Profile For Mathiasinthe573

Mathiasinthe573's Info

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    Columbia, MO

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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    7 years, 9 months ago

Mathiasinthe573's Bio

29 - Husband - Father

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Posted:  5 years, 5 months ago

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Witte Bros. Exchange/Witte Driving School


Sorry for the delayed response. Don’t log in since leaving the industry, just happened to see the email that you commented.

I personally had a good experience with Witte until I left for some major health issues I had pop up. They were always fair and supportive with me; I enjoyed working there. I worked hard and didn’t complain much, which probably helped. The guys who were opposite of me, tended to have much less happy experiences, but I’m sure that’s everywhere.

Pay was pretty solid, but not as good as some other guys I ran into out on the road (TMC and Maverick especially). Hometime was second to none for a new driver though. Every weekend. This made up for slightly less pay to me.

I really liked the school instructors. If it is still Andrew and Troy, they’re two of the most patient and knowledgeable guys I met anywhere.

My one complaint is the old Cascadias they started us in, mine broke down every week. The trailers ****ed me off too. The tires would regularly need replaced because the guys before me were not doing thorough pretrips and I’d notice giant bulges, broken belts, and bald tread. They were always quick to get me back in the game, but it got very old.

Anyway - like mentioned, it’s always a mixed bag and everyone’s experience will vary; even based on factors not under your control. If I had to do it again, It’d still be a 50/50 between Witte and Maverick.

Hope this helps and best of luck no matter what.

Hey guys, I’m signed up to start trucking school with Witte Bros. May 28th. Finding mixed reviews online, plus I’m a total rookie brand new to the game. How is Witte Bros. As a company? I’ve been hearing you can get screwed pretty good by some companies. Any information you have helps. Thanks so much!

Posted:  7 years, 5 months ago

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Witte Bros. Exchange/Witte Driving School

Figured I should give an update after my first month solo.

It's been an adventure. Full of highs and lows, as to be expected. I've made my share of rookie mistakes, but as long as I've been open, honest, and asked for helped - my fleet manager and everyone at Witte has been more than understanding and helpful.

I grossed $950 my first week and over $1000 every week since, this week coming in over $1100. The pay is as advertised, if not a little better. With Witte it's all about how hard you're willing to work and how smart. Manage your clock and your trip planning well, plus be willing to unload and break down your own freight - you'll make plenty of money.

I've only had one minor mechanical issue so far, my poor truck had a radiator leak and got backed into twice in the same night at a Nashville area Pilot. So - last week I had to have a loaner, but the shop made quick work of her and got me my 'Donna' back. (I named her after Donna Summers, because she will survive).

It's a pretty brief update - but I wanted the world to know it's going well and Witte is a great company to drive for.

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Traffic Around Atlanta

Absolutely - my preference, too. Just wasn't possible this time. My last delivery the night before and my first delivery that morning were spaced out just enough to get in a 10 hour rest and drive time with a very small buffer. I was pretty much forced to drive during rush hour. I could have taken an 8, but then I ran the risk of not having enough time on the other end of my appointment. It all worked out though.

My advise would be to not drive around traffic time if it can done. Sometime you just get stuck doing it but. If I have the option I will not drive thought big city's between 0500-1000 then about 1400-1900. I will shut down early or get up late to do this. With alternate route you need to think about slow speed limit. Stop and go in the town's. It's not always faster.

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Traffic Around Atlanta

Well - since it was my first time through Atlanta, I have nothing to compare it to. So I'll just say, that in hindsight, I wish I had taken my alternative route. Took a little more than 1.5 hours to travel 20 miles around Atlanta at 07:30.

Hey TT friends -

Second solo week starts tomorrow. First off to the Nashville area for 4 deliveries (I'm LTL) then SC via I-24 to I-285 to I-85 around Atlanta. I know the bridge that collapsed is inside the zone we can't travel - but I'm curious if anyone has an update to how the traffic has been around the area with all the rerouting? I'll be crunched for time and I'm considering taking GA-92 and GA-140 to I-85 to bypass the potential mess, if it's a fair amount of delays.

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Traffic Around Atlanta

Hey TT friends -

Second solo week starts tomorrow. First off to the Nashville area for 4 deliveries (I'm LTL) then SC via I-24 to I-285 to I-85 around Atlanta. I know the bridge that collapsed is inside the zone we can't travel - but I'm curious if anyone has an update to how the traffic has been around the area with all the rerouting? I'll be crunched for time and I'm considering taking GA-92 and GA-140 to I-85 to bypass the potential mess, if it's a fair amount of delays.

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Recent personal vehicle rear end accident. No one will give me a chance...

Where are you located driver? It's not for everyone and they don't hire from everywhere - but the company I work for (Witte Bros. Exchange out of Troy, MO) is pretty reasonable with folks as long as they're honest. Worth talking to them.

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Witte Bros. Exchange/Witte Driving School

Hey I was Wondering how your first week went.

Sorry for the delay. It's been busy. Week 1 with a trainer is in the books. Bit of a crazy week, but it was productive. We kicked out Tuesday afternoon. Met at the terminal in Troy and got my stuff moved into the tractor. Got two cabinets and half the fridge. Not bad, very accommodating of my trainer. Makes my life easier these next few weeks.

I won't bore you with all the details - but the skinny is we did only truckloads this week since we kicked out later in the week off the normal outbound LTL schedule. We ran a couple of loads around IL, then went out to Ohio and we had a 8 hour layover before delivery. Our Fleet Manager asked us to swap trailers with another driver to help a load make its appointment in PA. We obliged. We had a return load get cancelled by the shipper and ended up in NJ before getting back into Troy around 13:00 Saturday. We kicked back at at 15:00 Sunday for a normal LTL run around Indianapolis.

Focus from my trainer the first week was to let me get comfortable behind the wheel and help me gain confidence. He has been very supportive and answered a lot of questions and given sage advice of how to be successful. I did about 60% of the driving in week 1 (would of been more, but we had to run as a team to get back to MO from NJ - which is highly unusual). So far in week 2, I've done 95% of the driving. Both weeks - I've done all but a couple of the backing/docks.

I've been learning peoplenet and paperwork and it's pretty straight forward. Getting used to life on the road is a little easier with his advice, still a little homesick for my wife and daughter at times, but we need me to provide.

All in all - I'm enjoying my time with my trainer. Enjoying the journey and looking forward to the future.

Any specific questions, just ask.

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Witte Bros. Exchange/Witte Driving School

Sorry, Gary.

Somehow I stuck my answers into the quote section when replying to your last comment. But the answers are there. Let me know if you have any more questions in the coming months.

So far - I'm extremely impressed with Witte and glad that I chose them. Let me know when you make it in, I'll have to stop by the school and introduce myself.

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Witte Bros. Exchange/Witte Driving School

It took me a few days to get back to you but I was wondering what you thought of your trainers the facilities where stay and if you took the cdl test in Hannibal I was told that I would take the test in Quincy IL since I am from Il. thanks for your info

1. Instructors: Andrew and Troy are great instructors. Very easy going, patient, and thorough. Genuinely care about their student success and are willing to help or go above and beyond to help you succeed. They have figured out a great system to prepare folks to take and pass the skills test in their first shot. I am extremely impressed by them and thankful to have had them. Everyone in our class that made it to test day, passed the first time.

2. Facilities: The facilities are dorm style. Three bunks to a sleeping room. You will likely have a roommate, they try to pair you up based on personality. I never had any issues with any of my roommates. They strive to keep it clean, but it does come down to everyone cleaning up after themselves and respecting others space. We had a few small issues, but nothing that wasn't quickly solved with a conversation. There are showers, laundry facilities, a full size fridge, a microwave, satellite tv, and extremely comfy couches. Walmart, Aldi, and Kroger are all a few minutes away by driving - tons of fast food and local restaurants to choose from. They have a company car that you can borrow during the day time to go into town, which is convenient. So, sure it's not a five star hotel, or even a holiday inn. But, it's clean, comfortable, and convenient for 5 weeks. I couldn't complain.

3. I'm a MO resident - so I tested in Hannibal. The instructors said that it's actually a little easier to test in IL because the format is the same every time - so you know what maneuvers you're going to have to do. Regardless of where you test, Andrew and Troy will make sure you have the tools to pass the test.

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Witte Bros. Exchange/Witte Driving School

I would like to talk to you about Witte brothers training I am scheduled to start June 12th thank you.

Happy to answer anything I can - ask away.

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