Profile For Patricia R.

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  • Location:
    Fairhope, AL

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Team Driver

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Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Waiting on an express code

Thanks for the responses. Brett u are absolutely right about the weekend crew. I looked back at my dates on the calendar and every time I've had to wait it was because I had to wait on after hours or weekend crew :)

So I guess I need to start asking when I check in if there will be any extra fees so I can start the process as soon as possible during those times I'm stuck with the skeleton crew so I can save myself some frustration. I don't know why I didn't catch on to that pattern before now.

I love this sight. Everyone is so helpful! Having a sight like this definitely helps me as a newer driver make better choices in how to deal with frustrating situations. Its hard starting off in a new career with very little training and support from the company you work for. That's not a comment against my company. It's just the nature Of this business because we are out here pretty much alone managing ourselves and our time.

Thanks guys :)

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Waiting on an express code

I'm just curious to hear from people who work from different companies about this subject...

Its normal for me to have to wait 2 plus hours to get an express code when I'm at a shipper or receiver. Its frustrating for obvious reasons... My drive time is being wasted, my trailer was "released" 2 hours ago so my company certainly won't be paying me detention pay for my time they wasted, I won't get paid detention when I show up at my receiver late, etc.

I'm just curious if this is a normal experience at most companies?

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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I'm pregnant and a newer driver.

Unfortunately I don't have a choice In this matter now... I had the beginnings of cervical cancer about 7 years ago and had to get pieces of my cervix cut out. I can't carry the baby to term so the doctor said I need to terminate the pregnancy....

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Frustrated with my company!!

Hahaha.... I made it 3 miles from my next pick up and 1 of my trailer airbags exploded!! Could all these airbag issues I'm having be weather related?? Now that its warm outside....

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Frustrated with my company!!

I appreciate the advice. Im feeling much more calm now that I've vented. My contract is 9 months so I just have til October. I really wanted to be with my first company for a year, so hopefully things start getting better. I'm hoping to get into the flatbed division hauling pods before I move on so I can add that to my experience.

I'm just going to keep driving and hope for the best....

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Frustrated with my company!!

I have had issues the whole time. My paychecks have been wrong consistently as well. Its frustrating to have to call payroll every week and then wait to get paid. The past 3 weeks have just been especially frustrating with all the breakdowns on top of everything else......

I can tell you that I do communicate my concerns in a professional manor when I have issues. I was in customer service a long time before I started trucking. I always wait until I'm calm before I call. I always treat people with the same respect I would like to be treated with.

I am trying to stick it out. I feel like this company treats people however they feel like because they are churning new drivers out so quickly and often, that everyone else is replaceable. I took the train the trainer course my 1st week of breakdowns because I had the time and I enjoy better pay helps, but I kind of feel like training ppl that are just going to quit in 1 to 3 months is kind of a waste of time.

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Frustrated with my company!!

So I went to school with CR England on January 1st. I got my CDL 6 days later, did orientation, and was out on the road by January 15th. I love this career. I started doing this because I have some financial goals I am trying to reach in the next 3 to 5 years....

My frustration about my current situation is the company itself....

I am almost at 6 months (I've had 3 days since 1/15/17 off...all the other time off was a rolling reset ) I don't ask for time off because I'm out here to drive miles. I manage my time very efficiently, I get a lot of miles in...especially with being governed at 60/62, I am on time 99% of the time, blah blah blah....

All that being said, I don't understand how a company like this can afford to have such a blatant disregard for how they treat their employees. Office employees have been rude several times, I was broke down a total of 1 week out of the past 3 weeks and was paid $50 for layover, im on my 3rd truck in 3 weeks, I have spent countless hours in the past 3 weeks getting trailers fixed because no one can afford to sit and wait with broken equipment and only get paid $25 a day, at $25 a day its like they are encouraging drivers to just drive broken equipment....

I understand that in this business you will have good weeks and bad weeks, equipment breaks down over time...

I am having a very hard time staying with this company right now. After 3 weeks of very little pay I was asked to pick up a load yesterday that a driver was supposed to,pick up the previous day and was told I would drop it at one of our yards because it would need to be rescheduled. I agreed to dropping it in the yard in Illinois but let them know I was waiting on a load to salt lake city because I had a medical procedure being done in 2 days.....

After I accepted the load I was told to drive it to its destination in Wisconsin and that I am a work in appointment.... I have now been here for 11 hours which is all unpaid time because the load was late before I even picked it up. I have to sit here for another 1 and a half hours because no one at After hours in my company can give me an authorization to pay the late fee they are demanding before I am allowed to leave.....

This is like a normal occurrence here. I am so frustrated right now!! This is just like the icing on the 3 weeks ive just made it through. Ive been telling myself that every other big company is probably just as poorly managed as this one with the same kind of problems, but every day its like the frustration just keeps getting worse. I hate bad mouthing anyone. I made my mind up that I would start with this company with an open mind and form my own opinion. The opinion I have so far is that I should have listened to the reviews online because I am struggling right now. I am going to try to make it another 3 months, but I'm getting to the point of snapping. I can make more money at McDonald's than I have averaged the last 3 weeks....

Any advice??

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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I'm pregnant and a newer driver.

I got my cdl at the beginning of the year and have been driving with my company for a little over 5 months. I found out this week that I am pregnant. It was very unexpected news as im not supposed to be able to get pregnant. I'm 35 and single. I can't find any info on my company website about any kind of policies in place for pregnant drivers. I don't want to call and ask anyone because I'm afraid I might be discriminated against at some point. Has anyone on here driven for a company while pregnant? I need some insight as to what I might be looking at dealing with if I decide to have a baby...

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Cr england utah starting on 1/3/2017

Today is day 8 pm the road with my trainer. During your 1st 180 hours of driving u make $10/hr. On duty not driving is your state minimum wage.

Luckily my trainer rocks and let's me run my clock out everyday as long as I feel safe to drive!! This has been an awesome experience so far. My biggest challenge was driving out of Brooklyn new York back to Pennsylvania. We just dropped our 3rd load off in Phoenix this morning and now we are headed to cali!!

It looks like there are plenty of miles to run if your willing to keep driving. I heard a lot of ppl whining about their miles, so I'm going to assume that they don't get them because of their own personal work ethic issues. We always have a new load to pick up days before we drop the load we are carrying. My time management skills are definitely being tested. I'm here to make money though so keep the loads coming :)

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Cr england utah starting on 1/3/2017

Ok guys. My 1st trip out today with my new trainer.

80,000 lbs Up a mountain In the dark

Made it fine. I'm exhausted and going to bed. I will update tomorrow!!

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