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Posted:  3 years, 1 month ago

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How To Overcome Nervousness During CDL Testing

I said on the diary page to you; step back, evaluate, give your self a day to clear all the negative trash from your head and if possible practice.

On which page did you state that in my diary? I didn’t see the reply there? Or was this response meant for someone else? I know from this thread that I am SO glad that day is FINALLY behind me.

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Thoughts on newbie starting in winter

I would advise on getting started anytime. Winter is only one season, and it's probably not as bad as you may imagine in your head right now as a perspective driver. I started my driving with CRST during the winter months and survived, so you can make it, too! It can be a challenge but many days out here are a challenge all by themselves.

Personally, I prefer the cold months! Why? There's less traffic, no bugs on the windshield, no sweating, much less construction, and the scenery always looks different with snow on it.

If the weather gets too gnarly, stop and park. It's as simple as that. The company and the customer would rather have the load arrive late and intact over never and in the ditch. I have never had any pushback by anyone in dispatch after I send in a message of, "The roads/wind/traffic is getting too dangerous for me. I'll keep you updated once I'm rolling again."

^THIS for sure.^

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Anyone @Pilot in Weatherford?

No sorry Weatherford Texas




Looking for assistance if anyone can help me bleed the air out of a 2007 Chrysler Pacifica?



We have a Weatherford in Ohio; I'm not far..

That the right one??

~ Anne ~


Thats not too far from where I am from originally. I am originally from Fort Worth.

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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On the road training question

I understand that after school almost all companies require students to spend some time or a certain number of miles with a trainer or finisher. I also understand the first portion of that time or mile is done as a solo truck with the trainer being awake and in the right hand seat while the student operates the truck. My question is this. I've seen some companies have a policy about occupying the upper bunk while the truck is in motion, so do they expect the trainer and student to share the lower bunk during team phase, or how does that work during training?

You are correct, but durin the solo phase, once you are done with your shift, the trainer will have you park the truck SAFELY and LEGALLY and y'all both sleep at the same time, the trainer in the lower bunk and you in the top bunk.

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Thinking About Leasing With Prime


Real Diehl

Didn't know about the new policy and that's awesome honestly. That's really all we wanted lol. Now that we know that, I don't think leasing will be something we do. There is a lot of responsibility that comes with it and I don't want to have worry about Fuel, Lumpers, repairs and a truck note. Honestly when a time does come where we outgrow company,I'd rather see if I could go through Freightliner or Peterbilt firsthand to lease.


If hometime is your main concern, why not stay with PRIME INC and see if they have a dedicated account they can put you on that will get you home more often?

Also forgot to mention: Stay COMPANY drivers.

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Thinking About Leasing With Prime

Real Diehl

Didn't know about the new policy and that's awesome honestly. That's really all we wanted lol. Now that we know that, I don't think leasing will be something we do. There is a lot of responsibility that comes with it and I don't want to have worry about Fuel, Lumpers, repairs and a truck note. Honestly when a time does come where we outgrow company,I'd rather see if I could go through Freightliner or Peterbilt firsthand to lease.

If hometime is your main concern, why not stay with PRIME INC and see if they have a dedicated account they can put you on that will get you home more often?

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Thinking About Leasing With Prime

Hi guys. Newbie trucker here, 6 months in and me and my girlfriend have been considering leasing with PRIME INC after a year. But what concerns me is Success Leasing which kinda seems like a scam and the fact that I've heard that one of us would have to be company and one the lease operator. Any advice? Thanks alot

Stay Company drivers if you don’t want to wreck yourselves financially. ALL lease programs are scams to favor the company.

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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Mom died tonight

Thank you all. Had too drive 1600 miles back to prime. Cit is taking 2 days to clean out my truck... Then flying home Saturday

I have arranged most of the funeral arrangements by phone. Thanks for.your support. I received a ton of messages and emails... But I am not ready to talk to anyone. Sorry The last 6 months or so have been very trying and if disconnected from so many people because I didnt have patience enough to deal with anything. Even friendships. Sorry

No need to apologize for anything. This job has kept me disconnected from the world because I am way to darn busy all the time. Anyway my condolences and one thing I know is your mother was one lucky lady to have such an amazin daughter like you. She will always be with you in spirit.

Posted:  3 years, 2 months ago

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The Sad Loss Of Our Friend "Rickipedia" Rick Stern


Rick Stern, known fondly as "Rickipedia" here at Trucking Truth, recently passed away. Rick was an influential contributor and supporter of Trucking Truth for over ten years!

The following is a statement from his good friend:


So who was Sick Rick?

Born September 12th, 1960, passed July 6th, 2021, Rick Stern, AKA Sick Rick, was a legend in many communities.

Rick was a recovering member of AA, sober for 20 years on December 7th, 2020. While that should be enough to give tribute to a person, it's fair to say he excelled at anything he put his mind to.

If you needed a computer fixed or had a tech question, Rick was the guy you went to. He has forgotten more than most of the so-called experts can remember.

Rick was into guns and wanted them to be PERFECT. So he learned gunsmithing.Again, he forgot more than most gunsmiths know.

After twenty-plus years in the tech field fixing computers and network problems, Rick was ready to hang it up. His goal was to drive trucks cross country. So he studied, and he studied some more and got his CDL.

Rick became an expert in the trucking community ( having never gotten that trucker's job ). He learned driving skills, laws, and regulations. He did what he typically did in Sick Rick fashion….. He got involved in the community to help and passed his knowledge on to others. I know that his personality could be …. rather harsh. But he was there to help, for free and for fun. He put his ego aside… he was here to help and assist every person on this board.

Love him or hate him, Rick Stern was a brilliant and articulate human being. He called you out on your **** when he had to but helped you through your problems whenever he could.

Rest in peace, my brother.

Your friend Huck (Gravedigger)


Rick was truly one of a kind. He can not be replaced. 

I am especially fond of Rick because he believed, as I do, in giving people the cold, hard facts and unfiltered opinions they need to make the best decisions for themselves. You may not like the answer and you may not like the straight-shooting style, but you could always count on getting the very best information Rick had, and his best effort every time.

Rick is a legend at Trucking Truth. Rick put in so much hard work to help our community for so many years. He volunteered his time because he wanted to be part of the community, and because he cared. I will forever be grateful to him for that. 

The last exchange I had with Rick was an enjoyable and spirited conversation about the government, the schools, and today's society, followed by several pictures of his incredible collection of firearms. I laugh about that now with fondness, knowing it was classic Rick and an appropriate ending to his last chapter with us. 

Thanks, Rick, for everything. You will be missed, but never forgotten. 

Sadly and sincerely, 

Brett Aquila
Owner and founder of Trucking Truth 


I’m in total shock here. Rick was one of the most LEGENDARY (Caps in his honor) Members/Moderators on here. His extreme wealth of knowledge was totally unmatched by anyone in this industry. Now my anniversary day with CRST will live in TT infamy. He will be truly missed anywhere on here. One thing though, he will always still be with us in spirit.

Posted:  3 years, 6 months ago

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Need Suggestions

Hello, I no longer drive but I am case manager at homeless shelter in Las Vegas. I have some guys with clean DL looking to drive. We run into problems since some have not worked in a few years, so companies will not hire them. Can you suggest companies that may take them on and train to get there CDL? Even with limited work history.

Thanks and as always, stay safe! Mike

Not sure but have them give CRST a shot.

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