Aberdeen, NC
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 8 years, 12 months ago
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HoMe sick and neef Local job HELP
Hey guys I got my cdl for a month or so already but I been driving for 3 months OTR. I been getting home sick to the point I even thought about quitting and the fact that freight is slow and I seat for days at the time waiting on dispatch and I'm still with a trainer so I been looking around for a local jobs home every night or every day but I can't find anything. I'm from NC Fayetteville area so if anybody here kws of something please let me kW OTR ain't for everybody and especially not for me please HELP
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Sorry dude I press the "RED BUTTON" I didn't mean to. Anyways thanks for the advice. As soon as I get my CDL I'm start calling but for now I'm start to put a list together of companies to call and again thank you and sorry for reporting you
Also check your local gravel pits, many have their own fleets. Look for "Sand and Gravel". Belly dump is pretty straight forward, end dump is a bit trickier and you may need to put in some time and prove yourself before being allowed to run an end dump. There is also side dump but I have never used one. Also keep an eye on the trucks in your area, they will all have the company name on the doors, so you can see who runs what trucks and go from there.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Hi truckers. Ok so the main reason I wanted to get into truck is to drive akw W900 or a Pete 379/389 (who doesn't lol) with a dump trailer a small company local but I have no idea where to star looking for any jobs like that. Any suggestion?? I'm in NC. Oh BTW I'm not a trucker yet I'm starting sponsored CDL school Monday but I wanna start calling around and asking for requirements and stuff like that. THANK YOU.
Posted: 9 years, 1 month ago
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Hey guys. I start CDL school JAN 11 and I'm exited and all but I feel like I haven't herd much from Millis I guess is because they not that big of a conpany I mean I did my own research about them and I liked what I herd and read about the them and it souds like they will be a good fit for me but I wanna hear what somebody that actually drive for them has to say about them like what to watch out for and they dispatch and terminal and trucks other than what the recruiter told me. That k you
Posted: 8 years, 12 months ago
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HoMe sick and neef Local job HELP
Sorry for the miss information it really almost been a month or so of actual driving otr idk where 2 month with out my cdl came from thanks for letting me kW
Hey JV...I read your previous posts and have a couple of questions for you. You mentioned something about attending a company sponsored school about 6 weeks ago. Then you wanted to know about driving a Pete or KW dump truck, but hadn't started school yet. Etc, etc.
What is your actual status; did you attend a company sponsored school and are you currently road training? How have you been OTR for 3 months if you went through company sponsored training and only got your CDL a month ago? Not to pry, but in order for us to give you reasonable sound advice, it helps if we understand the big picture.