterday and passed all of them. The only studying I did was taking every test I could find online over and over. I took every test on this site several times. All I need to do now is my road test. I do have an interview with a company on Wednesday for a Logistics manager position. If I do not get that position I will be setting up my road test as soon as I can and then find a driving job somewhere. Good luck on your adventures.

That's GREAT News!!! You'll do great things. And news from around here:

Last weekend went to the open house at The National Truck Drivers School in Green Cove Springs Florida.

I was extremely impressed with the school. They have their own track that they teach the shifting on so you don't have to be dodging cars at the same time as getting smooth. Went for a ride with one of their trainers who explained that they let us drive until we are doing the upshifting and downshifting unconsciously. The way I used to do it when I was well practiced and it was so second nature it was like walking down the street. I did tell them the problem I had with screaming and abusive trainers at the last school. They told me that would never be tolerated there and it does look like an entirely different atmosphere and attitude. (A Professional Attitude.)

I signed up and I am going full time starting on the 21st.

I gave my notice at my job this morning and well, my boss hasn't answered.

I kind of expected that.

Anyway, I am really looking forward to going to this school. It looks to be staffed by professionals.

The last school (who will remain unnamed as they did promise to pay back my money) seemed to be manned by people who were terminally disorganized and out of control.

This morning I signed up to go full time to The National Truck Drivers School and am really excited about it.

My goal is to be far better than I ever was before.

With this training I know that is possible.

IF it becomes obvious that the first school is going back on their word of repaying my money then I will post who they are here and take legal action against them.

I am going to keep a diary of what happens at the 2nd school with a difference.

So that I can put my full concentration into the schooling I'm going to keep notes in a notebook and put all here when I am done completely. The next one is going to be labeled "56 and Starting over in Trucking Part II."

Anyway, the adventure begins again very soon.

Take Care

Have Fun

Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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56 years old and Starting over in trucking at 7:00am

An interesting weekend last weekend that ended with me withdrawing from the school. Here's how it went down: Saturday: Morning: Drove with a trainer who gave me glowing reviews. He even made a comment under his breath that I might be even able to pass the test right then. Upshifting pretty smooth. Downshifting still kind of rough but I am a perfectionist so it still was probably pretty good.

Afternoon: Talked with the school's director who asked how the day was going. I told him if it keeps going like this I know I will be able to graduate right where am. If I am not being yelled at I can concentrate on what I am doing and get it right. Did some backing maneuvers with instruction from a trainer and while I didn't think I did good at all he said it was as good as was expected the first time attempting to parallel park. He gave some suggestions about how I could improve and that was great.

Saturday was a good day.

Sunday: The morning: drove with an instructor who said right off the bat that since I was an ex-truck driver he was going to be harder on me than the other people. Drove and while I made some mistakes found out how to improve so the morning while not great was not a disaster either.

Afternoon: Got at the alley dock backing location. They teach how to do it an entirely different way than I ever understood how to do it. Anyway, The first time I got it in pretty much on my own. The second time the trainer I had that morning came over. I used the clutch too much so he started yelling really bad insults. Insults so bad that in a bar I would have knocked his teeth out. I ended up getting it in the slot but was shaking so much from suppressed rage that I couldn't even speak and I had to stay away from everyone for awhile. I am a professional so I will not allow myself to react to a situation like that while I am angry. Doing that winds up with me in jail.

I went home and had a roaring headache and talked it over with my wife. I've been losing weight and sleeping almost none because of suppressing all this rage created by being in a situation where I am being treated as a punching bag with no option of fighting back.

The next morning I emailed the schools director and told him I am withdrawing because of the unprofessional abusive behavior of his instructors and want a full refund of my money. He called. He said he would get it for me but it takes 14 to 21 days. We'll wait and see. If we don't I will take legal action. I also have spotted what appears to be a very professional school and am going to be attending a webinar with them tonight.

If I get the full refund as promised by the school's director then I will only give out the name of the school in private messages. If I don't then all deals are off and I will make this as public as possible to seek to damage the school. If I don't get my money back I will get satisfaction of one sort or another.

I did find out something about myself. I cannot just accept abuse and not do something about it without it having a big effect on me. I've gotten to the age where I cannot just accept being treated like dirt. On the bottom of my resume is the phrase, "I treat people the way I want to be treated." It is the way I live and that's not a bad thing.

The adventure continues.

This ain't over until I decide it is over.

I will keep you posted.

Take Care Be Safe

Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Passed my CDL-A Today

Hello Tom:

A very BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!! Goes out to you.

I know it wasn't easy.

You deserve all the praise that you get and even the ones you don't get.

Stay Safe!

Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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56 years old and Starting over in trucking at 7:00am

Just a quick word here this morning for the upcoming weekend:

I am going to the school this weekend with the attitude that I am getting behind that wheel as much as possible.

I know I need practice, practice, practice, be it going forward or backward.

Whatever I can do I am going to try to get behind that wheel as much as possible.

If the yelling starts I'm going to ignore it as much as possible. In the situation I am in now that's all I can do. I consider it unprofessional but since I don't have control of it I'll just put up with it.

I will get out of this school as much as I can!

One other thing. This is an update:

I talked to Knight Transportation. Their Squire Program and CDL school does look top notch with 'Professional Trainers' I talked to them and explained the situation. I filled out the application and have been approved. If I don't get the CDL A here I could go to their school in Phoenix and going through them get it there. If I get the CDL A here I could go to work for them here. As I explained to them, I just want options.

My attitude is, 'Prepare for the worst while trying to make the best happen.' If the worst happens I do have the option of going with them. If the best happens then I have even more options.

The bottom line: I'm just going to give it my all and see what happens.

All we can do it do our best.

After that it's in God's Hands.

And I'm not even a religious guy.

I didn't think I was going to put this much here but thanks for reading.

The journey continues.

Till Later.

Stay Safe

Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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56 years old and Starting over in trucking at 7:00am


Bad Bob, Been following all of your posts. I think we have all experienced a yeller at some time during training or as a driver. I've had to more than once politely and professionally remind the offending party that I am a grown man, put three kids through college and will not respond to or tolerate being yelled at for no reason. Fortunately it hasn't happened more than a few times in the four years since I started this adventure.

I think you are dealing with it as best you can and just remember at some point you will be moving on, while the hollering instructor will stay put, inflicting their venom on the next unsuspecting subject. For you this too will pass.

Keep your eye on the'll prevail.

Hey G-Town:

Thanks a lot for the good words.

It is appreciated. When I was younger I was kind of crazy. I guess I'm glad that I'm not that crazy now. I'd probably be dead or in jail. Now that I am older and trying as hard as I can to be civilized I find it's not all that easy some days. The last time I was in trucking (for around 8 years) I can remember only one time at a receiver that I ran into someone who was going crazy. It was a guy who was shuttling trailers around and screaming and yelling at everyone.

I just went in and talked to the warehouse supervisor and told him his guy was going nuts.

He went and talked to him and he calmed down.

Anyway, this is temporary.

These unhappy people will still be unhappy when I have gone on to something better.

Thanks again for reminding me this is only temporary.

Be Safe

Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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56 years old and Starting over in trucking at 7:00am

Just FYI, Bob: ive posted three complete diaries (school, road training and my first week or so solo). I got a few replies, but I also learned that also many other people read/lurked on my topics. Keep'em coming!

Thanks for saying that Errol. With what's been going on I was wondering if people were a bit afraid to respond because they could be concerned that their companies might be reading this. I guess that's not true. Just gotta keep going. The thing is, I know I can do this because I did it before. Just gotta keep going. In two days I'm going to be back out there doing what I can do to get the skills back and get that CDL A. Thanks again.

Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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56 years old and Starting over in trucking at 7:00am

Hey Guys and Gal:

Thanks for the replies.

It is a strange, strained situation.

I am going to do what I can to continue with the quest to get the CDL back (whatever direction that takes me) and just keep going.

There's really nothing else to do.

If I have to go to another school then so be it.

Right now I have practiced the pre-trip so much that while I cannot name every single part I do know every single part that needs to be inspected and what needs to be said about them. I wake up hearing "Properly mounted and secured and not cracked or broken and No abrasions, bubbles or cuts and it does not leak."

I may have been singled out now. I don't know.

The only thing to do is soldier on.

The thing is, I do not allow abusive people in mine and my wife's lives.

Now, the same kind of people who I avoided at the truck stops are being forced upon me as a price for me to regain my CDL.

I will not become the kind of person that I detest and as soon as I am past this step, will not allow that kind of person in our lives again.

This may be a price I will have to pay and if needed I will pay it.

Such is life.

I can't choose how other people conduct themselves but I can choose how I conduct myself.

Anyway, that's where it is now.

Eventually I will get the CDL A back.

Thanks again for your input.

Keep Being Safe! Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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56 years old and Starting over in trucking at 7:00am

Just a quick update:

I have talked to Knight and filled out the application to go through their Squire training program and am now waiting to hear back from them when the background check is done. There is nothing bad in my background so that is just a matter of time. I have also talked to several schools and have been assured by all that the kind of teaching the students put up with here is not tolerated at their school. (I hope they are telling the truth.)

Anyway, I am just opening up options if the worst happens and I can't graduate here.

I have not yet asked for my money back. If the situation gets worse then I will be forced to do that and if they don't do it I will take legal action.

I have also been kind of surprised that I've received no comments on this thread since things have gotten kind of bad at the school.

I am sorry if the truth is no all sunshine and smiles all the time, but the truth is the truth.

Anyway ...

Stay Safe Out There.

Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Does Knight Transportation use automatic transmissions?

Thank you very much for all this info Guys and Gals. This is extremely useful. With what I have been going through lately anything that makes this process easier to get the CDL A back is what I want to drive. An automatic would be a breeze to drive. Thanks again.

Bad Bob

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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56 years old and Starting over in trucking at 7:00am

Update Weekend 4: Alright for the sake of honesty in reporting I'll give you what happened last weekend and what I will be attempting to set up.

Saturday: Not so bad as far as the backing and driving today went. In the morning it was cold as hell here. Did some more straight-line backing. Again no problem.

In the afternoon got to do a bit of driving with an instructor on the road. Did great. Felt really good about the process. The shifting was coming back fast. As a matter of fact he said that I needed to stop floating gears since that is not allowed during testing. Later I told him that I didn't even know that I was floating gears, and that was the truth. He said I was doing it like an experienced trucker. I'd probably picked it up while driving before and never knew I'd learned it. I was shifting by the sound of the engine. Anyway, finished that day feeling good, like I knew I would pass the tests, get the CDL and get out on the road and make some money.

Sunday: This morning did a bit of parallel parking backing. I'd never done it before and was not very good. When the instructor (one who doesn't yell and insult the students) guided me in, no problem. When I tried it on my own I was just not very good. We took a break.

Although I was done with my eTreads lessons 9 days earlier they wouldn't let me and the others who were done take the test. Finally they let me and the other guys who had their eTreads done, do the test. Missed 2 out of 50 questions and scored a 96. Pretty damn good. (The eTreads are video lessons you watch and answer questions throughout that give you the knowledge that is needed to be a trucker. They are boring as hell but you're required to do them so you do. I do guess if you'd never been around trucking at all you would pick up needed knowledge.)

After lunch went out on the road with another trainer. I was put in a truck with 3 students who were testing for their CDL's next week. When it was my turn to drive I thought I was doing OK because the trainer wasn't saying much. I was being very deliberate and driving slow but we were on streets with traffic and I was trying to be perfect. Actually, I thought I was shifting as good as the other guys in the truck. I was told a few times to quit skipping gears and will say that the day before I was driving a 9 speed that I had no problem finding the gears. This truck was a 10 speed that everybody says is hard to find the gears. It seemed like mostly I was doing O.K.

I was nervous. Hell, I'll admit that. I was tense. After being yelled at my nerves have been ramped up.

It seemed like everything was O.K. (not great, but O.K.) until I was told to pull into a small truck stop and to not stop but just turn right across traffic lanes. Trying to downshift I missed some gears and had to stop in the turn lane. The instructor started yelling at me he told me not to stop. I was out of gear, in neutral so what else could I do. He told me to pull through the fuel lanes beneath the "Diesel." Directly beneath "Diesel" the lane had a fuel hose laying out in the lane. I didn't want to hit it so I headed for the one beside it. The trainer started screaming, "You have to listen! You have to listen!" I pointed at the hose and told him why I didn't go in there. By then I was stopped. He made me do a sharp turn and run over the fuel hose and go through that fuel lane anyway and drive over the hose.

He, wrote me up for not listening.

After being yelled at I was so angry I was shaking. Being yelled at is not a good way to learn anything and these instructors do it as just part of their way of teaching. In a little while I am contacting a company that has its own trucking school and talking to them. I want assurances that their instructors do not shout at the students. You see, I'm not the only one being shouted at here. I am trying to follow the instructions but being shouted is making my nerves worse, not better.

After I get done talking with Knight Transportation, and I am sure I will get assurances that their instructors don't yell at students, I will call the school's director again and say that I want my money refunded. If he doesn't I will go after them legally to get the money back. At the end of all this if I get the $7,000.00 we paid upfront I'll only give out the school's name in private messages. I figure that's fair. If they are civilized I will also be civil. If I don't get out money back I will openly post the school's name and go after them legally. We are consumers and do deserve to get our money's worth. According to the school's director instructors shouting is not tolerated. I guess we will find out.

Anyway, that's about it.

I will keep you posted about this entire journey.

Keep on trucking and be safe! Bad Bob

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