Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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I have two speeding tickets 15 over who will train me for my cdl
I stand by its better to be safe then sorry! AS I said before I do not know this for a fact!!! They will send you home on your own dime for not passing a drug test that is a fact.Swift as I have seen is the fastest way to become a solo driver most company's want you to be a team driver for a lot longer. You might like that but I would want to be solo as fast as I can. YouTube is the best way to learn the good and bad about a company. Just type in swift transportation there is so many people who have posted there experiment with the school thay went to.As I have Sean most people who started with swift are not with them any more most because of pay but a lot of them say it's a great starter company.
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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Do you have to take a road sign test to get your cdl permit ?
Yes one of many it is my favorite I also use DMV practice test.CriSt online training ,Driving- and a lot more I can't thank of online. I also got three cdl Manuel's from the library.I am going to go to a cdl school as well I just want to get my permit first.
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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I have two speeding tickets 15 over who will train me for my cdl
Did you gadulate high school ? If so you can get a 5000 $ pell grant from the government and not have to pay a dime back. You can go to any cdl school you would like. Once you get a cdl a lot of company's will take you and over look your past a lot more.
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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I have two speeding tickets 15 over who will train me for my cdl
I dont know this for a fact but I have read many forms. swift recruiting will tell you any thing to get you tru the door. This is the job of a recruiter. They dont care if you quit your job or have to waste 5 days of your life before they send you home. You will have to buy your own bus ticket back as well. If I was you a would call swift management,fax your DMV report and get a for sure on that they will take you.I am not trying to be negative I just don't want you to have a bad experiment like many others have in the pass.
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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Do you have to take a road sign test to get your cdl permit ?
Thanks guys! I been studying for about two mouths now. I wAs asking because I got a old cdl book from the library and it said I had to take a road sign test and get them all right before I can move on. This book was mad in 1979 so it's was old and out dated but I read it any way. This book was not my study book but it made me wandor. Thanks again for your time.
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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Do you have to take a road sign test to get your cdl permit ?
Not a road test yes I know I have to do that later along with the pre trip. I am asking if there is a road sign test before the general knowledge test thanks
Posted: 9 years, 4 months ago
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I have two speeding tickets 15 over who will train me for my cdl
Well if I was you I would call all of them you never know till you ask! CR England ,knight,crist,USA trucking,jb hunt,Tyson foods,Walmart all have schools and many more.your problem is the ticket you got in august it's so recent. It's not the company's but rather there insurance company's that make the rules. You don't have to go to a school to get your cdl .you can study go to the DMV get your permit then study the pre trip,how to shift gear and rent a truck for your skills test. I have two friends that went this way. One went to to rent his truck two years ago it was 250.00. back then texas did not make you do a pre test but that change and now you have too.