Profile For Bj H.

Bj H.'s Info

  • Location:
    East Texas, TX

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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    11 years, 10 months ago

Bj H.'s Bio

Just getting started in the trucking/CDL world and this site couldn't be more helpful in helping answer my own questions and bringing up new ones. The web-site managers are amazingly thorough and insightful. There is so much B.S. on the internet it is nice to know that there are sites out there want to help out and inform and not just sell you some sort of "get rich quick scheme". Any ways, keep up the good work and hopefully I will be getting my CDL soon and with y'alls help!!

Bought the App and its awesome!

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Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Any water haulers out there?

Landed me a job hauling water for the oil field in the Western Slope, Colorado area. I have never done this type of work. Any Water Haulers out there who can give me some advice, tips, links, etc? Any information would be helpful. Thanks!

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Hauling water, oil field. Need advice.

Luckily for me this job is home every nite. I know a lot of them type of oil field jobs can keep you out of town for awhile. My last job had a crazy schedule, it was a salary paid on call position. Lived in East Texas and most of my work was in West TX and East New Mexico. I would get a call at 4pm on a Tuesday saying to be in Carlsbad, NM noon on Wednesday. Texas is quite large, so you can imagine. I would get called out there and it's supposed to be a 2 day job and turns into a 2 week job. It was nuts. And before that I was Fracking, 2 weeks on 1 week off schedule. So being home every nite is new to me.

What concerns me out here is the mountains and then the mountains+snow+ice!! Also, Chaining up. I have never had to deal with these things. Have any of you had to handle any of these situations?

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Hauling water, oil field. Need advice.

I have lived in East Texas for 8 years and have had my CDL for 4 years. I have drove all over Texas, NM, Ok, and LA. I have been in all types of equipment including a tanker. So I am comfortable with that. I moved my family to Grand junction Colorado area (ya know, to escape the heat, humidity, tornadoes, family, haha!) and I got a job hauling water with a company out of Rifle, CO. So Ill be starting with them this week. Yay!

I have been in the oil field for 3 years, 1 year fracing and the last two driving equipment for a well plugging company but i have never hauled water so this is new territory for me. I would like to hear from yall, any personal advice/stories, links to more information, youtube videos, any thing yall got would be greatly appreciated and researched. Thanks.

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Looking for a Driving job in Grand Junction, CO. Advice, leads, help?!?

Awesome! Thanks Brett.

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Looking for a Driving job in Grand Junction, CO. Advice, leads, help?!?

Hello y'all, me my wife my son my daughter we are moving to Grand Junction Colorado to be closer to family. I have had my CDL for four years, with tanker and Hazmat endorsements. I am currently working for an oilfield well plugging company. I move equipment from well to well all over Texas, New Mexico Louisiana Missouri Arkansas and Oklahoma. A lot of miles.

Anyhoo, we are moving to Grand Junction Colorado in the next couple months just to be closer to family and escape the tornadoes and crazy heat from East Texas.

Does anybody from the Trucking Truth world have worked in Grand Junction, Works in Grand Junction? Just kind of getting some ideas on what kind of jobs are out there? Also, what is the area like? I lived in northern Utah for 30 years so I do have some kind of idea but I've never been to Grand Junction. Anyways love this site and I've havnt been here in a while but when I have any kind of trucking question I come here first because of the vast knowledge that y'all have. Okay I'm done, thanks:)

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Got my first ticket. 8 over, 73 in a 65. now what?

Well, it was definitely my fault and I take responsibility for it but fortunately, this company has lawyers for this type of deal. I did not know this. I also didn't know that if I was to get pulled over in new Mexico then to not sign their tickets that say to pay the fine. There are 2 options, pay the fine or go to court. My employer informed me to never, ever, sign the option to pay for the ticket. I wish I would of known this efore this incident but what can I do!? Learn from my mistakes, make a better pre trip, and don't get pulled over in new mexico!

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Got my first ticket. 8 over, 73 in a 65. now what?

Well now I'm not sure what to do. I got Brett tell me to get a lawyer I got other guys tell me not to get a lawyer. I guess one of my concerns on the questions that I have is how long does it take for those points to disappear? And how do I make them disappear? also concerning the lawyer how much does it usually cost or an average of what it costs?

Also this is going to be kind of funny, I forgot about the registration being out of date. So that's another ticket right there and that also go against my CDL?

And on a even funnier note, it just keeps getting better, the cops were saying that the trucks that this company owns are only intrastate and not interstate. This company is based out of Texas, and the ticket was in New Mexico, so that's a whole nother bundle of joy right there. I asked my boss if those trucks were d.o.t interstate and he said yes, he said that the cops made a mistake, but we'll see about that.

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Got my first ticket. 8 over, 73 in a 65. now what?

Yes and it is a $175 ticket

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Got my first ticket. 8 over, 73 in a 65. now what?

Yes, I agree about the lawyer deal. It does seem pointless to get a lawyer to fight a speeding ticket because speeding is pretty obvious. But what y'all are saying is just pay the ticket and wait for it to get dropped but I have a question about how long it takes for that ticket to get dropped and how many points are taken off.

Also, I was driving a water tanker and the cops were saying that my hoses were no secured properly so I'm wondering if that goes against my CDL points wise and how that affects my license.

I am also wondering if there's any defensive driving classes or any other type of class that I could take to get this ticket taken off of my record.

Posted:  9 years, 4 months ago

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Got my first ticket. 8 over, 73 in a 65. now what?

That speeding ticket is only $75 and I told my boss and they're not really concerned about it. My main concern is how do I get that ticket erased and what channels do I need to go through to get that done.?

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