Profile For Jake H.

Jake H.'s Info

  • Location:
    Colorado Springs, CO

  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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  • Joined Us:
    9 years, 1 month ago

Jake H.'s Bio

I'm originally from Sanford, NC. Grew up on my paternal family's farm until I was 11, and ended up in the care of various family members afterwards because of reasons I don't care to disclose. I worked in construction for several years starting at the age of 13 ("under the table" until I was 18 of course) and after that worked in grocery stores and other odd jobs trying to get by. I met my current wife while working at Piggly Wiggly (one of the aforementioned grocery stores; if you're from the Southeast and you are taking the time to read this you'll know what PW is) and eventually decided to go into the Army at the "youthful" age of 32. I spent 3 1/2 years in the service and realised my mistake of choosing to become a construction engineer pretty soon as it quickly became apparent that that the active Army was doing away with this MOS. Thus, I was "almost" deployed three times, each of which fell apart at the last minute (After months of preparation) and I quickly became jaded with the situation. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking the Military as it was a great experience that I would not trade it for anything but it also wore on me I guess mainly because it is mostly a young man's game. Anyway; since getting out, I tried going to school but I find it extremely hard to concentrate on things like Philosophy and Sociology classes that require writing ridiculously long papers and I can't describe the boredom involved. Because of this, I have been considering a career as a truck driver as it will satisfy my need for adventure (for lack of better word) and it also seems to be very lucrative for someone with my work ethic. If I'm just dreaming then please let me know. Otherwise, I would appreciate any knowledge from the Trucker vets out there. I do have limited experience driving large military trucks and being away from family and friends is not new to me. I hope to learn a lot here, and if you took the time to actually read all of this, I thank you.

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Posted:  9 years ago

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Springs Truck Driving School, Anyone here been there?

I've decided to go for my CDL and I was wondering if anybody here has had experience with the aforementioned trucking school in Colorado Springs and if so, could tell me if they are legit? My GI bill benefits can pay for school so I'm not dependent on going through a major company for education. Just wondering about the creditability of these folks. I've done my own research on them already and the few reviews that are out there are mostly positive other than a couple of complaints on the BBB website. Reading these complaints, however, leads me to believe the individuals that filed them were just basically wasting the school's time at half-assed attempts to obtain a CDL. Any advice on this will be appreciated, especially if it comes from someone who has actually been there.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Best company to work for starting out?

Thanks for the info Guys (and Gals), I really do appreciate it. Oh, and hey Mountain Girl; trust me I have like 100 copies of that 214 in various locations. That the first thing I did when I got home after they handed it to me.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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New start with shaky nerves.

I'm not a trucker dude (yet) but I can tell you from my time in the service that big courage often comes from small packages. Don't ever underestimate yourself or what you're capable of. If it's really what you want then go for it. That being said; I will offer a piece of advice my uncle once told me: "Don't jump off a cliff unless you know what is at the bottom" It's an old concept but it stands the test of time.

Posted:  9 years, 1 month ago

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Best company to work for starting out?

I was recently discharged (Honorably) from the Army. I've been seeing a lot of trucking companies offering big bonuses to veterans for signing on with them and, being a pessimist; I never take anything on face value. I tried to go to school at first but I just can't concentrate well enough yet on writing papers and all that bull**** to make it happen and be successful at being a student. Even though I worked for years in the civilian workforce before I joined; you get so used to the military lifestyle that it is really hard to transition back into a "normal" work environment. I have been seriously considering driving trucks as a way to pay my bills and provide for my family and the money is a definite bonus. I was fortunate enough (or unfortunate, depending on opinion) to have never deployed during my enlistment. However, being Army, I am no stranger to being away from family and friends for long periods time due to field exercises and other training that is required for Soldiers. I was an engineer so I have limited experience driving large Military trucks but those things are far different than a commercial big rig. I don't really want to be OTR, I'm thinking more about regional but I'll go where the money is. I am considering JB hunt as they claim that I can use my GI bill benefits to pay for the training. Is this a good choice or are there other, better companies that offer the same? If I decide to go for it I don't want to be ****ed.

PS: I don't want to work for Swift as I have heard bad things about them, especially the camera in the cab bull****.

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