Profile For Stormlover

Stormlover's Info

  • Location:
    Virginia Beach, VA

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    11 years, 5 months ago

Stormlover's Bio

I have over 20 yrs experience and think this is a great forum...Positive yet truthful...There are many issues in the trucking industry, but so many forums are full of haters and whining and crying solve nothing...Lets work to change the industry by communicating and if a company is that bad, by simply REFUSING to work there

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Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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My life as a rookie driver

I think we all have problems being thrown at us all the time....(no matter what we do for a living).....When you are on the road, it seems worse...It can seem like "you against the world" at times...Just do your best to keep your perspective...Hang in there..

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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My life as a rookie driver

I should add that when I was driving, I didn't have electronic logs...With the old paper logs, I could save hours and use them when needed..In your situation, I would try and take the 10 hr break there...If they won't let you, call your company and explain..Let THEM make the decision...CYA

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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My life as a rookie driver

Dave ....I always was "off duty" or in the "sleeper"while waiting to get loaded or unloaded...The only time it's a problem is if its a hand unload.....If you run out of hours at a shipper or receiver and they insist you have to leave, that's a problem..

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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After being gone for 12 years, I found out today that I'm going back to Schneider

Thanks Brett...I drove for them about 7 yrs and always found them to be honest and above board...Sometimes they didn't give me the answers that I "wanted", but I always felt they were honest answers....and for the most part, I think they treat drivers with respect...(Their are always exceptions, but thats been my experience!)

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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After being gone for 12 years, I found out today that I'm going back to Schneider

I'm pretty excited about it....Worked for 2 other companies since..One was hauling gasoline in a tanker truck and the other was driving for Toys R Us...Worked for Toys for 6 yrs and LOVED it...Would still be there except they decided to sell their transportation division to JB Hunt, so I've taken the last year off to check out other opportunity's ....I've found it difficult to match what I made as a truck driver so am now going back....Schneider was my first driving job and who knows, they may also be my last..Thanks to this web site and a year away, I feel a different attitude about going back....I start June 10th

Posted:  11 years, 5 months ago

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My life as a rookie driver

I think Brett said it well....Its the dispatcher that can make or break a driver...

Posted:  11 years, 5 months ago

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My life as a rookie driver

Dave...Always remember that YOU...not they..are the one in control.....If you have an accident or get a ticket, it is YOU who will be held responsible...not them...In fact, your company will disavow any knowledge of's my 2 cents...Just simply do the best you can......The" best you can" means being SAFE as well as legal...Safe is FIRST.......Allow time for traffic, a reasonable amount of time for meals, rest stops, etc....Figure it out and then you TELL "THEM" when you will be there......You can be NICE about it....but be FiIRM.........Always remind them that you will always do the best you can, but you will do it safely...and stick to it....

Any decent company will respect you for that....and if yours doesn't......You don't want to be there....If you don't do things this way, you will drive yourself crazy!!.......

Posted:  11 years, 5 months ago

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My life as a rookie driver

Yes...I told them the truth!....They said not to "make a habit" of it, but overall they were good about it...a few years later, I got ran off the road in Ohio by an out of control car and was stuck in a snow bank...and a year or so after that got stuck in a shippers yard in snow in NH....Things happen!....As long as you do your best and TELL THE TRUTH, most people understand...We ALL mess up from time to time....and sometimes, things happen that are getting stuck in a shippers yard, etc

Posted:  11 years, 5 months ago

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My life as a rookie driver

One time after I had been driving for about 6 months, I had a chance to go "home"..(The place I grew up near Albany, NY....I live in Virginia now)...Anyway, I decided to park at my Aunt and Uncles house..When I got to their driveway, I swung wide and ended up sinking knee deep in mud...I didn't realize that the ground would cave in like that...This was in the country..I was stuck for hours waiting on a tow truck...Meanwhile the road is completely closed...I'm lucky I didn't get a ticket and/or get in trouble with my company (Schneider)....but all ended see....Its not just "you"...We all have our tales!!....Good luck!!

Posted:  11 years, 5 months ago

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My life as a rookie driver

Hi Dave...I did all the above!!.....Stuff happens!

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