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Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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From Teaching to Trucking - My Journey So Far

Coming to the end of another week on this training journey and it's just never ending apparently!

Today marks my 11th week of being gone. During this time I have not seen home, family, friends, pets, or anything resembling normalcy. I have to admit that it is a bit much. My life consists of a tiny upper bunk with barely any room to move - and it does affect you mentally - believe me, it's taking its toll.

I know many truckers do long stretches like this all the time but there's one difference here - only got paid for three of those weeks. I'm enjoying the job, love the company, despise the training, and just really ready for a break to at least go home for a day or so.

Still plugging away but mood and enthusiasm are taking a hit - hopefully it passes and this program can move forward - still about 19,000 miles to go - I feel like I will never get off this trainers truck but I know I will. Sorry to dump my frustrations tonight but it's a valid part of this process - anyone have any tips on how to make this a bit more manageable?!

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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From Teaching to Trucking - My Journey So Far

The first week of my 30,000 mile requirement is over. This week we got in just a little over 5,000 miles. It's still stressful and difficult since I have the same trainer but I do see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I really like the company and have enjoyed most aspects so far - the downfall has been the luck of the draw in trainers that I got. Still, at this point it is best to just grin and bear it so that I can start making all the calls.

I am getting to back the truck now. It sucks getting my head bit off or yelled at but at least I get the experience. This week it took 7 days to get a shower - nasty but I managed. When training is over I'll be sharing some of my experiences with the necessary people but at this point I just want to finish up with the minimum of delays. I can't take any more days or weeks of no pay and am at least getting what I need for this half of training. I've caught up with other trainees from my company and my experience has been the worst and not typical. At this point it's best to just stay focused, get what I need from this part of training, and then move on to being solo.

One thing is certain - I do not want to team or train when this over - going through this once is more than enough. Hopefully the miles go quickly as these weeks pass - will keep you posted!

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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From Teaching to Trucking - My Journey So Far

Well, get the dancing bananas out because I just passed the CDL exam - all the grief is so worth it!

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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From Teaching to Trucking - My Journey So Far

Well, still in the program. I am back at the terminal getting ready for the testing this week. Over a period of 5 weeks out I got to practice backing twice. Hit a pretty low point last night and this morning but got some practice in thanks to the generosity of another coach who was there. I got to do some practice and nailed the 90 and the offset several times as we worked through the afternoon. Tomorrow is more of the same as well as Wednesday with the test looming on Thursday. Very nervous but giving it my all to try to catch up to where I should have already been.

I'll keep you all posted but it's been a very difficult road for me and have had alot to overcome during this time. I'm determined to make this happen and am just taking the moves slow and easy to get through them.

Thank you all for reading and encouraging me. I really appreciate it!

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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And she is actually a he - yeah, it's not going anything like I had hoped- too many trainees and not enough trainers - in a situation that I can't get out of but making the best of it.

Llandros (the teach) just wrote in her blog that shes having a hard time. Someone needs to help.

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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From Teaching to Trucking - My Journey So Far

Still in this thing but I do have to say that it seems as if everything that could go wrong certainly has. I am in my 4th week on the truck during the first training phase - my CDL test is sometime in January. I also will be shut in a hotel ( it sure at who's expense) while my coach takes a 5 day home leave - won't be getting any practice at all then. As it was explained to me my training would be 1 week classroom (it was 2 - the second just sitting around waiting for anyone to have any time to help me with backing while waiting on a coach - not much practice at all) then 2 to 3 weeks road time (it will actually be at least 7 weeks until I test and even that may change) and then 6-8 weeks to do the 30,000 miles (my coach said it will be a minimum of 3 months for the 30,000 miles portion). I'm never getting my CDL or off this training truck it seems.

I wish I could say that it has been a good experience but it has not - what I have endured since day 1 has pushed me to my breaking point - have almost walked multiple times but continue to stick it out. I do enjoy the job and want my CDL but this experience has been difficult - I won't even go into the conditions on the truck but will say that almost 28 days in the truck I have had 4 showers. Went 48 hours without food and have been allowed to back the truck twice - my second choice company is really looking like the better choice but I am stuck in this. There's more - a lot more but I'm just trying to stay focused.

I don't mean to be negative but for those getting ready to do this understand that all experiences aren't good - trying to make the best of mine but quickly losing patience with this process. I could use the encouragement because I'm getting to a very low point and not sure what I will do if things don't improve dramatically.

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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From Teaching to Trucking - My Journey So Far

Yo Teach hows it going

Still in training and working towards my CDL - I won't lie, it has not been what I had hoped but I do love the job and focusing on getting through it - in short, training is a nightmare. I did contemplate leaving but am doing my best to get through it.

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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From Teaching to Trucking - My Journey So Far

I have not updated in a while but I am still in the program and just waiting on my trainer to get here to head out. I do have alot to update but will hold off for now. I will say that not everything was as expected or hoped for but I am still positive and moving forward. Still, it has not been without some hurdles.

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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From Teaching to Trucking - My Journey So Far

Monday, November 21st

The first day is over! Our ride came right on time at 7:00. Outside, we met the previous weeks students that are waiting on coaches. They offered some advice and were heading to the lot to do some backing practice.

We arrive to the facility and meet our instructor, Shannon. He's very nice and getting us prepped for the day. We find out that there was supposed to be five of us today but for some reason, there are only three. We see our names posted on the welcome sign at the door and I snap a couple of pictures of it!

First up is a brief introduction and a tour of the facility. We're in luck as both big bosses are in town today - we meet everybody. The lounge, the fitness area, the laundry facilities are all on the tour. We move upstairs and get to see where the fleet managers are working, meet Allie Knight (not more than a hello), meet face-to-face with our recruiters and then head back downstairs to the training room.

Next up is a pretty old but thorough video on air brakes. This will be a major focus for the rest of the day. With just a little time remaining, Shannon brings out an actual air brake chamber and walks us through the mechanics of how it functions. He lays it out very clearly and simply but then it is time to go.

Our first stop is drug testing. I had decided to not pee in the morning so by now (around 10am) I am dying to go. It was a quick test and then on to th DOT physical next door. All is going great until the blood pressure test. I failed it, but I was very nervous. The doctor does it again and it is dropping significantly. He says he will do it one more time in a few to see that all is good. This stresses me out a bit but it all turns out just fine - got my 2 year medical card and we are good to go.

Next, we head out to lunch (Taco Del Sol). It's a pretty casual atmosphere but we know that the written test is coming up. Back to the facility and it is time to go over some items likely to appear on the test. During this time, Chris from training comes in and gives a little speech that goes over the odds of getting through training, team training, and your first year. It's good info and fortunately, I had heard much of the same from reading this site.

Next, Shannon takes us outside and couples a trailer. He walks us through the process and we get to see the whole thing in action. Each of us get to crawl up in the cab and he reviews some of the gauges and the basics of the brake system. We all ride along as he moves the tractor to its parking spot. This is my first time in a truck and my first ride in one. That was incredibly awesome.

The theee of us get to work on some computerized testing and go over what we will test on tomorrow. Later, we work through the manual and quiz on some questions that might come up. The test is scheduled for tomorrow at 8:30 so we are trying to go through as much as possible.

Finally, the day is over and we head back to the hotel. This is where I am at the moment. I will be spending some time reviewing and working through the practice tests but need to get a good nights sleep. The next hurdle is complete not right up and I want to pass it.

Thanks for reading and will be back soon!

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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From Teaching to Trucking - My Journey So Far

Ok, I've made it to Montana! School begins tomorrow and I am ready. Have met two others in my class and they are really awesome - it's gonna be a great week. My iPad is dying so I will keep this short. I do want to give a little info on that 50 hour bus ride - just a preview for now though - I'm glad it's over!

Getting tired and I want to review some more before bed. Gonna be an early morning! I am officially changing my profile status finally!

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