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Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Electronic record keeping and GPS

Hi lonny,

Il try to help, but take my advice with a grain of salt. There's a million ways to do things and you're going to have to find a way that works best for you.

As far as dvir, if you're talking about a post trip checklist, most paper logs have one on the back of every page that needs to be signed daily.

I've heard of electronics calculating your ifta, but I've always done it with paper and pen and now im used to it. You should download a form (the one I use can be found at

Scroll down its called MV2687 under ifta reporting. I use a new sheet on every trip. Record the state, odometer, location of fuel, gallons of fuel at every stop.

I do not use any kind of prepass.

If you're going to be running intrastate(within the state) make sure you have all permits.

Il be honest, at this stage of the game you should not be asking about Gps's. You should be very proficient and comfortable at driving because one wrong move will end you.

Good luck man.


Posted:  4 years, 10 months ago

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Electronic record keeping and GPS

I am pretty new to the trucking gig and I have a lot of questions. I have a '94 Limited Edition W900L so I will be running paper logs. I am looking for suggestions on the best way to keep track of everything. DVIR. IFTA, etc. Should I do it all on paper if so where is the best place to get what I will need? I have heard some GPS will track the IFTA. Are there good GPS systems that will help keep me off of roads I should not be on? This whole thing is going to be over whelming for a 60 year old new guy and I want to keep things as simple as possible, but I also want to have my ass covered! I am not going to be full time over the road. More local and regional short run stuff. Also what are some of ya alls opinions on prepass devices? Are there any that work better than others. My dad was an OTR trucker his whole life. One of the best!! He died before I decided to give it a try so now I am just looking for some K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) advice from the ones who know what they are talking about, True Truckers! Thanks

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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Fuel cards and company credit cards

To all who replied, I thought my question was pretty straight forward. Thank you to the couple of you who apologized for jumping the gun. I may be new to owner/operating, but I know how to pay my bills. The only debt I have is my house and it will be paid off shortly. I always pay my credit card off at the end of the month. I am just looking for advise on which cards give the best fuel discounts and such.

Posted:  4 years, 11 months ago

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Fuel cards and company credit cards

Hi, I am new to the game of Owner/Operator. Looking for information on the best fuel and credit card to carry. Thank you

Posted:  5 years, 4 months ago

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Automatic Chains

Looking for some opinions on the auto chains. Are they worth the investment? How long do they last? Good for every state? ETC...ETC Thanks

Posted:  7 years, 2 months ago

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Last minute dispatch?

Do all companies wait until the last minute to call you for a dispatch? I have been doing some turns on a part time basis for a refrigerated company. They call me an hour or 2 before they want me to go out. Is this normal for the trucking industry? I would think they surely know more than a couple hours ahead of time that a load needs to go out!

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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14 Hour Rule Status

Short answer is yes. It is important to manage your time properly. If you're tired, by all means stop and rest. However if you make napping apart of your routine, you'll find yourself out of hours quickly.

So does that mean if you are off duty at a shipper for a few hours that will also go against our 14 hours of on duty time? Thank you

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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14 Hour Rule Status

If you stop along a trip (other than the 30 min break) and go "off duty" to take a nap for a couple hours, does it still go against your 14 hours of on duty time?

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Trucking school certificates

Is getting a certification from a truck driving school worth the time and money? Does it really make a difference in finding a job? Especially for local or short haul jobs?

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Should a new driver take a 1099 driving job?

Thanks, Ya'll. I think I will go back and take the 160 hr full course schooling. I can get a grant from the county that I don't have to pay back and that way I'm not obligated to go OTR for anyone. Central Transportation in Denver said they hire straight out of school grads with certification and a letter of recommendation from the school. So there are probably other companies that will too. Thanks again to everyone. Lonny

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