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Posted:  6 years, 7 months ago

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The Benefits Of Staying With Your Starter Company Beyond One Year - article by G-Town

Great article. My story so far is a fast paced version of that. Lol. With the big company I drove hard but my dispatcher barely complimented me nor asked what I wanted for loads. Usually I would say whatever is best for revenue and getting me out. With my new job, I’m local, but within one year I’m on their special loads and get first dibs on certain loads especially hot loads because of my dependability. I did receive a phone call from the owner asking my opinion on a driver who keeps no call no showing or not delivering on time. They also have been including me in more company oriented details. I think it’s my grasp I have learned on trucking my short time by listening to the older truckers and understanding most things. I have been top 2 driver on the fleet at least 7/8 months with them. And I have the least exp next to their boy that just started.

All in all. Great article. Can’t learn or grow if you jump around.

Posted:  6 years, 8 months ago

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TMC Exit review and update on new company.

As some of you know, I started with TMC Transportation. I was trying my best to do a good update on the schooling but just was hard to keep up with. My apologies. I worked for TMC for a year. I will say that I am very grateful for the opportunity to work for them because I found my current employer because of a shared customer.

TMC was a good company. They honored what I was told by the recruiter 98% of the time. I was home weekly, generally speaking I was not forced dispatched. They kept me rolling and I had a good relationship with my dispatcher. My first solo month with them was really rocky. My truck was in the shop 4 times in two weeks for the same issue. Ended up making more in breakdown pay than I did with loads. However, my FM got me into another truck and everything went upwards. I did have some issues with them giving me loads that delivered 11-13 hours away for a Monday run that I wasn't pleased with because it did not allow me much time with family or even church. I ran it though because it was my job to. Plus if it got me through the house, then I wasn't going to complain. I did have a few close calls with four wheelers and did have a couple incidents. But overall, I ended up with a good 120k miles. I was near that mileage the last I checked with TMC. Before I quit, I was the top 5 on my FM's board. Which I was proud of. I made decent money and was trying this career out. I will say the only negative things I had with them, was the fact that I was instructed to schedule my wife to be induced with my daughter because it was easier for them to ensure I was home for it. Even kept me within 250 miles of home close to the due date, but also had a load removed from me because I was trending to do more than 5 loads that week. Is what it is. The other negative thing I have with them was the fact that I sent receipts in for essential items for Oversize loads or replacement parts. I was 4 hours from my truck and they wanted a receipt that I sent them 4 months ago otherwise I was would be charged for the items. That $150 killed my pay especially being off on paternity leave. Other than that, overall I would give them a 4/5. I would go back if I needed to.

Now, while working for them, I was picking up at a customer about 30 mins from my house and made the comment that I wanted to see my wife and daughter but couldn't because of the load. The shipper mentioned their in-house carrier was looking for a driver and to give them a shot. I called them and was told I needed 2yrs min of experience. However, the insurance put me on and I got a job working locally. Well, within a 250 radius. To say the least, I have been here since October and I have learned a lot. Especially truck maintenance, as well as the things TMC never wanted you to mess with unless you was specifically instructed to. This company does not tarp loads and hauls rebar and wire mesh. An occasional steel billet or steel fence posts for filler. It is a small outfit with 5 drivers. The owner, myself, and two other drivers. The fifth is the owner's son who just turned 18 and has his CDL. He stays within the state but he also serves as our mechanic. They do a lot of maintenance themselves or reach other if needed. IF they cannot do it or figure it out, they send the truck to the shop. As of today, I am currently at 54K miles. I make similar to what I did for TMC and earlier this year, before my 6th month with them, they bought me a truck of my choice. Since Marmons are hard to find, I said a w900. All of his vehicles are ELD exempt due to their year. Mine is a 97 and I think the newest truck is a 99. I had my share of oh man moments when I started because I was use to having a governed truck lol. Idk how many times I noticed my speedometer buried. I quickly learned how important cruise control is lol. However, I do help TMC drivers out and give them advice with loads. Some listen some mock me but when I get loaded after them and are leaving the shipper while they are still securing I do chuckle. I will say that they was right when smaller companies do become demanding. I am currently top 3 every week with gross to the truck. Even though I am beat out by the owner and his boy, the other guys have me beat in exp so I take a lot of pride in that. His boy usually runs two loads a day due to his restriction, which is ok, but I still love beating him and the boss lol. I am making the same percent as I did with TMC and at my 1yr mark, they have an incentive for pay depending on how much the truck grosses. IE 3200 pays 30% 4000 pays 35%. Anyways, If you have any questions, feel free and respond and I will do my best to help!

Posted:  7 years, 4 months ago

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Is this fishy or normal?

I'm making the change. My wife had concerns but they were answered by the company themselves. When I turned my application in the boss and his wife both were hospitable. After seeing their size, 5 trucks, my wife realized why they were eager. Matter of fact I was told after 6 months they would find a deal on my "ideal" truck. I got a text that the driver that I'm replacing, has the truck I want. So they went ahead and gave it to me. I turn in my truck next week to TMC. They tried retaining me but couldn't really match what the smaller company could.

Posted:  7 years, 4 months ago

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Is this fishy or normal?

Wife is probably a 2 against job. She understands that the one truck not running is probably the reason for their eagerness. And no 1099 or under table stuff has been mentioned

Posted:  7 years, 4 months ago

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Is this fishy or normal?

My wife seems a little alarmed by the eagerness. And they are doing 1-2 loads a day. Which honestly isn't bad. At least from what I've been told from other companies. And they are a legit company. Small but legit. Nice equipment too.

Posted:  7 years, 4 months ago

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Is this fishy or normal?

So I made it a year and almost with 3 weeks left solo driving, I've managed 110,00k miles so far. Not bad for a flatbed rookie right? Lol. I have been offered a job locally that seems like a really good opportunity. However, my wife thinks it's fishy because of their eagerness to get me rolling. I was told that they want me rolling so they can keep up with freight. Seems legit right? They are an in house carrier for two companies and don't go passed 250 miles. Since this is still new to me, should I be alarmed? I've hauled for their one customer multiple times and their customer told me to inquire with them since I live so close. Figured I would get some input on the matter. Thanks in advance!

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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TMC Transportation Class A in house Program

I've been solo for about 5 months now. It's not been bad at all. I'm around 55k miles to date. Not bad considering the few breakdowns I have had. TMC does not mess around when it comes to keeping their trucks rolling. There's been issues that I would be ok driving through but they would send me to get it repaired. Definitely recommend their driving school. Not many places will do it so cheap and actually get you ahead of the game. Do you have any questions Matt?

Posted:  8 years ago

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TMC Transportation Class A in house Program

If you want to ask any questions go ahead. I'm sure I have some knowledge by now lol. Even in my worst weeks I still made decent. My first truck was in the shop 4 times in my first month. Issue with emissions. I had the 579 which is a real nice truck. I loved it. My fleet manager got me into a different truck and my numbers have been great. She even said she saw an improvement lol I was like...I got a new truck lol. Even when you are down like I was this week when my 388's clutch went out, I asked if there was anything I could do. And I had to go recover a truck and I'm using it until mine is fixed. Seems like if something is wrong mechanically it's automatically fixed. If it's minor they usually try to hold off.

Posted:  8 years ago

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Owner operator

I know 3 months is premature. But I'm s numbers guy and I was just curious if my numbers listed above were in the right ball park. I understand that if you don't run, you don't make money. Just curious.

Posted:  8 years ago

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Owner operator

So I am new to trucking, like 3 months solo experience and my wife made a comment one day about me owning a business and I was like. Why not go owner op? She was like uhhh that scares me. I had a buddy who was and who he was leased to wasn't giving him enough loads and ended up selling his rig and going company. So I thought on this possibility. Granted I still know little but am learning, I was wondering if my numbers I've been watching have been somewhat accurate.

I work for TMC. And I know what they pay owner ops here. I used their percentage for what loads I've been getting. Here is my calculating numbers

75% of each load. Fuel surcharge ( I used .30 cpm) not sure if that surcharge is for loaded only or both bounce and loaded. 250 week towards truck payment. Assuming monthly payments are 1,000 .35-.40 cpm for wear. And 300-500/week for elogs and other items of expense.

Using these numbers my gross after fuel and expenses with these numbers have been 1300-2000. Which then a percentage of that would be put back for taxes. Am I on the right track? Lol I'm not jumping into it but if I can get an idea, maybe being an o/o won't be so scary for my wife lol

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