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Posted:  8 years ago

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Jusr remember a DOT officer CAN find something wrong with ANY truck.. Even a brand new one.

Being neat, organized, and having a great attitude will go a long way to appease any DOT officer.

True and my wife's boobs normally help although they wanna waste more of my day chatting with us ( really her ) it normally keeps them chilled out

Posted:  8 years ago

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Well, I'm sure everyone is going to agree that the smart thing to do would be to get it fixed asap.

But to answer your question, I have no idea what an officer doing an inspection would think, but looking at the regs, it just says that a fuel tank has to be attached in a "workmanlike manner". Apparently that's a legal term basically meaning that it has to be done right. So I'm guessing that what you have doesn't qualify. Does that put you out of service? I don't know.



Its strapped tight isn't that workman like Lol it's not like I tied a bow or something: )


Yeah, you're looking for someone with experience or some knowledge to tell you if it's legal, and that's not me. But like I said above, "workmanlike manner" seems to mean the way you would expect it to be done if you took it in to be repaired. You wouldn't expect to pay to have it repaired then come out and find nylon straps, so it probably doesn't qualify, IMHO. But maybe as a temporary repair that's secure it would be ok, I don't know.

In any case, I hope it works out.

True true but if u went and asked for the cheapest legal fix would this maybe be the way i mean just cause my ratchet binders are rusty and old and yours are brand knew do they not secure the same

Posted:  8 years ago

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My codriver with over 20 years experience said since a full fuel tank would weigh about 800 pounds and you have straps rated to hold over 6k pounds on it, you wouldnt get a ticket or be put out of service, however they would tell you to get it fixed quickly as they roll their eyes lol. I think you are okay to get down the road and have it fixed. Our shop mechanics said the same thing.

This is what I was thinking in my head but I was also thinking about that officer who has a stick up his azz or needs a quota... I know it's secure they know it's secure but because it looks like mcgyver put it together with parts from Sanford and son it scares me a little bit guess God made trucker path for scale skipping days like these Lol: )

Posted:  8 years ago

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I would imagine it will hold, but........a violation, or worse will cost you more than a shiny new mounting strap. Just my $.02

Well with a 500$ well 608$ ticket after my fairy tale loose leave log book wasn't current I may take your advicevi just don't see why it's not legal

Posted:  8 years ago

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Well, I'm sure everyone is going to agree that the smart thing to do would be to get it fixed asap.

But to answer your question, I have no idea what an officer doing an inspection would think, but looking at the regs, it just says that a fuel tank has to be attached in a "workmanlike manner". Apparently that's a legal term basically meaning that it has to be done right. So I'm guessing that what you have doesn't qualify. Does that put you out of service? I don't know.

Its strapped tight isn't that workman like Lol it's not like I tied a bow or something: )

Posted:  8 years ago

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Is it a Company Truck? Either way, I do not think DOT will look kindly upon it. I would call Road Service and get it repaired before I drove it another mile. If that sucker breaks loose you will have much BIGGER problems than a DOT violation. You could KILL someone with a 100 gallon fuel tank going through their windshield!

Whats the difference between two yellow nylon straps that ate rated for 6,666 lbs together securing the tank or a shiny metal scrap??? Is it cause the metal looks safer!! Secured is secured correct???

Posted:  8 years ago

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So, while running down 80 , me and the wife pull into the rest stop and I realize my fuel tank strap broke. Not having another fuel tank strap (cause seriously who the **** carries one of those) I secured it using straps that can hold 3333 around the frame and I used two of them my question is if I get dot'd can I get an out of service or a ticket or am I legal to run the rest of the week? Any help would be appreciated Thanks!!!!

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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What company to choose for paid cdl training

Awesome advice yeah I decided on millis and am talking with them right now if all goes well i'll be in ohio on july 8th. I like their incentives, home time, bonuses and pay so... I also didn't try to negotiate anything figure the easiest way to get your miles **** on which means your pay will suck is to rat on someone make it a hard time for your dispatcher or even start things within office by crying about things so I took your guys advice and didn't "Rock the Boat" and decided just to let it be and take the opportunity at hand. I believe that is why there is so many cry baby stories from people on the net maybe they ****ed off their dispatcher by whining all the time or did something else, hoping millis is an i'll scratch your back you scratch mine kinda place.

wish me luck hope I get accepted if I do I will definitely post on here since there is very little posts about millis and their schooling on here.

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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What company to choose for paid cdl training

Also ive found little info about endorsments received from eaxh of the companies whats normal hazmat and tanker??

Posted:  11 years, 4 months ago

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What company to choose for paid cdl training

Thinking throwing some money in and trying to negotiate a couple things on the contract with millis might be the fit. throw some money get a 6-8 month deal although i may miss year 1k bonus and try to get 2 home for 7 out its 1.5 now so not to big of a stretch and try to get a dedicated route off them. like their start pay like their incentives and bonuses plus taining is one state over. think i mightve found my fit.wish me luck in my negotiations lol if not theres always mct or knight.

anybody work for them or have any insite with perdiem vs none and practical route verse the other? guessing like anything else tthres alot of people with different opinions someones always gonna cry thinking the one way rips you off or theyre just set in their ways. so in other words was kinda just looking for facts or somebody who has tried both and has a good comparison on all of it not just somebodys set in their ways comment lol

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