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  • Warlock
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Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Got my CDL Permit n' Ready to Roll!

Now on the greyhound bus heading to Indianapolis as I type this. Already halfway there, will arrive to my destination probably around 9-930. This is it. My future us upon me! I'll try to do as much updating as I can throughout my experience here.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Got my CDL Permit n' Ready to Roll!

The best piece of advice I can give is to RELAX! The more frustrated you get at yourself, the more you will struggle.

School will be incredibly hard. Then you go to training. And that's even harder. Then they send you out solo. And that's the hardest of all.

But it's all a learning experience. If you make a mistake, learn from it! And don't make that mistake again...

But most importantly, HAVE FUN! This is by far the coolest thing I have ever done. And honestly, I can't imagine ever doing anything else!

Thank you, ChickieMonster! I do appreciate your advice and will surely will put 'em to good use! I do agree all of what you said.

I don't have high expectations, which I think is a good thing. I usually go with the flow and what happens, happens, and learn from the mistakes I make. I know for sure that after training, I have to drive team for approximately 6 months, and then I have a choice to continue team or go solo. I'd rather go solo after 6 months of team so I have my own space and privacy... Hopefully save some troubles along the way if the other driver decides to do a flip. lol I'll be sure to make it worthwhile during the team driving.

I will surely do my best to have fun in my new adventures in the trucking industry. I know there will be good times, hard times, and ugly times. However, I will do my best to make the best out of those days.

Congrats and good luck on the next part!

Thank you, Devan! I greatly appreciate it!

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Got my CDL Permit n' Ready to Roll!

Well I took my first CDL A Permit test and passed with flying colors! I am anxious and excited at the same time for going to school.. I'm planning to go to school in the earliest slot which is in mid-June.

I just wanted to say thank you to Brett and all the others for the useful and helpful information in the website and newsletter e-mails, the tools to study, and the courage. I know I don't talk a whole lot on here much and haven't been around much to be recognized, but I plan to hopefully stay in touch more in the future, talk about my adventures, and hopefully provide helpful information when I gain more experience. I have plans to write out my adventure throughout my time at school and on the road.

Overall, it's just one of the greatest feelings I have when I passed my permit test, and this is just a new beginning for me! If anyone has any helpful advice or insights, I would greatly appreciate it!

Thank you!

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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New guy getting into trucking

Well it's been quite some time since I've updated here... I finally got through the DOT Physical gates and passed it a month later when I first started it. The doctor's office I did it at took forever and it was just a PITA. Now that I have my DOT Physical card, I'm on to getting my CDL A Permit hopefully soon!

About two weeks ago I started working for a pharmacy, about 20 minutes from where I live, delivering medications to patients so I can make a little bit of cash before I head out for school. My recruiter was very understanding and helpful and stuck it out with me this long, so I am pretty pleased with that. PAM Trucking was pretty much my only option as I've tried to apply for others and they wouldn't accept me due to my work history (Termination on file in the last year) or never heard back from them.

I'll try to update y'all when I pass and go to school. I'm hoping for a better future to support myself and my family. I'm trying all I can and there's only so much someone can do with very little money and time. I appreciate all the support from my family and the members on this forum. I've been studying non-stop and continue to study before I take my CDL A Permit test. It's been very helpful using the system this website has!

Thanks again, Chris

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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Just a funny trucking picture to brighten your day


Lol I see these signs in central Virginia area by Richmond and Farmville. They're invisible unfortunately... I never bothered to test it either because I'm just too good to be bad!

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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New guy getting into trucking

Chris, it is actually a law that each time you start a new trucking job you have to go through the physical again. Weve all been through that same process as you, got our physicals so we could get our first CDL and then as soon as we got a job had to have another one. Fortunately the company picks up the tab on your next one.

Ok that makes sense. Thank you for clarifying that up.

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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New guy getting into trucking

With the exception of maybe one or two companies, all companies want you to go through their own physical in addition to your DOT physical. The tests for flatbed aren't bogus because it is extremely strenuous work and the company has liability if someone gets hurt. They are simply making sure that you can handle the physical nature of the job.

TMC and Maverick have very structured training programs. You aren't the first to refer to them as military style. But as a flatbed driver you and you alone are responsible for properly securing and tarping that load. Can you imagine a roll of copper coming undone and rolling off your trailer down the highway? That could have devastating consequences! So it makes sense that these companies are particularly stringent in their training as there is a high danger possibility to the public and the driver.

I should've clarified a bit what I was referring to. I wasn't referring to flatbed tests, that stuff I understand and don't have an issue with. It's just the fact of them going through all of the DOT physicals again, especially with the Maverick - hair samples, sleep tests, and all sorts of behind the scenes tests before you get trained for the flatbed division in their company. If you're up to date with your doctor visits and stuff and just recently getting your DOT physical test done, shouldn't they at least allow that?

I'm not trying to sound like I'm complaining about it or making myself seem like I wouldn't want to do it. Had I not gone through the DOT physical already, I wouldn't have a problem doing it. It's just the matter of fact that I'm getting short financially and I spent a good amount to get my DOT physical done already lol.

But on the other hand, to answer your theory, I would be devastated if my tarps or tiedowns fell off the trailer and caused a wreck. There's no doubt that I care about others safety as my own. I would want to be a safe driver than to be a reckless maniac in the granny lane lol.

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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New guy getting into trucking

Well, I just got off of the phone with the Maverick recruiting team. Spoke to two different recruiters and both were complaining they couldn't understand me with the phone I was talking on (iPhone 5s) - which is the first time I've had anyone complain they couldn't understand me. So I called back with my Motorola droid phone that I've had for a couple of years, and the last recruiter was able to understand me just fine. While I was on the phone with him, he stated all of the requirements to process with their orientation and stuff.

I have to say after that phone call and watching a few review videos, it sounded more like a military basic training than anything else by making people go through the DOT physical test again and a whole bunch of bogus tests to make sure you're fit for their company.

All I have to ask is why would I go through the whole DOT physical tests again when I've already paid to get into it in the first place?

So far on my list is PAM Transport which is already set in. Another company I've applied for is TMC Transport. Still waiting to hear back on my application. I'll keep y'all updated.

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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New guy getting into trucking

Chris, Download the Driver Pulse app on your smart phone. You can apply to lots of Companies and contact recruiters directly by phone or text message. Pretty cool. My Swift recruiter sent it to me.

I'll have to do that! Thanks bud.

Posted:  8 years, 10 months ago

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New guy getting into trucking

Chris, As far as communication goes with recruiters, text is GOOD. It is in writing. I have been communicating with my Swift recruiter almost exclusively with email since last year. I've spoken to her on the phone twice. I am sure they are busy people, with a computer in front of them all day. I always get a prompt response when I email her. Plus as I stated earlier, it is in writing. Good luck!

Hey Tractor Man, thanks for letting me know that it should be a good thing than something that I shouldn't be too worried about. The only thing I got a text from the PRIME, Inc. recruiter said to me quote on quote, "you don't have enough work history in last year? and only job you had you were terminated this will disqualify you at this time". I had explained in my application I put in with my history and the reasoning behind all of it. I guess it's whatever with them, at least I still have PAM Transport as my backup plan seeing as they approved me awhile back and was understanding of my situation. All I'm trying to do is to get back on my feet and support my family. I think there's been quite a number of other people that may have experienced that besides me.

Thanks for the good luck. I'll need it, no doubt!

- Chris

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