Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Thanks for the info! Funny song lol Peterbilt barber chair hahaha Loved that!
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Does anyone here have experience driving log trucks? I live in Maine and there are plenty of log trucks here but I know nothing about it. I'm just curious trying to keep my options open. I'm not sure if it's worth looking into, just seems risky to me. The only reason I ask is because my advisor suggested it as an option but I'm not sure I want to take advice from someone who hasn't actually done it. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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NTI Bangor, Maine... My CDL Class A journey
Day 4 (2 days ago)
We started the combination and tanker section of the course. We watched a video on combination vehicles then read the CDL manual portion of combination vehicles. We discussed the video as a class. We also discussed some things in detail and cleared up any questions we might have.
The instructor used some props that include the tractor/trailer knobs ( yellow diamond and red octagon shaped), brakes and glad hands to visually show the parts and explain the function and purpose. The combination section has been the hardest for me to grasp so far.
We then switched to tankers. We watched a video followed by the section in the CDL manual. Again we discussed and cleared any questions we had. We did 5 tests in combination vehicles and 4 in tankers. Did awesome with tankers only missing 1 or 2 each test on tankers and at my best I got only 1 wrong in combo vehicles and at my worst missed 7 :/
I like the tests because I go back and specifically study what I got wrong. I have my gf read allowed each question of all the tests ( she doesn't like it very much because there's almost 600 questions in total for all the quizzes put together lol) I consistently get all the ones I got right correct so I'm just focusing on the ones I got wrong, regional study the sections and review the next day.
Bad news... I had an DUI 8 years ago and found that it will effect my qualifications for some companies. Good news... I'm actively researching companies and found a lot I qualify for.
Other good news: this coming week we take a trip to the truck yard!!! So excited, one step closers to the trucks!!!! :) We will be putting our knowledge to the test on the trucks, not driving, but reviewing and testing everything we learned so far.
This has been a very good week so far and looking forward to Monday! At the conclusion of next week we will be done getting ready for the permit test and we will be going to take the actual test and get in the trucks the week after next!
I'll be back Monday!
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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NTI Bangor, Maine... My CDL Class A journey
Hey Rich!
It's just a Florida reunion I guess hahaha I love the heat, although I can weather the cold alright lol
This site is great for knowledge and I'll put this out there again: the High Road training has put me ahead of the game and now that I'm in class I see that the time and work I put in has paid off. I've only got to study my endorsements and brush up on the core material and that takes a lot of stress off.
I hope your schooling will go well and good luck to you as well with that.
Thanks for following!
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Thanks for the reply mountain girl. It's good to know there's some good direction here to work with and I have a chance to prove my worth. I'm feeling very good about things now that I've had some time to think and read the comments.
I don't know if it's worth doing but even knowing a company that has the 10 year policy with DUI I'll still put in an app just so they know I'm interested. Although I haven't read or heard that as recommended advice I still want them to know I'm here and interested. Meanwhile I'll get what I can get and work towards credibility like you said. Then after a year submit another app.
Looks like this weekend I'll be putting in some hours doing apps and see what comes of it... who knows maybe something good will pop up.
Thanks again mountain girl!
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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NTI Bangor, Maine... My CDL Class A journey
Day 3
Today we began with grading the open book tests. I did perfect on the first, OK on the second and missed 8 on the last. At least I know what I need to study.
We finished up general knowledge this morning and proceeded into the air brakes section. I love this section! I just seem to remember everything about it lol we watched some videos and had another class discussion. We read aloud again and discussed each part.
We then randomly watched a video on turning and backing. It is a welcome change up because at this point the guy in the videos were starting to put me to sleep lol
Near the end of our day we watched another video about basic control of the vehicle. We also started to learn about the Eaton Fuller 10 speed and it's specs on shifting and how to shift.
So far I haven't seen a truck but at least this is one day closers to it lol Tomorrow is the end of the week for the class and we pick up on Monday. We will be covering the combination vehicles and tanker sections tomorrow. By the end of next week we will be ready for our permit test!
So far I've gotten up at 5:15 AM to make it to class on time at 7:00 AM and let me tell you these 10 1/2 hour days ending at 5:30 PM with the amount of material we cover is exhausting but by Friday when I get to sleep in I bet it will feel well worth it lol
Another end to a good day :)
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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NTI Bangor, Maine... My CDL Class A journey
Day 2 (yesterday)
We began covering our general knowledge tests after having to study the section last night. We got 3 tests in total and I did pretty good. Out of 60 questions I was getting 2-3 wrong per test so that isn't bad.
We watched some videos that talked about general knowledge and explained things very thorough. We engaged in class discussions over the tests and videos. We also took turns reading out of the CDL manual and discussing each topic which is really helpful.
Our homework was to do 3 more general knowledge tests with open book. It was another good day!
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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NTI Bangor, Maine... My CDL Class A journey
Day 5 - 8
I've decided to combine most of this post because the first 2 days was reviewing everything as a class with some interactive class testing which was great. We are all doing well, some better than others but we are trying to help each other succeed which is the best thing about our class.
Wednesday we did the full hazmat section all day, doing the same routines as mentioned before in my other posts. Hazmat is VERY dry and I would recommend reading it to get an idea of it if you decide to go to any sort of trying, that goes for the whole book. Hazmat was the only section I did not read but wish I had because it was a little difficult to get into the groove of that section.
Today was a great day! We went over hazmat in the morning. We then focused on log book training and routing and map reading. The log book was pretty simple, we reviewed the whole 60/70 regulations in and out. We then had to plan a simulated route from our location to Yuma, Arizona. I managed pretty good and figured up the actual mileage. Very important stuff.
Since this was our last week, last day today, in classroom before we start in the truck yard Monday we took a final test... I did the best in the class!!!
WOOOOHOOOO!!!!! It's good to see my progress! We had 80 questions over the various chapters in the book and I only missed 3!
We ordered pizza and closed out our day and now Monday is the big day for 2 reasons... my permit test is at 9:00 and I'm nervous about it even though I'm doing well. I tend to have a bit of a blank out when I test but I'm going to go in confident. Also Monday we hit the road in the trucks! I can't believe it's finally here!
All in all a very good week and it ended well and now it's time to move from the classroom and into the truck yard and trucks to put our learning to the test and to learn more.
I'll be back next week with updates, have a good weekend!