Waynesville , OH
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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I've had my cdl for 3 years but only have local driving experience and no otr experience.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Are there any kind of strings attached to the guaranteed pay?
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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I started looking into j Rayl transport out of ohio and they don't look bad. They offer guaranteed weekly pay and home weekends for everyone. If you want to stay out you can otherwise your home on weekends. Has anyone heard of this company or perhaps drives for them I would appreciate some insight.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Crete carrier and shaffer trucking
Thanks for the info Florida buckeye. If you get a chance let us know how things go for you in training.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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This is to you experienced drivers out there. I will be double clutching when I road test of course but for you veterans, do company's let you float gears when you road test or do they prefer you dbl clutch as well?
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Crete carrier and shaffer trucking
They are in here as well: Trucking Company Reviews
Considering your experience, if you progress quickly they may reduce your training.
Good luck.
I was hoping maybe if I did progress well they possibly would shorten it bit either way the extra experience could only help. Thanks a lot for all your help.
Posted: 8 years, 5 months ago
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Crete carrier and shaffer trucking
Would crete carrier and shaffer be a good company for someone not brand new to trucking just alittle inexperienced? If anyone who is or has worked for them could fill me in alittle bit that would be great. I have talked to shaffer and they would hire me but I'll be with a trainer for 8 weeks. I don't mind that but the training pay for the 8 weeks will hurt.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Part-time to full-time trucker?
Darren, that is actually a tough question to answer. Most companies will want a good solid year of recent over the road experience.
It may very well depend on your location, and how many LTL opportunities there are available to you. If there is a strong demand for those types of drivers in your locale you could possibly land a job fairly easily.
As a general rule, transitioning into a full time position for a person in your situation will probably require a refresher course in most cases. Many of the Major Carriers would be glad to have you after completing a refresher, and some of them offer it as a means to get started with them.
I appreciate the help. The school I went to actually offers a free refresher for life so I plan on doing that as well. Your years of experience along with a lot of other drivers on this site is exactly why I joined, thanks so much.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Part-time to full-time trucker?
I had written up some information about what companies are very likely to look for. I just deleted it all and will leave you with this instead, as I believe it is much more valuable information for your situation.
Get out there and spend your free time applying. Don't sit around thinking about it or posing "what if" hypotheticals. The only people who can tell you for sure if you are qualified and hirable are the companies that can give you the job you want. Go ask them.
Thanks for responding so quickly. Yeah, I'll have to get a hold of some companies.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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J Rayl transport
I certainly understand that and want to get as many miles as possible so I earn my keep. Thanks Sue D. And Old School