Central, MO
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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Born and raised on the family farm, where work ethic and integrity were demanded.
28 years of Law Enforcement and Safety have also taught me a lot about the world. Its time for a new career for something my family has always been involved in and now time for me to explore.
I love to spend time outdoors (hunting and fishing) and look forward to passing along my wisdom to my grand kids when the time comes.
Remember; always check your six (6) and if your not early, your late.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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I warned you I would be back. Running solo for Melton. Completed my training phase with a very good road instructor and assigned my truck last month. Wow what a ride so far. But, I sure enjoy the diversity of the loads and the challenges they bring. We sure get to see different facilities that dry vans and refers dont get to see. I believe I have found a good fit here expect a long and prosperous relationship.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Anticoagulants and Commercial Driving
I too suffered from the same condition. I am a lifetime member of the coumadin club. Some companies ran scared once I told them (for their own reasons). But I am currently driving for a major company that understands the medication and knows that I can handle the balancing act of proper dosage and INR results. Therefore, what I am saying that its possible to do. Just take care of yourself and maintain your diet discipline and whatever else you were instructed to do and you should be fine.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Already have CDL A, No CDL Schooling, 48 yrold career change worried about orientation.
Don't sweat the details!
They know you are a beginner, that's why they do the training thing anyway.
I've always said the best training I ever got was once they turned me loose in my own truck. Seriously, that is when I started learning how all this comes together. I had a nut for a trainer. He was able to teach me the things I needed to know about the qualcomm, turning in my paperwork, adjusting to life on the road, and communicating with dispatch. These are the things I didn't really have a clue about. Learning to drive a truck and being efficient at your job all falls into place during that first six months to a year of driving and getting your hands dirty at the job so to speak.
Relax! Do your best and prove yourself, not only to them, but also to yourself. Be careful and cautious and you will be just fine.
Old School is right. I started realizing that after my first week out. Though only solo for about 6 weeks, the advise is solid. Relax, if you let it the stress of things you really cant control will take over. Slow everything down, be cautious and do your best. It will come together. And most of all have fun with it.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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I ts been a while since being on the forum. I apologize for that but wanted to concentrate completely on my first couple months flat bedding.
Ive been solo now for 6 weeks and having a lot of fun. There have been both ups and downs. Staying busy and seeing a lot of country and meeting some really nice folks has been the up side.
Getting hit while parked at a truck stop and knocked out of service for 4 days waiting for repair is the down side. But the overall experience has been great.
I had good training and have a good support system with the company I am with. I look forward to a good year.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Sitting in eastern Montana with a broken truck...
I too, am broken down. Not as serious and for sure in probably better weather. But no fun being down over the weekend with repair hopefully completed tomorrow.
Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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Starcar, Highroad got me started. I used this site for all my study before going to CDL school. It turned out to be a great benefit. A lot of my research came from using this site and reading articles.
I am not sure how much time I will have during this week (or through my training). But will as soon as I can.
Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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Just a little update since I haven't been here in a while. After much research and discussions with recruiters, I leave Sunday for Melton Trucking. Finally have a direction and excited to get started. Will keep you posted of the progress.
Posted: 11 years, 4 months ago
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I feel your pain Geo. I'm on blood thinners and could not get passed the DOT with the company I wished to work for. They were very nice about the whole thing and since my past tests were inconsistent, I have to wait 30 days and get re-tested. once I get to a consistent level, I hope they sign off and we get going.
Posted: 11 years, 4 months ago
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Thanks Brett, I should have picked up on that one.
I recently obtained my CDL and took care of some things around the house that needed to be done before hitting the road. (a happy wife is a happy life) Getting ready to make my final decision on company in the next few days.
On a side note Brett, your forum, CDL training material and articles have proven to be a very useful tool for me. I hope that you plan on keeping it going.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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I'm back!
Well, I have to tell ya, I have enjoyed pretty much everyone I have encountered with the company. Miles are plenty. Communication is pretty good. We tarp most everything and get paid for it. Yes it sucks to deal with tarps in the cold. But that's the challenge you sign up for.
Would I recommend you research Melton to see if its a good fit for you? Yes I would. But you have to decide whats best for you.
You can private message me more questions if you like and I will help how I can.