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Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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I am in the proses of getting a divorce. I still have separation time to get through before I can even file. My husband never let me have a drivers license. So I'm working on getting that. I haven't had much drive time because I don't have a car and neither does the relative I'm staying with. But I have driven my cousin's truck and my brother's jeep. I hated the jeep, and loved the truck. I even thought it would be nice to drive the big trucks. My daughter is a teenager and I need to find a job that will allow me to support her. She will be fine with the relative if I go on the road for long periods of time. I just want to hit the road with my dog. Any suggestions on how to get started after I get my drivers licence? How much drive time do they want before they will train me? I am so very new to this, so forgive my seemingly stupid questions. Leaving an abusive relationship is hard enough, but starting over is even harder. I was a stay at home mom for 14 years. No experience other than childcare. I am 34 and I need to plan for my future since the future I thought I had, is completely gone. It's like I'm fresh out of high school at this point. No experience and no money. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.
Posted: 8 years, 7 months ago
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Starting over with nothing
Oh, Iv been looking into a company that allows pets. One is Jim Palmer.Does anyone have any experience with this company?