Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Cretes a great company been with them a little over a year now and have no complaints. Good luck
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Schneider Wm Dedicated or swift Otr
I started out on Walmart dedicated with Crete. Glad I did as a new drivers Walmart are usually easy to find and navigate through. Lots of backing practice and until your comfortable with backing tight spots at truck stops you can sleep at most Walmart at least in my area I could.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Yes. I am a current employee. I just got a new international with a 10 speed but the just got a bunch of freight liners with automatics. My buddy is in one of them and he loves it.
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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Texas. Got to go from lapiont to Dallas. Looks like there's one scalento worry about on the 45 but looks easy to get around
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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Paper work shows 44000. I saw that at shipper but quick math in my head. Truck weighs 18000 and trailer is just over 14000 plus the 44000 from shipper is about 76000. I thought I'd be ok but obviously the weight they put on the paper is wrong
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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Thanks Patrick. There's a part of me that wishes I would have kept my mouth shut and just went. Now I have made my company aware of the problem so not sure if I will get in trouble if I just roll with it in morning
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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I picked up a load today toward the end of my 14 for day. I made to a truck stop to scale it and get fuel and park for the night. After scaling I realize I'm loaded to 81560. Not good I know. I sent dispatch a message that I will need to go back to shipper to get some weight off in morning. They said ok. I didn't have enough drive time to get back there tonight or I would have. I tried to call shipper to let them know I would be back in morning and to see how early I could get in but they closed right after I left. Then I look them up on web and there web site says they are closed tomorrow in observance of Good Friday and Easter. The load only goes 270 miles and there doesn't seem to be in scale houses on my route. Do I dare go for it. I know it's risky but don't want to be stuck here till Monday. I know guys dodge scales all the time. Just curious what you guys would do.
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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It's not something I want to use regularly. Tomorrow the way my drop time and shipper times fall if I do a full 10 I will end up later to next shipper but if I just do 8 at consignee then I will make it to next shipper on time and I figure after my pick up I will only go as far as I need to to find a place to shut down and then do a full 10 to reset my 11/14.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Crete Carrier and automatics
I know they have some but my understanding is they put them in your truck if you make the bad boy list. I don't have one in my truck and hope to keep it that way