Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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How big was your truck driving class?
You be suprised how much drugs and the bottle over take peoples lives .... Til one day they say hey man im gona get me a job driving truck .. But self says to self hey but you been smoking a crap load of weed ( for example) for like ever .. Ahhh it'll be ok - ill pass i got this . Guess again cowboy .. partying days are over - you need to stop at least 120 days before considering going to cdl school....... if you want to pass the drug screen.. And even then - don't consider going and smoking that crap again if you get hired cause randoms are a b*tch if your caught . Unles u get lucky and get a company that will take a second chance with you IF and only if you go to rehab.
Now Brett, you mean to say there's folks that would be less than truthful on there application or even fail a drug test that they know is coming??? I am shocked.
Ya know, one time I had a physical and drug screen at 8:00 a.m. and part of it included a breathalyzer test. I asked the guy, "Are you telling me people who are trying to get a trucking job sometimes actually fail a breathalyzer test at 8:00 in the morning???"
He said they sure do. Can you imagine?
How can people be that dumb? It's hard to believe the world is full of people that want to work but don't want to give up a drink for 48 hours to get that job. Is it stupidity or do they just not care?
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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i dont like philly and ny city as a prospective new cdl driver simply for fact of cars parking on street both sides and alot of streets are 1 way and or tight. Its bad enough trying to navigate thru philly in a car as someone who doesn't frequent it alot. as a soon to b driver it makes me even more nervous alot of people look for easy targets for bump accidents . and a new driver is easily spotted and they are like game on.
just make sure you pay attention to the no parking rules on street signs . Don't need to see the truck on PARKING WARS Philly edition lol ..
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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im not trying to say quit gaming entirely - But reduce the amount .. the original poster pretty much sounds like he's a serious gamer.. Ones who are known for playing hours . Nothing against them what so ever .. But once you start driving your gonna realize the following ... One day your gona either over sleep or Your gona play all night and your suposed to be driving the next day . Not a good thing.. understand 11 hrs of driving in a 85 thousand pound rig puts stress and makes you tired while working... 3HRS of your 14 hr day is wrapped up in your pre trip , post trip and lunch and breaks , and misc non- driving duties .. I am still in school my self for another 5 wks yet .. granted i really have no foot to stand on talking about this but from what my teacher has taught me is your gonna be tired after driving 11hrs ! .. He said do your paper work and get your shower and a hot meal and hit the sleeper berth.. you could opt to spend 1-2 hrs (3 max ) doing calls home or internet time or "gaming" but ideally you need to get your sleep.. Truck driving is a lifestyle. Your not gona be home alot . 2/3wks sometimes longer if you want it ..
as for me i am gonna chase the $ i don't own a home nor rent a place anywhere .. I've been living in a friends basement was paying 500$ a month to live in there ... but being outta work for so long i'm in a hole deeper then the nastiest lot lizard you can come across . i have no ties here in the state i live in no family or gf here , no place ( of my own) So i'm pretty much a "free bird" .. ideally i am gona put what little i own in storage once i make money on the road and take somethings in the truck and road it is . im trying to get money together to buy a nice little spot with about an acre of land with a nice pole barn to put my rig in and some "toys" once i start making a check..
I wanted to suggest something of the sort as well, but I know a ton of people would dogpile on me about how I'm not a truck driver yet, so my insight can't possibly right, and if it is, it's just pure dumb luck. :P
I also imagine there is sometimes a lot of time to kill? Personally, I'm not at all worried about home time, and the truck will be my, "home". I'll need something to do while resetting the clock!
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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i took a dot physical 3 wks ago. Dr said - i have high bp , need eyes checked , and He took my neck measurement and said oh ya you need a sleep study for sleep apena cause my neck is big. I've gotten eyes checked , and glass's now .. Just seen my dr last fri for bp issue .. he gave me a script for that plus he took blood work ( rule of thumb for new patient cause drs are nosy ) . monday past they called and said dr wants to know if you want to try a new script for cholesterol i said ok. So now i have script for bp and cholesterol and a vitamin d12 ... i took my sleep study - 1st time they got details .. then said i needed to come in to do another based on the results... The second test i did last thursday eve. that is to see what my machine will need to be set at for me. today i called them and asked what is up with the machine and all . its in the insurance programs hands now to say yay or nay on giving me the machine.. I think that i'll get it tho.. so as it stands today i have a 3month dot card (errr paper) now .. i guess i have to get a physical everytime it expires or ready to expire to get a new card ... IDK.
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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honestly your not gonna havve the time to game like you did at home. i KNOW its easy to wrap your self in a game and be lost in it for hours without even realizing it ... You have 10hrs of down time . you just spent 14hrs driving time ( well 11 hrs plus 3hrs for breaks, lunch, and load checks etc) .. you will be tired- you need to get your shower , eat , and get some sleep cause before you know it you're due to be on the road again.. Your reset 34 hrs will fly by too , especially if you tend to catch up on sleep -its easy to sleep on your reset and not get anything home life ( if you get home) done like cut grass , paint , repair or build something etc. Time management is something you have to learn to do .. Sounds like you've mastered being a gamer to pretty much professional level ... and that does eat up time esp playing over the net with multiple players.. Might be best to learn to skim it down ween yourself off the gaming so long on a constant basis.. once you start driving you will see how you feel towards end of your "shift" of driving .. i'd bet you will see that you will want to get in your bunk after a long day of driving..
im not trying to down you by anymeans.. but i think you're gonna have to start getting yourself adjusted to trucking life quickly.
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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Orientation with CCC Transportation (Comcar Industries)
new cdl Student with 5wks left (grad date may12th.)
Comcar's Mtc divison is talking with me ... They were determined ( i guess all of the recruiters are who come to the driving schools looking for students) To talk to me badly on the phone ... I called them today.. My down fall? not having experience with having potential employers who are looking call me about possibly joining their company.. The recruiter said that she currently has a reefer position avail in my area .. Asked the usual thing that any recruiter asks when do you graduate? i told her may 12th. she was telling me they have 3 and a half days of orientation and then i'd be set up with a trainer ... Orientation is in the ATL! Perhaps i might get to see my uncle while down there idk. So anyways she said that its 38 Cpm for reefer truck and they average anywhere from 2100 to 2500 miles. orientation pay is 100$ per day .. training (with trainer ) 100 a day or $500 a week starting off ... Looking after the phone convo - i was looking at their panfelete and it says with trainer $ 630 a week ... And solo .35 cents per mile with guarenteed weekly minuim of $ 735.00 a wk... Um - thats kinda different then the .38cpm and 500$ a wk with trainer ... but why would you back step 3cents per mile once on the road after training? so am i asuming that 730 weekly pay would become into effect once i get on the road on my own?
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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How big was your truck driving class?
in my class we're endin our 4th week (10WK course yikes!) . when we started we had 21 students.. now we've lost 5 students. one guy right off the rip of starting class ( like within 2 days ) quit or couldn't do it for some reason or another .. And 3 this week 2 were a m/f couple .. something with his license or personal problems took them out they left mid day tuesday . monday one guy from cleveland had to put the brakes on the schooling cause he couldn't handle the weighing both school and work ( he was driving 1.5hrs to and from school. and was consistantly late to class every morning 1/2 hr . another guy this tuesday who hasn't been there sense monday hasn't come to school tues -thru thurs... they give you like 32 hrs something like of missed class allowance then your on probate .. you can't make up that time if you go over 32hrs .. so we're down to like 17 students . there are a few other students (like 3 besides my self ) whom i dunno if we're gona pass whats left WE'RE learning..
not tryin to jinks us but i know i'm having some difficulty..